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ESO – Fit for the Emperor

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I wonder if there are light, medium and heavy variants?


I really hope there is some stability in world PvP and we don't have a new emperor every day/week.  I don't mind a constant struggle to dethrone them but I want to avoid the ping pong we saw in GW2.


I also don't want to get smack talked and WTFPWNED by the Emperor!  I'm hoping that the ruling faction can have their allies 'gift' their prowess/performance score to their leader in order to put forward the best candidate.


At least that way it wouldn't be purely about PvP skills and more of a popularity/leadership contest.

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If the other TES games are any indication, being the Emperor is a sure-fire way to get killed with spectacular consistency. People are talking about how the Emperor bonuses should make the player a god amongst men, but I think it would be more appropriate to have stat adjustments like "-90% Health" all across the board.

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If the other TES games are any indication, being the Emperor is a sure-fire way to get killed with spectacular consistency. People are talking about how the Emperor bonuses should make the player a god amongst men, but I think it would be more appropriate to have stat adjustments like "-90% Health" all across the board.

-90% Health

100% Vulnerability to Fire, Frost, and Lightning

Backstabs and sneak attacks do 500% damage

Anybody protecting the Emperor is 50% weaker and 75% more incompetent

Movement speed reduced by 50%

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I wonder if there are light, medium and heavy variants?


I really hope there is some stability in world PvP and we don't have a new emperor every day/week.  I don't mind a constant struggle to dethrone them but I want to avoid the ping pong we saw in GW2.


I also don't want to get smack talked and WTFPWNED by the Emperor!  I'm hoping that the ruling faction can have their allies 'gift' their prowess/performance score to their leader in order to put forward the best candidate.


At least that way it wouldn't be purely about PvP skills and more of a popularity/leadership contest.


I would hate it if it was a popularity contest and not purely skill-based. The leader, and then the top-ranked members, of the biggest guild that's currently in the campaign would be crowned every time..making a skilled group of 25-30 obsolete even if they make up the truly skilled.


How would you draw the line though? Whoever's the most popular live streamer/most well-known player in that particular campaign would get Emperor many times more often than the best players? This would make me very sad.


If it does turn out to be something like this, I'm naming my character, "VoteForMe" or something. : lol

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There does need to be a balance, I guess my perspective of an 'emperor' is not as some tribal war chief that leads purely because of his own fearsome combat prowess.  I guess the historical stigma of the title would lead me to expect something akin to early Roman politics that could be both bloody and diplomatic.


Being the one with the highest kill score gives a decidedly "There can only be one" Highlander feel to ruling.  If my own faction crowns some supreme asshole as Emperor I'd love the option to rebel against his imbecilic rule, defect, or stab him in the back.


I agree with your points.  Let's hope that we see a reasonably complex system of rule, as opposed to who can build the biggest throne of skulls!

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There does need to be a balance, I guess my perspective of an 'emperor' is not as some tribal war chief that leads purely because of his own fearsome combat prowess.  I guess the historical stigma of the title would lead me to expect something akin to early Roman politics that could be both bloody and diplomatic.


Being the one with the highest kill score gives a decidedly "There can only be one" Highlander feel to ruling.  If my own faction crowns some supreme asshole as Emperor I'd love the option to rebel against his imbecilic rule, defect, or stab him in the back.


I agree with your points.  Let's hope that we see a reasonably complex system of rule, as opposed to who can build the biggest throne of skulls!


I don't think being emperor is that big of a deal, it makes you worth about 3 people working together which isn't that huge.


Campaigns last different lengths depending on the campaign you join, they said there will be short - weekend-ish ones, as well as long - monthish ones (but they could be theoretically infinite).


I don't know how it will work at all, but I see your point too--I too hope that it's not going to be whoever got the most kills. Mostly though, because that wouldn't be fair to healers or control types.


No matter what system they decide to implement, I will try to abuse it as hard as possible in order to become emperor early on. I really want the passive benefits applied as early as possible, even if they are minor after-effects. Haha

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Because of their reward system, if you contribute on killing someone you get rewarded.small example:very skillful players attacks a mine which is protected by 5 enemy players and succeeds.another player attacks mine with a 10 man group uses his AoE and gets the same reward as the skillful player but it took him only a small part of the time which the other player needed.We know most points will come from killing players. It's easier and faster to get those kills when you run in a zerg and use AoE attacks and support. That means that skill doesn't matter at that point and that it is only down to time.

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Because of their reward system, if you contribute on killing someone you get rewarded.small example:very skillful players attacks a mine which is protected by 5 enemy players and succeeds.another player attacks mine with a 10 man group uses his AoE and gets the same reward as the skillful player but it took him only a small part of the time which the other player needed.We know most points will come from killing players. It's easier and faster to get those kills when you run in a zerg and use AoE attacks and support.That means that skill doesn't matter at that point and that it is only down to time.


Are you sure this is how it will work (where all that really matters is "assisting in as many kills as possible")? What do you reckon for healing--would it count like .5x for every member of your team that you heal during a fight or something?


Edit: I feel like I've heard an interview where Konk says that they add up total damage and healing and whoever's highest is crowned. Is this what you meant by whoever has the most AOE--since that'll probably result in the most amount of numbers?


