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Builds - Im clueless


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When I look at some of the character build threads it all goes completely over my head, you guys seem to know every detail about what skills to use with what weapon & armour, im completely clueless about what I should go with but you guys talk of it like youve played for years.can anyone give me a clue of what to be looking at as a main healer? looking at the racial skill thread, I feel an Altmer would probably be best, after that I have no idea of what to be looking towards.

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For a healer the best races are Highelfs or Bretons.

Weapon is a clear choise you want to have at least 1 Restoration Staff.


For classes there are multiple viable choises.

Templer is the only class which has additional healing skills.


But for my healer twink I plan on using a Sorccerer.

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When I look at some of the character build threads it all goes completely over my head, you guys seem to know every detail about what skills to use with what weapon & armour, im completely clueless about what I should go with but you guys talk of it like youve played for years.can anyone give me a clue of what to be looking at as a main healer? looking at the racial skill thread, I feel an Altmer would probably be best, after that I have no idea of what to be looking towards.


If you go templar you have a spammable nuke-heal. If you just use restoration then your only spammable healing ability (in the sense that you can keep using it, as long as they are taking damage it will keep being beneficial) is the absorption bubble. With a spammable heal, your healing is 100% based on how much magicka resource you have, and how much spell power you have.

Time is important when it comes to healing, because you can only output X amount of healing over time if you don't have one of those spammable abilities, and even they are limited by global cooldowns so you need to pump up your power as well to increase the amount it heals/absorbs each time.


The templar healing ability is much better than the bubble from resto staff because it can actually fill the targets health bar rather than just mitigate additional damage, although both could be used in unison.


There's a lot to healing, but yes, the best race is Altmer because they have the highest amount of magicka resource/sustained casting power. Breton is the next best, but their reduction of cost is much lower than the % increase in regeneration so it's not as beneficial even as a templar who gets 4% total MP back with each spell cast.


Sorce's can make great healers if you're okay with only using the resto staff abilities because they have huge MP potential (almost as much as Templar) but the thing that really shines out for a caster (light armor/staves) build on a sorce is there spell Dark Exchange which converts the stamina resource into health and magicka--so you can effectively use your stamina to cast magicka costing abilities rather than relying on stamina abilities (which you won't really have, so it's a good way to use your stamina in PVE)


It might sound like we know what we're talking about, but all we really know are the current passives and actives for each skill tree... Without knowing every in-game mechanic we can't know what the actual best build is for say pve healing..


For pvp healing I think we pretty much nailed it in the templar thread. Morph Rune Focus into uninterruptable and then use immovable, good damage reduction and anti-cc, use the support pvp skill tree for a lot of extra mp regen and then just use the spammable heal x 3 morph and you can output a mad amount of consistent healing.


Without doing a lot of research to figure out exactly how you, personally, want to play...it'll be impossible to know what the best setup for yourself is. You'll need to either just play and figure it out or do the research before asking, otherwise we can't help you. There are so many options in this game that you can build your character for an exact purpose very easily--just a matter of knowing what you want to do first.


Let us know what you plan on doing mostly with your character, I'm presuming dungeons--in which case Sorc/Resto Staff/Altmer's probably the best choice and I'd recommend that as your first character for beta.


Tell us though what your goals are, and we'll be able to help you more.


If you liked my response then like my facebook page. :)

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There's a lot to healing, but yes, the best race is Altmer because they have the highest amount of magicka resource/sustained casting power. Breton is the next best, but their reduction of cost is much lower than the % increase in regeneration so it's not as beneficial

You compare apples with oranges a classical logical mistake. We can't actually say what's better.

But both races should be fairly good healers.

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You compare apples with oranges a classical logical mistake. We can't actually say what's better.

But both races should be fairly good healers.


Please, explain the "classic logical mistake" that I made.... There's not a classical logical fallacy made. The only thing that's going on here are presumptions about Spellcharge that I made, that you apparently disagree with.


