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T ranger101

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T ranger101 last won the day on September 5 2011

T ranger101 had the most liked content!

About T ranger101

  • Birthday 11/20/1992

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  1. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

    1. Fergal
    2. Huygens


      you just have a shitty pc, dont you ?:D

  2. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  3. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  4. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  5. Oh yes, yes i can go around and stock people unnoticeably ;)

  6. David, for christmas i give you the gift of the #1 Poster on the forums! Merry christmas everyone!

  7. You think you can just stock me and get away with it unnoticed, eh? o_O

  8. David has beaten my amounts of posts on the forums. I'm sad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fergal


      You seem pretty confident I will. Okay probably...

    3. FunnyPirate


      Noob :D back guys, fuck school

    4. Fergal


      MusclePirate! Good to see everyone coming back for Christmas. :)

  9. I voted, I may not be active, but i will always be a extra hand to help
  10. Happy birthday TRR, 13 more years and you will be legal
  11. If anyone needs anything or someone to take their spot for something just text me, 678 862 4769. I really don't care about giving my number out

    1. Fergal


      Guests can see these Status Updates I believe, be careful!

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Very very true... haha xD Thanks for the heads up ferg.

  12. I almost cried reading Davids thread on here. I would hate to see OUR clan die, yet I feel better after reading everyone elses comments about how they are dedicated to make the clan a success again! I've been here for 3 years and since day one, I've enjoyed every bit of it! Personally i think of it this way, "The clan" is like "The Hood" I live on and all our "Members" (all of you) are like my "Neighbors". If some company was gonna tear down OUR "hood" i would be pissed and fight to keep it there, because that's where all my fond memories of the past occurred. Just remember, its not the name of the clan that makes the clan, its the people, such as You and Me! I promise, at the beginning I will come back to help out. Even if I'm too late, I'll hunt you guys down and attempt to Revive the clan and we all can rebuild it together. Yet, I'm sure that when I'm back, that the clan will be 200% stronger :PP.S: I love you guysP.P.S: David is the Crazy landlord that demands rent on time. <3 just kidding
  13. I knew you were crazy :o

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