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Daniel last won the day on May 28 2014

Daniel had the most liked content!

About Daniel

  • Birthday 08/28/1992

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  1. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/video/2014/sep/17/scottish-referendum-explained-for-non-brits-video hope that helps although its a no vote,
  2. Basically they want to be like you Americans, independent. but if they do go independent then they will lose out on about 70% of business's head offices as the tax rate will increase, including their own banks (RBS) they dont want to follow our government anymore yet they actually never have done, they have say in our politics currently (unless a yes vote) but it dosent affect them at all, tbh when they come crying back to us because the vikings have invaded again, i hope we say no, fuck you, we dont want a Iraq/Afghanistan MkII/III
  3. like a programme called TeamSpeaker's 3: The Legacy of Daniel Wakeford and the Two Black Dragons ??
  4. http://puu.sh/93dY7.png on a gigabyte fm2 motherboard, with a gigabyte gtx 550ti, 630w modular be quiet psu with samsung 120gb ssd booting drive and a 1tb storage hdd @7200rpm
  5. [01:40] <Nuggeh> WHO'S SARA AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LORENA?! she got knocked up and engaged to a fellow rs nerd, all underage too.
  6. just delete the folder and restart it, i didnt download the DirectX shit on my final attempt, so you might wanna try that
  7. you start off on islands that skirt the Tamreal mainland, and yes it is really beautiful
  8. i had a HDD too but then i upgraded by cpu/motherboard and my mb didnt take IED cables or w/e it was called and i just have been too skint to buy a sata3 HDD
  9. cos im poor as fuck the beta starts on friday 10th at 6pm est, you can only predownload it now to save time, until you wont be able to log in, unless youre talking about the forums?
  10. ok ignore the comment on it being 45gb of space, my comp was being a derp
  11. they more then likely have them closed to public until friday
  12. just a warning you will need about 45gb of space for the install, it kinda is taking the fucking piss as i only have 40gb free with none of my games installed, fucking ssd's
  13. Got mine today forthis weekends testing :D:D
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