I feel that 9% extra regen per second will be better than 3% cost of each spell. You're right that it is just my opinion. I don't have any idea what "Increase Magicka Recovery in Combat by 9%" actually means when it's applied-- if it's +9% to total mp regen then for a healer (who's going to be stacking a lot of mp regen) it's probably going to be higher than Breton's 3% reduction of each spell cost.


You're right that it isn't a FACT, but you don't need to go full-retard about one statement when it's just an opinion that doesn't even matter. They will both be good healers...and they're separate alliances anyway, so there's even less of a point in comparing their details.


Breton's better than Altmer all-round if you're not using elemental damage.


Yeah, fuck it, Breton's better anyway. I actually believe that every caster should be a breton unless you're doing a fire-DK build...then you should be Dunmer, or a Shock Sorce should be Altmer. Other than that, all players planning on being MP based should play Breton.


BUT-- Aldmeri will have the highest amount of medium armor physical DMG characters...so maybe you'd want to be in Aldmeri anyway, so you don't get ass-raped by grand elf's 2H.

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Please, explain the "classic logical mistake" that I made.... There's not a classical logical fallacy made. The only thing that's going on here are presumptions about Spellcharge that I made, that you apparently disagree with. I feel that 9% extra regen per second will be better than 3% cost of each spell. You're right that it is just my opinion. I don't have any idea what "Increase Magicka Recovery in Combat by 9%" actually means when it's applied-- if it's +9% to total mp regen then for a healer (who's going to be stacking a lot of mp regen) it's probably going to be higher than Breton's 3% reduction of each spell cost. You're right that it isn't a FACT, but you don't need to go full-retard about one statement when it's just an opinion that doesn't even matter. They will both be good healers...and they're separate alliances anyway, so there's even less of a point in comparing their details. Breton's better than Altmer all-round if you're not using elemental damage. Yeah, fuck it, Breton's better anyway. I actually believe that every caster should be a breton unless you're doing a fire-DK build...then you should be Dunmer, or a Shock Sorce should be Altmer. Other than that, all players planning on being MP based should play Breton. BUT-- Aldmeri will have the highest amount of medium armor physical DMG characters...so maybe you'd want to be in Aldmeri anyway, so you don't get ass-raped by grand elf's 2H.

I'm sorry I just wanted to put out that you can't compare +9% reg with 3% less magicka cost because we don't have the numbers to actually know what's better.When you wrote it looked like a fact to me not an opinion.
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I'm sorry I just wanted to put out that you can't compare +9% reg with 3% less magicka cost because we don't have the numbers to actually know what's better.When you wrote it looked like a fact to me not an opinion.


Nothing I say is a fact, haha, I guess I'm a hard agnostic in all walks of life. XD I am wondering what the classical logical mistake was though? I know all the main logical fallacies and I don't think any apply.

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Nothing I say is a fact, haha, I guess I'm a hard agnostic in all walks of life. XD I am wondering what the classical logical mistake was though? I know all the main logical fallacies and I don't think any apply.

The classical logical mistake is to compare 2 things which look the same like 9% with 3% but when those actually refer to 2 different things.

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Thanks Musclemagic and irons that's some nice info.I'm thinking I want to be a main healer in dungeons but also be able to deal damage when playing solo (or in dungeons if I want a break from healing :) ), I figured Altmer would be best because of the magicka regen for healing and the destruction bonuses for damage dealing.I'm not looking for an easy option for healing by just spamming a single spell, I like to work for the result otherwise it gets boring (no healbotz here lol)Where is your FB page?

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Thanks Musclemagic and irons that's some nice info.I'm thinking I want to be a main healer in dungeons but also be able to deal damage when playing solo (or in dungeons if I want a break from healing :) ), I figured Altmer would be best because of the magicka regen for healing and the destruction bonuses for damage dealing.I'm not looking for an easy option for healing by just spamming a single spell, I like to work for the result otherwise it gets boring (no healbotz here lol)Where is your FB page?


