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Blake last won the day on February 3 2022

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About Blake

  • Birthday 05/28/1993

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    North Carolina
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    Women. Or maybe really gorgeous men.

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  1. So I thouht I was able to have both two atronachs and two dead thralls. D: BUT I have started a corpse collection in my Riften home, just in case

    1. David


      You should go down to The Midden and summon yourself a Dremora Markynaz to add to your collection. They keep their dialogue.

    2. Blake


      Alright then. Read a story on Reddit of a guy who did the same thing. He had 8 corpse, one of them was an Ancient Vampire. He walked into his house and the vampire came to life (?) and started summoning all his corpse, while his wife kills his zombies, turning them all to ash. I found that to be quite hilarious.

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