I'd get my guild to spam equilibrium around me while I cast Regeneration/Grand Healing. Haha

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We don't really know how much and how support really counts but we know that we can gain points through it.But what we know is the more people you assist and the more enemies you attack and deal enough dmg ( x%) the more points you will get.AoE is king because you can gain more kills and normally the overall dmg is higher than from single target abilities.The leader board will feature different things, most points, most points DK, ....So their could be a dmg leader/healing ranking maybe that's what you heart.The thing is everyone who isn't able to spend 80+ hours a week and completely focuses on PvP won't become Emperor.For us "normal" people the only chance to become Emperor is at the start of the game where maybe not as many people jump into PvP or to be extremly lucky and find a campaign without hardcore players.However I think and hope that there will be many campaigns which won't see an Emperor for months.

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I believe it will be purely based off of killing blows only, to bridge the gap between AOE and Single-Target. AOE will spread more hurt to more people, but single-target should be able to keep up in actual death blows. This also would mean that healers would want to have the ability on their healing bar to dish some final #'s for single-target as well.


If this is correct, then things like Mage's Fury or Whirlwind, Assassin's Blade or Reverse Slash, and even something like Silver Bolts, Death Stroke, Soul Strike, and Silver Bolts would be good because they either have a low chance (or rarely usable) but have a good chance of getting the final blow to something because of how high the numbers will be. The next best would be big-hitters such as Uppercut, Crystal Shard, Snipe, etc. Then probably AOE damage like Lightning Splash, Fiery Breath, Volley, Spear Shards,  and , and then finally the big hitting spammables like Lava Whip/Piercing Javelin/Stonefist.


I think the worst things will be relying on white damage and non-AOE DOTs like searing strike/agony/cripple/sun fire.



But, this is all assuming that killing blows matter... and, depending on how many people AOEs end up hitting (both due to how many people are in the area and how many maximum people can be affected),  AOEs could (like irons says) definitely be the best--whoever stacks spell power, and has enough resource regen to keep up those AOEs, could definitely even be the person who gets the most KBs (and of course, like irons said, will have the highest total damage by a landslide.)

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I believe it will be purely based off of killing blows only, to bridge the gap between AOE and Single-Target. AOE will spread more hurt to more people, but single-target should be able to keep up in actual death blows. This also would mean that healers would want to have the ability on their healing bar to dish some final #'s for single-target as well.


If this is correct, then things like Mage's Fury or Whirlwind, Assassin's Blade or Reverse Slash, and even something like Silver Bolts, Death Stroke, Soul Strike, and Silver Bolts would be good because they either have a low chance (or rarely usable) but have a good chance of getting the final blow to something because of how high the numbers will be. The next best would be big-hitters such as Uppercut, Crystal Shard, Snipe, etc. Then probably AOE damage like Lightning Splash, Fiery Breath, Volley, Spear Shards,  and , and then finally the big hitting spammables like Lava Whip/Piercing Javelin/Stonefist.


I think the worst things will be relying on white damage and non-AOE DOTs like searing strike/agony/cripple/sun fire.



But, this is all assuming that killing blows matter... and, depending on how many people AOEs end up hitting (both due to how many people are in the area and how many maximum people can be affected),  AOEs could (like irons says) definitely be the best--whoever stacks spell power, and has enough resource regen to keep up those AOEs, could definitely even be the person who gets the most KBs (and of course, like irons said, will have the highest total damage by a landslide.)

That's highly unlikely.

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That's highly unlikely.

How is it worse than your prediction?


K/D ratio implies the most skill, because then it's not just who's in the fray the most--it's who's winning the most, despite their odds.


Edit: It will probably end up being something stupid anyway, like who does the most damage to keeps or to siege weapons, depending on whether they're attacking or defending.

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I don't think that just dealing dmg will give you anything but who knows.



The reason why I say that it highly unlikely is that in most games like this they don't go with a system like you describe it.


They might could go with a hybrid system where 1 get's the kill and the others get assists like in some Moba games.

So for example for killing you gain 10 points and for assiting 5. But even than AoE would be best.





The most important thing if you want to become Emperor is TIME but without an AoE build you would need even more time.



I don't care of becoming Emperor that's why I can run a build which will help my allience to win the war instead of just farming points for myself.

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I don't think that just dealing dmg will give you anything but who knows.



The reason why I say that it highly unlikely is that in most games like this they don't go with a system like you describe it.


They might could go with a hybrid system where 1 get's the kill and the others get assists like in some Moba games.

So for example for killing you gain 10 points and for assiting 5. But even than AoE would be best.





The most important thing if you want to become Emperor is TIME but without an AoE build you would need even more time.



I don't care of becoming Emperor that's why I can run a build which will help my allience to win the war instead of just farming points for myself.


That's a good idea, I think that would work well. (The double points for killing blows, regular points for assists or healing someone who's killed someone.)


I hope it's something like that, I also hope that deaths count against you in some way (other than time spent away from the battle) like if you were to lose points for dying and then whoever ended up having the most points wins maybe?


Yeah, haha, I plan on abusing whatever systems I have to in order to get Emperor ASAP.

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The thing is also if you just get points for killing (killing blow) than you have a kill stealing system.



I hope it's something like that, I also hope that deaths count against you in some way (other than time spent away from the battle) like if you were to lose points for dying and then whoever ended up having the most points wins maybe?

If you lose points when dying than that just make Zergs more attractive.

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I hope they are going for more complex activity based system. In general strokes i suppose it will be more or less like Irons sugested. Still it would be more fair if it is based on contribution and that means that healing and taking damage should come into equation. Besides that involvment in sucessfull offence , deffence. counting elements which are bases for finesse . Why - all that will bring balance to the game and basic system of values will be much better communicated.

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