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Power - how calculate it?


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well headline is topic.

how do you calculate the stat POWER (gain from juggernaut, wrecking blow, etc)

for example you're dealing


now u get a 5% power buff


i guess it isnt 105% bc in this case it would just called "dmg increase" like everywhere else. And how does power effects crit?


does anybody has solid infos about that?

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Energy divided by time, actually.


The unit for power is watts.


One watt is equal to one joule per second.


One joule is equal to one newton times one meter.


One newton is equal to one kilogram times one meter per second squared.


Therefore, power expressed in the most basic units is:




You're welcome.

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As I explained in my post on modifiers, all skills gain damage from both power (spellpower or weapondamage) and stamina or magicka.

The ratio at which they gain from weapon damage varies, but since you cant have 0 stamina or magicka, no skill will be based entirely off weapon damage.


Thus the damage bonus gained from power, as a percentage to the skills total damage, is as follows:


C = current weapon damage/ spellpower (before the buff)

B = weapon damage/spellpower gained

R = percentage of damage the skill gains from spellpower/weapon damage compared to stamina/magicka.


(B / C) * R


B can be seen in your character sheet, and C can be found in the tooltip of the skill you're using.


R depends on the type of skill you're using, I'll provide you a short list below, and then provide an example. These numbers are not exact, but can be used as a shorthand guideline.

For Stamina based skills, every 10 stamina equals 1 weapon damage. Meaning if you have 10x more stamina than weapon damage before the buff, R is 0.5 (50%)

For Magicka based skills, every 20 magicka equals 1 spellpower, meaning if you have 20x more magicka than spellpower, R is also 0.5(50%).

If you have more magicka/stamina the ratio goes down proportionatly, if you have less it goes up (the more power compared to the base-stat you have, the higher the ratio)


For regular weapon attacks 40 stamina equals 1 weapon damage.




You have 400 stamina, 40 weapon damage, and gain a buff that increases weapondamage by 10%.


the ratio R is 0.5 ( 400/10 = 40 + 40 = 80 -> 40/80 = 0.5)

C is 40

B is 40 *0.1 = 4


(4 / 40) *0.5 = 0.1 * 0.5 = 0.05 or a 5% damage increase for the skill.


Your basic attacks however have a ratio R of  (400/40 = 10 + 40 = 50 -> 40/50 = 0.8


meaning your basic attacks damage is increased by:


(4 / 40) * 0.8 = 0.1 * 0.8 = 8%.


For more general information see:


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P.S. My assumption here is that the term "Power" refers to both spellpower and weapondamage. Tooltips in general are not consistent in that regard, as in some other cases it specifically mentions spellpower and weapondamage seperately. If it is, in fact, a seperate stat that doesn't show up anywhere on the character page I have no idea what it factually does.

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