If you maximize your healing abilities then it gives you more room to DPS at the same time though, no need to slow down--you can always just go faster if you have a better build because there's so many things you can do you'll never feel like it's easy, hopefully you'll just be able to do more on the side if you're able to heal easier.




I've been thinking a lot about sorce healing, and I think I might make my main a sorce healer instead of a templar. I've been dead-set on templar since the day they released the classes...but now I'm pretty sure I want to be a sorc, but I'm not sure yet. I haven't been able to make as good of a healing build with sorce as templar.


btw, I plan on being a pvp healer but with the ability to do a lot of damage as well--so we have similar goals.

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As for race i think you should look at all three factions... (i said this before)

unless or are you dead set that you and your friends will automatically pick the one faction which have the "best" healer racials (and in this case might have the "worst" tank racials) ?


Your racial options would be:

Altmer, Breton and Dark Elf (or Argonian).


As for weapon you should level up restoration staff (and another weapon; maybe something with stamina driven skills to save your magicka for heals--- such as Bow; or something that make you a tougher opponent when you get someone jumping you so you survive long enough for the party to protect you--- such as 1h and shield; or maybe an offensive stamina option that you can use to kill stuff with when you don't have a party--- such as two hand or dual wield; or maybe an offensive magicka alternative since you will already have good magicka regeneration and a big magicka pool--- such as destruction staff).


As for start class. All four are viable.


Templars do give you more healing options (templar are mostly close range pbaoe effects which require that you are up in the middle of things). It give you alternative ways of healing (restoration staff is mostly stand at range and heal like a "traditional" healer). But if you mostly plan on standing far away to heal then it doesn't really matter (actually, sorcerer might be a better option for that kind of healer). Night blade healers might be really cool in pvp (having access to instant invisibility and all). Dragon knights have very solid buff lines which are good for a support class like a healer... You will be an excellent healer without any active class skills at all.

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As for race i think you should look at all three factions... (i said this before)

unless or are you dead set that you and your friends will automatically pick the one faction which have the "best" healer racials (and in this case might have the "worst" tank racials) ?


Your racial options would be:

Altmer, Breton and Dark Elf (or Argonian).


As for weapon you should level up restoration staff (and another weapon; maybe something with stamina driven skills to save your magicka for heals--- such as Bow; or something that make you a tougher opponent when you get someone jumping you so you survive long enough for the party to protect you--- such as 1h and shield; or maybe an offensive stamina option that you can use to kill stuff with when you don't have a party--- such as two hand or dual wield; or maybe an offensive magicka alternative since you will already have good magicka regeneration and a big magicka pool--- such as destruction staff).


As for start class. All four are viable.


Templars do give you more healing options (templar are mostly close range pbaoe effects which require that you are up in the middle of things). It give you alternative ways of healing (restoration staff is mostly stand at range and heal like a "traditional" healer). But if you mostly plan on standing far away to heal then it doesn't really matter (actually, sorcerer might be a better option for that kind of healer). Night blade healers might be really cool in pvp (having access to instant invisibility and all). Dragon knights have very solid buff lines which are good for a support class like a healer... You will be an excellent healer without any active class skills at all.


Aye, this kind of broad spectrum is probably what he was asking about huh? XD :P Nice post-- you should make a "The Healing Thread" and post this as OP.


I'd say Argonian is definitely better then Dunmer for healing, but that's debatable. You should expand this a bit more about armor choice and 2nd weapon and such as well if you're going to make a thread for it. I really really like your post.

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Not sure about Argonians for healing, the +15% resto exp will be good for leveling up but will be useless once you hit max, +7% healing 'received' wont effect healing others.I like the sound of a sorcerer healer but it seems it wont be a good idea to use magicka for damage dealing at the same time as healing.Would I be able to use healing and bow together but then also use destruction magic for solo play? Would it weaken me on the whole having to level all 3?

