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Everything posted by ghost5689

  1. thanks man if its true this will realy help me out
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuRHSe_H0jU&list=TLZN5-vyXwzIk
  3. Ardent flame active and passives are ridiculously over powered would a resist fire potion work lol.
  4. Do i have to be weilding a restoration staff to have focus siphon slotted?
  5. i didnt get to see it either will the other videos be back anytime soon.
  6. Since i am most likely going to be a templar with mainly the dawns light skill tree. Which armor should i use light or medium considering i will be dual wielding and when i get to rank 15 will add in a destruction staff?
  7. How much does the storm calling ultimate increase your spells by?
  8. do you guys know if ultimate abilities will have cool down times? when do you speculate eso will come out?
  9. If i choose to be a templar and want the nova ultimate ability can i only spend skill points in that section untill rank 12. If not can you have more than one ultimate ability.Also if I wear one piece of each armor could i use each their active abilities?
  10. Hey do you guys know if the racial bonuses/stats will be the same as skyrim if not could you please post them. LOVE THE FORUMS
  11. bretons look gay sir. i love the magic absorbing perk though
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