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Everything posted by DeathclawSlayer

  1. i don't know how to answer you, but during that quest i had the summonable specter and the swords that you can conjure up. so i had him out and the swords out too during the whole quest. guards didn't notice a thing....
  2. i picked argonian because of histkin, actually looks like a dragonborn and i thought they looked cool anyway.
  3. My thoughts are that you should have a customizable background on the default with the option of none. also if the homepage was the forum homepage.
  4. my problem is that I don't want to be a werewolf because I just don't use it unless I need to get away fast.
  5. Thanks, I am done with all the others and I was confused about the skyrim wiki's explanation. Question though, what do you recommend on doing with the game when done with all the questlines and want to use the same character?
  6. Hi, i am stuck trying to get that quest going and what are the prereqs? im doing malloys mini-quests and im on 360. thanks
  7. Hi, Does Eso replace fallout 4? I am very confused about that because 'obviously' very attached to that. If not can you point me at a good source for F4? Thanks
  8. I killed lydia in the daedric quest. she was annoying.
  9. Look, I realize that there is no chance of remarrying unless there is a update. but, does someone here have a direct connection to someone at Bethesda/Skyrim?
  10. Well, thank you for that. I will use it to the best I can. Also if you cast water-breathing in shallow water with equilibrium running at the same time then you will have illusion brought up semi-fast. Also, are all the walks with all systems? i have the 360.
  11. i signed up just to say thanks. EDIT: Can you verify that this still works? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPptDffzM1Q
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