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Torapa last won the day on July 22 2013

Torapa had the most liked content!

About Torapa

  • Birthday 06/27/1968

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    Bitch Slappin' Dragons!
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  1. The most annoying critter I've encountered is that goddamn fox kit that one of my pathetic brats adopted (that fucking breathing sound drives me batshit!). Can you kill your kid's pets?
  2. Wreaking havoc as a werewolf is pretty bitchin'. I wondered why Kodlak turned out to be such a pussy myself, also I was unimpressed by the skyforge.
  3. You need to use the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch! Rabbit stew coming up!
  4. Any good Karstaag stories out there? It took me 3 tries and 30 Sunhallowed arrows to bring the bastard down. 5 minutes after I left his throne room I got killed by a fucking reikling riding a pig!
  5. what language is that? it looks cool
  6. More annoying, they are also hard on grub (fucking little mooches)!
  7. I had a glitch where as my wife she would walk around Lakeview Manor naked and backwards ( too bad she was wearing those ugly fucking granny panties though). I don't trust that fucking bard LLewellyn so I "accidently" killed him in a dragon attack on the sun deck outside.
  8. Dragonbone helmet w/ breathing underwater = the CeolacanthDragonbone warhammer= Pique Abu the leadfilled snowshoe (because there a none of my favorite baby seals I use it to one shot the shit outa horkers (this a Frank Zappa reference of the album (') or apostrophe)I usually give them discriptive Gaelic names
  9. I like to make my redguard get into brawls wearing the Emperor's robes and gilded wrist guards (both beefed up for unarmed combat of course) because the Ebony mail causes me to get bounties. Watching in 3rd person is funny as fuck!
  10. First of all, throw all your other games away, kiss your significant other goodbye (you won't even notice as they pack up all their shit, call you an asshole and leave) and move back into your mom's basement. With Skyrim all other worlds will cease to exist (including this one), so enjoy.
  11. The big Redguard sounded like he had a mouthfull testicles and the Dragonborn dude sounded Canadian but very funny!I dunno what they call it. I went to Jarl's jr. Haha
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