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Everything posted by Musclemagic

  1. Great post Dyon! I feel like 32 unresistable damage is much better than 42 resitable (shock or w.e), even against someone with base mRes in medium. +530 armor on one ring is complete bullshit.... I cannot see any reason now not to go Light Armor. One of those makes the difference between light and heavy base armor rating with ease.
  2. Weapon damage modifies Poison Arrow, while it doesn't change Silver Bolts. If using a decent weapon at all, Poison Arrow's better against anything other than daedra/wolves.
  3. ESOhead's wrong. Soul gems drop very often in dungeons, if you run enough dungeons you will never have a shortage. You can max out 6 skill trees by 50 (2 weapons, 1 armor, all 3 class trees) But you need to do it right, or you will waste time in one way or another and hit 50 without reaching max level in your trees.
  4. Both are good, I bought GF at same time as friend next to me bought GMG. USA customers.. no problem either way. You can pre-download prior to launch, and it downoalds from eso official site.. so don't worry about differences, they both just email you a code that you enter on official eso site.
  5. Just kidding. I just think it's interesting that PC and PS4 versions of Imperial Edition don't say that internet's required...but for some reason in the bottom-right hand corner of the XB1 version's image it says internet's required. Does XB1 still have bullshit going on with their DRM? edit: http://www.amazon.com/The-Elder-Scrolls-Online-Imperial-PlayStation/dp/B00I056QDC
  6. Sorcerer's have "Bound Armor" which just increases their armor by X. DK has Spiked Armor, Molten Weapons (though that just kind of turns weapons orange). Templar has..yeah.. spears, like Irons said. Nightblades have things like "Assassin's blade" which shivs a target with a magic blade.. There are many more examples, but conjured actual gear? That doesn't seem to exist.
  7. I have 8 extra keys to the people who PM me links to the hottest nude or clothed female they can find. If you send me multiple links you'll be disqualified. Only the 8 hottest girls will win, so choose wisely.
  8. Someone asked me what I think the best way to level a healing Templar in light armor is. I thought more people might be interested in this response so I'm posting it on here: For solo PVE there are typically 2-3 enemies at a time that you'll be needing to kill, so small area AOE DPS is king. Just being careful to balance the offense with efficient defense. If I were you I'd just use restoration staves and not even get a destruction staff, because the damage (with passives) on restoration staff is better..as well as pretty much everything else about resto staves. If you do only use 1 weapon type (resto staff) then you could level up your other abilities a tad quicker as well. PVE BAR- (This is fine with both group and solo PVE) Grand Heal (Healing Springs Morph) - Weapon (Healing Springs is better because you won't have much MP to spare as pure MP at low levels.) Sun Fire (Reflective Light) - Good damage/cost ratio 3-person AOE Puncturing Strikes (Biting Jabs) - Great AOE, it's up-close but it's okay because as a healer you will be fine surviving--you just need to put out good damage while solo-questing in order to maximize level speed. Rushed Ceremony (Honor the Dead) - Doesn't cost much if target's less than 50% HP Annulment (Dampen Magic) - Decent absorption shield, better when used against spell casters, but it's not that great in PVE. The only reason to take it is so that your armor skill level raises at the same time as your other abilities. *Radial Sweep (Empowering Sweep) - SOLO PVE Great damage and you could definitely use the armor bonus. *Rite of Passage (Remembrance) - GROUP PVE The perfect extra heal for the whole group when your Grand Healing isn't enough and there's more than one target low for Rushed Ceremony. Usually only one target will be low enough to need a big heal at a time, so Rite of Passage is more of an "oh shit" button. PVP- Your bar here is all about personal taste/playstyle and what you have available at the moment... Whatever you feel is the best, usually is the best for you. I'd use *Nova (Solar Distubance) ultimate though, because if you put that snare down in a passageway it's one of the better ulltimates in the game.
  9. This is another reason why I plan on using the PS4. I like limited UI, but I'd gimp myself by not using these combat mods on PC. It's simply a huge advantage, but because everyone has free access to it I do think it's fine....I just don't personally enjoy it as much as limited UI.
