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The reason why I am not going to have ESO ever

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No, I disagree completely.


Whilst I would love for this game to be free, I love that this game has none of the paywalls to enjoyment that I've experienced on other games.


I wouldn't be surprised if the game goes f2p at some stage in the distant future but I'm comfortable that this game can easily justify the subscription price for now.


I won't judge you on your financial means, but if I managed to pay a monthly sub fee for my Ultima Online account on my teenage burger flipping wage in 1999 then I think you're just being a whiny defeatist.  Get a job and/or assess your prioritities as the game is truly worth it.

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I won't judge you on your financial means, but if I managed to pay a monthly sub fee for my Ultima Online account on my teenage burger flipping wage in 1999 then I think you're just being a whiny defeatist.  Get a job and/or assess your prioritities as the game is truly worth it.


Not all people can find it easy to get a job. Depends on where you are from. I'm sure it's fine where you live, but say, where I live, in Ireland, you would be lucky to get a job flipping burgers without a degree of some sorts. There is a reason everyone is leaving the country. Perhaps where Alien lives doesn't suffer this problem, then fair enough, but I'm sure people have more important means to be paying for rather than a subscription. It shouldn't be the priority.


But, yes, it's a great possibility that the game will go F2P anyway. The real question is if you are planning on playing this game seriously hardcore or casual - to the point where it becomes a question of if you need to get the subscription every month.

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I won't judge you on your financial means, but if I managed to pay a monthly sub fee for my Ultima Online account on my teenage burger flipping wage in 1999 then I think you're just being a whiny defeatist.  Get a job and/or assess your prioritities as the game is truly worth it.


I wont judge you, but I will.

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