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Everything posted by BklynEnigma

  1. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=CIenXNSXLjg http:// I just recently came back to Runescape, and I've spoken to at least 2 other people who are members of this clan, who also said they were coming back from hiatus's...This guide will mostly help refresh our minds on some daily tasks to make money, and even veterans, may have forgotten one of the many tips this video provides. For example, I completely forgot about the chocolate bars from the Lummy Basement Chest until I saw this video. So, hopefully this helps someone here on making some gold .
  2. Well hi, guess I'll introduce myself. Just call me Gohan, that's what most people call me, even though my fascination with Dragonball Z is long over lol.I'm a Runescape Veteran, joined right after RS Classic ended. I played for roughly 2 years straight, and was quite "obsessed" with this game. I'm a skiller, and currently have a total skill of 1731. I at one point had gotten the Quest Cape, but right after that quit, mostly due to boredom, and my other close friends of RS leaving. That was roughly 2 years ago. Since then, I've only played 3 months sporadically, and this is one of them. I rejoined RS less than a week ago, and for the time being, am addicted again. My ultimate goal is getting the quest cape again, which I'm currently 12 away from.As far as the clan goes, I've been looking for a clan for the past couple of days, and looked at a few others before i stumbled upon this one. I hope to be a big part in this clan, and hopefully I can stay concentrated enough on RS to do so. With my several hiatus's from RS, I'm still learning about the newer things in RS (such as Dungeoneering, Urns, and other things I haven't touched upon yet), so I apologize if I'm not exactly as helpful as I would like to be.Anyways, that was a long intro. Talk to you guys in the chat. :]
  3. RS Name - GohankaiyForum Name - BklynEnigmaCombat Level - 106Total Level - 1730Time Zone - EasternHow you found us - Tip.it post by The Rebel, and recently bumped up by The RebelPrevious Clans - N/AFirst Impressions - So far so good.
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