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Everything posted by Illini

  1. Cool. How have I never seen this. If any of you losers comes back. You’re dead to me.
  2. The fact that I'm only mentioned once is a sham.
  3. Do you frequently black out and when you come to are there lapses in your memory?
  4. Well she's dead, so figure out how I can do that quest line. I guess she was like the leader of the Dark Brotherhood or something, idk. I like killing people.
  5. That was absolutely the worst response of all time.
  6. I killed that bitch because I didn't like the way she talked to me, is there still a way to do that questline or no?
  7. Got stuck at the very next fucking door. I hate this game.
  8. Nevermind, you guys suck. It just opened, I spam clicked it until it opened.
  9. David, why haven't you helped me yet? I know you're there.
  10. Also why is it that when I'm swimming around in the water below, a flash of light will occur and I will drop immediately to the bottom?
  11. The fucking door wont open. Help me. Don't tell me to revert to an old save because it's been like this for a while and I just never did anything about it. The icon looks like the game thinks the doors actually open, but here's the things, it's not fucking open.
  12. How come you're not online now?
  13. I wish to make her acquaintance.
  14. Who is this destiny you speak of
  15. I am that is TRR. I hate all of you and what you've done to me.
  16. I was not. Which is why I'm upset. Henry informed me, and I ran here.
  17. Where did you all go? Come back to me children. Although I obviously don't like children as much as Jeremy does.
  18. Really? http://www.mpacorn.com/news/2013-08-16/Front_Page/Moorpark_man_allegedly_pretended_to_be_girl_online.html http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/ventura_county&id=9209768
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