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Question About Christmas Movies


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A little late for this, but here we go.


So think about the movies where Santa is real and yet some kids and parents don't believe in him.


When Santa delivers presents every year to the people's houses....what do the parents think happened? Do they think somebody broke into their house and dropped shit off? Does each parent think the other one takes care of Christmas each year?


I just don't understand.

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I have always wondered the same thing. How Christmas is usually set up, though, at least when I was growing up, was that the parents and other family members gave the majority of the gifts, while Santa usually only left a couple. Therefore, it wouldn't be too far out of the question for each parent to assume the other one was covering it.

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I have always wondered the same thing. How Christmas is usually set up, though, at least when I was growing up, was that the parents and other family members gave the majority of the gifts, while Santa usually only left a couple. Therefore, it wouldn't be too far out of the question for each parent to assume the other one was covering it.

This is the only explanation that I'm okay with, and even then, it is a little sketch. Billy gets that new expensive bike he always wanted and Daddy is mad becaue they can't afford it. He blames Mom and Daddy gets angry.


I hate it when Dad drinks on Christmas.

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Theory 1


Santa only delivers presents to poor children. Parents of children in Christmas movies all either coincidentally did not grow up poor, or write off their own experiences as childhood imagination. 

That doesn't explain why they don't suspect anything when their kids receive presents from Santa, only why they didn't suspect anything from their memories as children.

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That doesn't explain why they don't suspect anything when their kids receive presents from Santa, only why they didn't suspect anything from their memories as children.


What do you mean? From my memory, every movie I can think of has parents just as surprised and excited as the kids when Christmas is narrowly saved.

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Another theory:Santa does not actually make it habit to deliver to every household on every Christmas. Instead he picks a certain minority of households each Christmas, only for his own special reasons, to which to make a delivery of gifts. Said parents in the movies may never have had their Christmas presents added to by Santa in their past experiences and hence do not suspect anything when it finally happens that their family is picked by Santa to receive some gifts directly from him. Where in the past, like most people, they have simply had presents only provided by other family members.All I can think of as a reasonable explanation at the moment...

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Another theory:Santa does not actually make it habit to deliver to every household on every Christmas. Instead he picks a certain minority of households each Christmas, only for his own special reasons, to which to make a delivery of gifts. Said parents in the movies may never have had their Christmas presents added to by Santa in their past experiences and hence do not suspect anything when it finally happens that their family is picked by Santa to receive some gifts directly from him. Where in the past, like most people, they have simply had presents only provided by other family members.All I can think of as a reasonable explanation at the moment...

If he's a Nazi over the whole Naughty-or-Nice thing, then yeah, I can see this.

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