  10. Love the idea! Then guilds can make a Twilight reenactment Machinima!! BAHAHAHAA
  11. 1 weapon damage = 1 weapon damage for weapon attacks. The formula for abilities varies based on the ability, but usually expensive or abilities with cast times scale better than cheap/instant abilities.
  12. The only real problem with it is that you won't level up in mage's guild. Luckily for me, the only thing I want from mage guild is the Persuade passive. XD
  13. If you get a skill tree to level 50 by cLvl 25 or so, then you'll be wasting experience by using that tree from then on. It would be a waste of time, when you could level things up evenly or switch to something else. The point is that if you do want to use a specific ability for a long time to come, don't max out that skill tree because then when you use that ability it will have no benefit for your progression within that tree. Make the build-plan good enough to be able to spread it out and still be good in dungeons/boss fights/etc. You have two bars, so it's not going to be hard to make a bar that's good enough for 2 specific situations. There's no "bad" abilities really, so you are not better off necessarily getting a level 40 abilty as you are with a level 1 ability.
  14. I was thinking it too, but no-- there are set books available, you are suppose to collect them all to get achievements and they all do specific things.. I plan to write down dense book areas, like mage guild, then revisit those--but pick up the random ones in obscure buildings when I see those while leveling. EDIT: Min/Max is what's fun to some of us.
  15. Yeah, I've got my whole leveling to 50 routine down like a boss. To best level weapons you'll want 2 weapon abilities on each bar from different weapons, one of each class ability (including one of them as ultimate), and your armor ability as soon as possible. Example for Leveling Evenly, to avoid end-game lack of efficiency: Weapon #1- Class skill from tree #1 Class skill from tree #2 Weapon Ability from Weapon #1 tree Another Weapon Ability from Weapon #1 tree Armor you're using's ability *Ultimate from class skill line #3 Weapon #2- Class skill from tree #1 Class skill from tree #2 Weapon Ability from Weapon #2 tree Another Weapon Ability from Weapon #2 tree Armor you're using's ability *Ultimate from class skill line #3 The reason for this is because your weapon ability leveling slows down after level 6, so you need a weapon ability to keep it up to pace with your 3 class trees; you also need to slot the armor skill after armor reaches 22 because it slows down after that dramatically. You could get away with just 1 weapon ability, but if you're using that bar only 50% of the time and leveling up your other weapon the other 50% of the time then you need to play 100% catch-up with your weapons. The desired abilities depend on your armor and weapon choices for leveling..but it should be something you can live with and not move around a lot or else you'll waste skill points that should be getting put into passives instead. Hell-- I already have an exact list of all the order I'm going to put all skill points in, even passives! Haha!
  16. class is boring right now. It didn't level while in slot 2.. Also worth note: I tried using weapon abilities while the compatible weapon wasn't slotted.. gave almost no xp for the weapon tree at all.
  17. Great post! Thank you a bunch, I bet this will help a lot of individuals in need.
  18. Spryro, you can swap any weapon with any weapon--even duplicate weapons. You just can't use ONE weapon for both bars.
  19. I think Cyrodiil's different, but you may be right. I know there are 40 in Cyrodiil, so that's 13.3` points. (I accidentally said 13.1 up there for some reason.)
  20. My build uses like 160 points without crafting points, like 250 with... So, either your build isn't utilizing many synergies or you're not seeing all the synergies you could be using. There are plenty of skills. You can get 13.1 from skyshards alone in cyrodiil, 48 from dungeons, over 50 from different quests, 49 from leveling, etc.. Don't worry about it, your build's got plenty of points to work with.
  21. Haha, you'd be on the North America server with the US. I did it like this for comic relief, but I'll change it so that it says North America and European. XD
  22. Feel free to comment. My answers: Templar, Heavy Armor, 1H+S, 2H/DW, Imperial, Daggerfall, PvP, 24yo, North America. My character's goal is to troll the enemies while my team clears them. If I draw the enemy's focus then my team becomes much more efficient and we'll win more fights. So I put my role as tank.
  23. Looks strong, but I don't think you need to use 2 heavy armor. 7 Medium would be better for this build. Make sure you're using Critical Surge on your Bar#1-- all that crit (and especially crit charge) synergizes amazingly with Crit Surge. (As Theory said a few pages back.)
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