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Everything posted by VAMPRISS

  1. So maybe i'm more impressed than u "hard Core" gamers. I'm going w/ a solid 9...... I love 2 go on a Quest & get side tracked by someting on the way. I LOVE the fact that i am not LOCKED in 2 what i started out 2 do. That feels more life like 2 me. I like the way the people around u r going on w/ thier lives & u can listen in. A guard passes by in conversation & yr map is updated . WHAT u CHOOSE 2 do w/ that info. is up 2 u . You'r not BOXED in . The combat is not THAT Hard core, But i believe because of that more age groups r able 2 play. The graphics r great, the story lines 2, if u take the time 2 get 2 know the people & places. Over all (besides some of the PAINFUL gliches) I Absoultly Luv the game. Plus when u start 2 get bord, just Add on 1 of the 3 add on's.
  2. ok ty David. so can i cure myself later w/ the wich head & than go on to become a vampire ? & if i become a vampier 1st i guess that screws the whole Campanions deal. Correct ??
  3. Ty David does anyone know the answer 2 this ? : COMPANIONS Quest , @ Forging the Lycanthrope.....Skjor & Aela want me 2 become a werewolf. I dont want 2 on my new character but now all quests have stoped from the others (i guess until i do this ) my goal was 2 Complete "Glory of the Dead" So the companions would be able 2 b available 4 Marriage ! & i wanted 2 c what is was like 2 b a Vampire. How do i remendy this ??
  4. what is the quickest way 2 be infected by a vampire ?? & is there a certain place they hang out in Skyrim ?
  5. Crap.... Hope thats noy yr house !! Love the new profile pix.
  6. I do. I also think the same thing about my Khajit being a Werewolf
  7. TY David AND Jake (lol) So i could use this 2 my advantage in respect 2 grab more loot.... Load up to 2000 - run out side - drop it - go back in 4 objective ( & more loot ) than pick up spoils on a fast travel Back 4 the rest? hmmm . Wait i can't Fast travel in Wollf form ....right ??
  8. I'm w/ BLAKE on this 1. plus: Sure Have It Totally comes 2 mind. Not 2 mention we r soo Damm Cute
  9. David did i read u right, carrying capacity is "2000" ? How does that work ? U can't pick up any extra while in Wolf form. Right ?
  10. Ahhh , i don't think i've been 2 any of those places ! r they in Skyrim ~ Elder scrolls ~ ? I do think we can jump down from high points much better than than those beefy redguards i will now b on the hunt 4 new terrain 2 scale & explore more of my birth gifts. MY Khajit ~ STARR ~ thanks u
  11. Is it just me or does the Khajit not climb very well ? some times i can barely get up a Hill ! I'm a CAT i should b able 2 scale mountains. I've seen a male Red guard climb SIDEWAYS across mountains! What the hell, i feel ripped off in that skill
  12. ok. thats not 2 bad. can u feed on yr spouse or housecaral ?
  13. What a bummer u cant go shopping. & how would u get quests when u r not interacting w/ others ??
  14. TY. can't buye that 1 Yet because i am procrastinating on my civil war w/ ulfric Stormcloak & the only thing he will say is did'nt i give u a job 2 do. But look forward 2 it.
  15. TY Jake. i was afraid of that. o well not a biggie as bugs go.
  16. No. I'm the one out on adventures most of the time,but when i come home unexpectedly he is always hanging in the Our bedroom w/ Lydia the housecarl ! & if u know Marcuiro he is ALWAYs drinking or talking about it. So i suspect maybe he is 2 "tired" 2 cook 4 me. he's all out of his ~ magic ~
  17. LOL well if it works in this day & age then it will work "back in time" I'll give it a shot
  18. yes he was a good cook. & i always show my gratitude as a wife. My efforts r not wasted on the dishes.
  19. Thanks JAKE. I do believe it is a bug. BummeRRR .Yah don't want 2 give 2 imperials i read in " THE BOOK " that if Mavin Black Brier takes over as Jarl u can just bye the house ....... or something Easy like that.
  20. Macurio stopped cooking 4 me after he followed me a few times, Why ??
  21. PLEASE HELP .do not have note.Think it was never there. BUG ?? Any other way 2 get the house (w/ storm clokes in charge)
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