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Everything posted by ghost5689

  1. Ya it was me it .Now to begin the torturous task of updating it again lol.
  2. I found if you jump from a high place into water you can walk on the bottom as if it were regular ground then if you walk of the map from their,it shoots you straight up in the air.Then proceedes to shoot you around the map fairly fast/kind of like pinball. It's actually use full if you need to discover new places.
  3. I found a few glitches such flying and walking on the bottom of the ocean
  4. try creating a new character that worked for me
  5. So after giving all those keys away i learned i had to update my launcher/reinstall everything and for some freaking reason it wont pass 2%
  6. Thal make sure you tell us before uploading so i can make shure too see it .Ya i use Fraps and camtasia,turtorials are on youtube for how to get them free.
  7. Here use this it is more up to date.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArII4nGY0Yf3dGlrY2IzSzlFZXhrZ3V5MDRwb2lmMEE&usp=sharing#gid=0
  8. Dont be discouraged, it is possible to get a perfect balance. I thought about it and here is what i came u with,but i havent thought about armor you will have to do that. Most likely 5 light and 2 heavy.
  9. What if he uses his destruction staff bar? It would be more weapon tree skills,but might be too mana costly.
  10. lol, i can see exactly what you would do. would soo use this as emperor
  11. Reflective scale says- reflect all spell projectiles for 4 seconds. Does this include actives abilities? - I was arguing with a guy over this for almost an hour. -also anyone know how long it takes to swap bars or if spells ignore armor if they do then do arrows as well.?
  12. Muscle on the first page of this thread, your medium armor templar build, your ult is death stroke which is a nightblade ultimate.
  13. We should make a thread were we post our 'if i were the emperor build's' lol!
  14. This is not really a dps build though. Though you are right alot of these actives require stamina,he will just have to use his mana abilities more or mix and match med and heavy.Still a very viable build though.
  15. How come you guys never use searing strike after fiery grip?They go together great,it doesn't have too much cost, and is a great dot.
  16. Wow ,great build i never thought about using two melee bar!I like it its pretty solid especially the second bar,might even consider using somthing similar. WATCH out though i can feel muscle ABOUT TO COMMENT.
  17. Irons I know your still planning on being a DK with at least 5 pieces of medium,like i am. Post your ideas i really want to see them! You dont have to worry about muscle critisizing them ill keep him at bay.
  18. Very true they need to be giting ideas from runescape because the text in eso is horrible needs to be more elder scrollsy like rs.
  19. -Light Armor gives alot of passive bonuses to spells does that include actives or just destructive casts. -Also exactly how long does it take to swap bars -Are u shure their are 7 pieces of armor
  20. Does anyone know if the bow or destruction staff does more damage at lvl 1?
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