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Subscription Options Announced

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Honestly, I'm sort of disappointed -- the extended subscription discounts aren't aggressive at all. Yeah, there's going to be the "they don't have to offer anything!" backlash, but $3 off for locking in 3 months? Meh.


With the flat discount of "1", the savings percentage between 1 month and 6 months changes significantly between the currencies: 13.3% savings with dollars, 15.4% with euros, and 22.2% with GBP.


Buy it in GBP for 6 months and you'll save like $8-9. Easy to do with PayPal, though whether it's worth it depends on their conversion fees.

6 * 12.99 = $77.94 US 

6 * 10.99 = â‚¬65.94 Euro == $90.96 US

6 * 06.99 = Â£41.94 GBP == $69.18 US


If you actually convert to GBP, here's the conversion savings plus the 6 month discount...

  • US: 23.1% overall savings.
  • Euro: 35.65% (!) overall savings.

Based off constantly changing exchange rates, of course. I personally wouldn't recommend going 6 months -- 3, maybe -- but I know a lot of people here will.

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