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Status Updates posted by Deus

  1. [11:46] Mono will be right with you to give you your spankin.

    [11:47] * Heated_Deus snickers

    This was a little bit ago :D

  2. [11:45] tyni

    [11:45] TYNI!

    [11:45] TYNISA LYNN!

    [11:45] 1

    [11:45] 2

    [11:45] 2 1/2

    [11:45] 3!!!!!!!!

    [11:46] YOURE GROUNDED!

    [11:46] ...

  3. check out the events forums, there is a event that pertains to you!!! :P I need to know when you can be on so we can try and make it so everybody can attend the event that qualifies.

  4. I need to know your time frame that you can be on so we can set a time that everybody can attend.

  5. superman check out the events! There is a topic that applies to you! :)

  6. Hey man, gl in your application.

  7. ranger, you sir are a bully stealing my trophies like that! :D

  8. Yes ranger, I am out for your trophies. :o

    1. T ranger101
    2. Deus


      I was close from reclaiming my snake trophy by just a little over 10 points :(

  9. Get off me aliath, I dont swing that way

  10. I want a cookie.

  11. U cant hop out for 8 days...

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