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First Thoughts...

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crashed on me while logging in the 1st time, laptop locked up and had to reboot, worked fine after that although having to run on minimum settings so it doesnt look so great (bring on the PS4 :D)its hard to 'enjoy' playing on a sub-par system but i can see it will be good when played as its meant to be.enchanting was a little confusing to begin with but it seems it will be quite interesting when you gather enough resouces.hands up, who tryed to reveal alchemy atributes by eating them? lol.overall I think it will be a great game when played on something that can handle it well.I like how they have stopped people posting videos too, a little off putting to begin with but then hardly noticeable when you get going.

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Surprisingly, mine played flazlessly smooth, with a steady frame rate. Good one Zenimax. Although it freezes when I close it, but who cares about that.


Only played for a few hours, was kinda tired, but I'm impressed. It really does look like Skyrim but with upgraded graphics, feels like it too.


So yeah, not much done, I'm just curious on what the map is showing, doesn't look like Tamreal or Elsweyr - not sure when I get off it, never bothered to try to walk off, meh.


More interested in the MMO side of it, the story line (which I know includes other players, but meh) can wait until I get the game, lol.

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When I was taking the boat to the next island, it was hanging there quite a while, so I just closed and re-loaded it. Get an error on loading that I can ignore, then mine also hangs on "Requesting character load" - But it does load, at least for me, takes a while though, meh. Could make a new character as ghost said.


But srsly, it is actually beautiful lmao, I like how there is no lag even when around a lot of people. (Admittedly, not nearly as much as in some major online battle or whatever, but still, I would have expected the beta to be constant lag/frame drops).


Think this might really be worth the price - will probably still only buy one month at a time though.

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Like one of the people above me, I'm running ESO on a sub-par system. So I can't really tell if the animations are bad or if they are a result of running the game on Potato Quality.

It's a issue for a number of people, I really hope they focuse all their attention on getting the combat to feel good, otherwise it will crush everyother effort they put in. 

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The game ran smoothly for me, no fps drops at high graphics settings.

What bothered me most was the latency issues, mostly noticeble in melee. I encountered loads of bugs, crashes, robot voices and other things that should be expected in beta.


Combat has potential to be awesome. Player character animations are awesome, among the best I've seen in an mmo. Some smaller mobs could need more exaggerated animations to make their actions more clear.


I belive the main issue isn't the animations but rather the latency issues, there was (atleast for me) a slight delay in every action to register which made combat feel less responsive. I hope they have it sorted by release.

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I belive the main issue isn't the animations but rather the latency issues, there was (atleast for me) a slight delay in every action to register which made combat feel less responsive. I hope they have it sorted by release.


TBH - They don't have that much time. IMO release date was announced too soon - but it's all about money - for me it's deja vu - same situation with Warhammer Online:AoR. Product wasn't complete, but publisher was eager to get profits after long production cycle and...I really hope that there is a...hope ;)

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The game ran smoothly for me, no fps drops at high graphics settings.

What bothered me most was the latency issues, mostly noticeble in melee. I encountered loads of bugs, crashes, robot voices and other things that should be expected in beta.


Combat has potential to be awesome. Player character animations are awesome, among the best I've seen in an mmo. Some smaller mobs could need more exaggerated animations to make their actions more clear.


I belive the main issue isn't the animations but rather the latency issues, there was (atleast for me) a slight delay in every action to register which made combat feel less responsive. I hope they have it sorted by release.


I felt it was better than expected. Yes, there was quite a few bugged quests and some admittedly annoying robot voices, but it was very smooth for a beta. I didn't notice any latency in combat - or anywhere for that matter, I usually have lag issues. Was is that noticable for you? I think they have time to fix these smaller issues with the feedback of the beta, they still have time.


Can't be as bad as Battlefield 4's release...

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I belive the main issue isn't the animations but rather the latency issues, there was (atleast for me) a slight delay in every action to register which made combat feel less responsive. I hope they have it sorted by release.

 Yeah the delay was pretty annoying at times (worst moment was when i blocked a boss' superattack and then the damage came a sec later when i released my block and went ko :( )

All in all though, game seems amazingly promising. The dungeons were quite hard, and more teamplay than in most mmo's was required to beat the bosses, it was really challenging. The quests were very good, i encountered NO kill-x-monsters quests whatsoever, the quests all have a good backstory and usually come in a string revolving around some kind of event.


TLDR; amazing graphics, good questing, potentially great combat, and endless ways to build your character.

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I felt it was better than expected. Yes, there was quite a few bugged quests and some admittedly annoying robot voices, but it was very smooth for a beta. I didn't notice any latency in combat - or anywhere for that matter, I usually have lag issues. Was is that noticable for you? I think they have time to fix these smaller issues with the feedback of the beta, they still have time.


Can't be as bad as Battlefield 4's release...


I'm happy to see that it didn't effect everyone! I figured it did since there was so many complaints about it in the in-game chat. Perhaps it was amplified for me because I'm playing out of EU.

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