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Chris Star

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Everything posted by Chris Star

  1. Night to remember was prob the most fun u get sanguine rose for the daedric artifact I also thought the quest u get wabbajack with sheagorath pretty fun as well!
  2. I walked into my house in solitude and I couldn't find mehrunes razor I thought I lost it at some point or might have stored it in house and there it was floating in the middle of the room in proud spire manor! Weird
  3. When U do this mission the first time u turn I just ran out of white run and ran around for a min or 2 this is the only time u will just turn any other time u have control over when u turn. I waited to do this mission until I was like level 55 for pretty much the same reason didn't no if I wanted to b a ware wolf but it didn't really affect anything I just blew through the rest of the companions quests after this one and st the end you arenot a ware wolf anymore!
  4. I no pretty lame! I was kinda disappointed with the mages quests in Skyrim the main storie line was kind of short isk just wasn't really that impressed!
  5. I use illusion for invisibility that's pretty much it. Alteration as far as the wards go the only time I've ever used them is when the soul gems shoot fire at you and the ward worked pretty good other that that I am not really impressed with wards I would never use them against and enemy in combat! Also I did the alteration ritual and you get a pretty cool spell dragon skin that makes u immune to all physical combat for like 30 sec
  6. Thanks no one esls will give me a quest untill I finish this one so I'm prob just stuck annoying!
  7. I have completed all the companions main quests trying to do all the radiant quests stuck on one mission and no other companion will let me start their quest till I finish the one I'm stuck on. The quest that I'm stuck on is trouble in Skyrim just supposed to be a easy slaying mission I've actually already completed this quest don't no why farkas gave it to me again? Every time I go to the cave it glitches freezes the game I just have to power off the Xbox. Has this happened to anyone else does anyone no how to fix or how to get other guild members to give me their radiant quests?
  8. Not to often I just carry it cause sometimes for killing small animals or wolfs ect I don't like wasting the charge in my good weapons so I just carry mehrunes also it doesn't weigh a lot so why not
  9. I chose high elf in oblivion so stuck with it in Skyrim I use a lot of magic so it's good to start off magically very strong but I also build up my one handed skill
  10. I used carry nightingale blade and chillrin on me all time but just got enchanting to level 100 so now carry just enchanted daedric sword and mehrunes razor
  11. I just enchanted a daedric sword with absorb Heath and fire it's pretty sick but I was thinking about making another one with absorb health and soul trap
  12. Yes just realized that wow can't believe I didn't notice that created suit zero magic conjuration and destruction so awesome!
  13. Oh thank you! Didn't realize u could select any perk more than once
  14. I got my enchanting and smithing 100 but when I try to use the double enchantment on armor the highest it fortifys is 15% for each piece. Did I do something wrong I picked all the perk in the middle row do I have to drink a fortify enchanting potion first?
  15. If u have any weapon with a fire enchantment that would work also try to run around him to his back if u can get in the right position I have just stood there and hack and slashed a dragon to death and he won't even turn around. Try to move behind his back legs
  16. Ha ha yes I'm kinda a hoarder I keep all one of a kind books statues weapons ect and I pretty much have one of everything even the junk! You never no when u might need something also for quests such as the Atronach forge u actually need some of these junk items such as ruined book, broom, charcoal ect!
  17. So does the item have to say conjuration spells cost 25% less to cast ? Or would an item that says cost 17% less to cast work?
  18. Wow that's pretty awesome thanks! Just created account to get the magic school enchantments do I just have to disenchant for example a robe of conjuration to learn the enchantment
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