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...but I just wanted to introduce myself;I am 85gangsta or RJ whatever you want to call me. I've been playing RuneScape for close to 5 years now. I am an big gamer. I love games, it's my life. I play many games on Xbox including; Halo, Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, Forza, Need for Speed, Fable, just to name a few. I'm in a gaming community for Xbox called KSI. check them out if you want people to play with:CLICK HERE! I am also a Boy Scouts, in my 6th and final year of my youth. I'm in my Senior Year of high school (FINALLY!!) I enjoy long walks on the beach. SAY WUT?! I'm very friendly, so don't be afraid to talk to me and add me on RuneScape. (: Thank You for Reading,RJ/85gangstaps. I'm making babies with T Ranger :)

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