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Not sure about Argonians for healing, the +15% resto exp will be good for leveling up but will be useless once you hit max, +7% healing 'received' wont effect healing others.I like the sound of a sorcerer healer but it seems it wont be a good idea to use magicka for damage dealing at the same time as healing.Would I be able to use healing and bow together but then also use destruction magic for solo play? Would it weaken me on the whole having to level all 3?


You'd need to change enchantments between bow and destro use, especially if you plan on using many stamina attacks from it. Of course it won't be devastating, you'll just do a little bit less.


There's going to be so many people with bows though, haha, that's the only reason why I'm not making a bow class.


EDIT: Argonian VS Dunmer, you either get +6% magicka or you get +disease/poison resistances and +7% healing taken.


+7% healing taken and +some mitigation to me seems better than 6% magicka because in PVP the healer's going to be targeted a LOT. And, 6% is a lot but not enough to get me hard.


Sadly, the +15% resto staff experience is worthless, your weapon/armor skills will level fast or slow based on your character level anyway..leveling them faster doesn't really do anything anyway...I mean, sure it'll help a bit--to unlock higher-up skills faster..but because you don't need to use skills, you just need to have the weapon equipped to level up weapons/armors, it's not like it takes up any of your time to level them. At least that's my opinion on those +item XP racials..that they're not even worth looking at when considering a character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changing enchantments - Im assuming I can have 2 sets of armour, 1 for healing with a little bow dmg to use while in a dungeon party and the other for solo play aimed towards giving more dmg output, each set would be enchanted accordingly, I suppose another set for pvp too.I guess Ill just have to wait and see how it plays out when release day comes :)Thanks for all the info guys.

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Are you going to be healing through Resto Staff or healing through Templar abilities?


If you're healing through Resto Staff then Weapon Power may be the enchant you desire. Weapon Power would increase bow damage as well, so you might not want to swap armor just for the enchants.


If you're Templar healing, then you want Spell Power, in which case your bow won't do much damage. But, you could use Templar Abilities to do damage and a Destro staff to supplement them just fine?


I forget your build plan, so I can't give specific advice. 


You might find that there are magic properties on certain armors and armor sets that have bonuses towards your different goals though, and that would give cause for separate sets for separate situations.


I certainly would suggest wearing Light for group healing and wearing Medium for Bow DPS though, despite your enchants. I'd suggest that even if it was just for the passives, even if the armor didn't have different attributes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you going to be healing through Resto Staff or healing through Templar abilities?I forget your build plan, so I can't give specific advise

I really don't know tbh, in beta the only skills I had were Rushed Ceremony, Grand Healing and Sun Fire. I kind of rushed into picking up a Resto staff thinking "I'm gonna be a healzor" I used my 1st two skill points on healing skills, only to realise I wasn't healing anyone lol. Then I picked up Sun Fire and used it constantly with a few blasts from the staff when Magicka was low (realised I won't need a bow now) Wasted the next couple of skill points making Alchemy & Enchanting materials highlighted in the world, so I didn't unlock anymore skills.Planning to be a main healer in groups and DPS solo.
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Are you going to be healing through Resto Staff or healing through Templar abilities?I forget your build plan, so I can't give specific advise

I really don't know tbh, in beta the only skills I had were Rushed Ceremony, Grand Healing and Sun Fire. I kind of rushed into picking up a Resto staff thinking "I'm gonna be a healzor" I used my 1st two skill points on healing skills, only to realise I wasn't healing anyone lol. Then I picked up Sun Fire and used it constantly with a few blasts from the staff when Magicka was low (realised I won't need a bow now) Wasted the next couple of skill points making Alchemy & Enchanting materials highlighted in the world, so I didn't unlock anymore skills.Planning to be a main healer in groups and DPS solo.
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