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Hi guys and gals. A short intro.Have been playing RS for about 3 years without really being serious at all. Although I'm told that at my age I'm far too old , I do enjoy it and that's what counts IMO.I thought it was time to join a clan so, here I am. From what I see, it's a very friendly one which is important to me. Thanks to those that have helped me in my first day as a clanmate.I am mainly a skiller more than a combat player and am also a bit raw on several aspects of RS so, please be patent with me. Us old farts tend to be a bit slower on the uptake.Anyway, looking forward to being a part, of what on first impression looks a very good clan.Am happy to be called Reb, Rebel or Mal. Whatever suits you is OK by me.Cheers.

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Welcome into the clan and enjoy all of our events! Be sure to stay active within the Forums and within the Game Im sure you will find many good friends within the clan and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :D*In order to join our clan chat, please speak to traaginen or mstr. Monopoly to be able to talk to the whole clan within Runescape :D

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Well, not really that knowledgable about the intracacies of the game. I am certainly not that up on quests and tasks. I am slowly building up my levels so that's a good thing. Oh, did my weekly cap for citadel but, still have a bit to learn about citadels. I will certainly ask when I need some help.

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