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The Dragonknight Thread


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What's the standard HP at level 1? I thought it was 100 for everything besides Orc, so I did 3/100 = 3%. I'm not confident that it is 100 though, it was just a fun little guesswork post.


As far as those numbers go... I have no idea where I got them, LMAO, what in the literal fuck?? I can't figure it out!

You are right the start Hp is 100 also for orcs (because you haven't unlocked the passive at the start of the game).

But saying it is percent based doesn't make any sense because why don't you than say that about all abilities. Like that spell deals 7 dmg at lvl 1 so it's 7%, but we know that those abilities scale with your level and not with your HP, so it doesn't make sense that that 1 abilitiy now should scale with your HP.

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You are right the start Hp is 100 also for orcs (because you haven't unlocked the passive at the start of the game).

But saying it is percent based doesn't make any sense because why don't you than say that about all abilities. Like that spell deals 7 dmg at lvl 1 so it's 7%, but we know that those abilities scale with your level and not with your HP, so it doesn't make sense that that 1 abilitiy now should scale with your HP.


Because X damage per hit is incalculable DPS (since we don't know attack frames, and we weren't talking about DOTs), I compared it to HP instead. True, it doesn't actually make a difference to say that instead of just saying X damage/Hit, so I guess it was a wasted thought. I guess I still personally would rather have at least something to compare it with though-no matter how unimportant it is.


While taking +3 damage per hit isn't going to be +3% at higher levels, since it doesn't scale, it's still interesting to think about.

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Race high elve,because of shoddycast-dragon knight-5 medium 2 heavy.


-Evasion:gain 15% dodge chance fer 17s

-snipe:long range/high damage

-dragon blood:self heal  27%, 40% increase health regen for 20 seconds.Great morph

-poison arrow:Interrupt 3 sec/dot

-Immovable: 8s immune knock back+stun, 17 armor & spell resist

ult-magma armor 


2 bar


-fiery grip: you should know by now

-searing strike:large spammable dot

-lava whip:19 damage + stun

-ash cloud:30% miss,70% dodge

-spiked armor:also should know

ult drafon knight standard


These can be used in any order you want/balancing issues maybe,but high elf passive will help with mana & 5 medium with stamina.I can add points where they are needed. I was thinking the first bar should maybe have a destruction staff. Don't really know what i am doing,but these are the skills that caught my eye.


option first bar

fire destruction staff

-Evasion or entrophy

-hidden blade

-Force shock 

-weakness to elements



idk,i guess two peices of light instead of heavy if i use this.

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Race high elve,because of shoddycast-dragon knight-5 medium 2 heavy.


-Evasion:gain 15% dodge chance fer 17s

-snipe:long range/high damage

-dragon blood:self heal  27%, 40% increase health regen for 20 seconds.Great morph

-poison arrow:Interrupt 3 sec/dot

-Immovable: 8s immune knock back+stun, 17 armor & spell resist

ult-magma armor 


2 bar


-fiery grip: you should know by now

-searing strike:large spammable dot

-lava whip:19 damage + stun

-ash cloud:30% miss,70% dodge

-spiked armor:also should know

ult drafon knight standard


These can be used in any order you want/balancing issues maybe,but high elf passive will help with mana & 5 medium with stamina.I can add points where they are needed. I was thinking the first bar should maybe have a destruction staff. Don't really know what i am doing,but these are the skills that caught my eye.


option first bar

fire destruction staff

-Evasion or entrophy

-hidden blade

-Force shock 

-weakness to elements



idk,i guess two peices of light instead of heavy if i use this.


There's two major things wrong with this build.


1) Your bow bar is almost all stamina cost. Your DW bar is almost all magicka cost.

Unless you plan on swapping bars every 4-5 seconds in every fight (which is a huge waste), you won't have very good resource balance which is a big part of the good from the bad players (especially DKs who aren't strong in resources.)


2) Your first bar is all Weapon-Tree Damage, your second bar is all Class-Tree Damage. Meaning you have two purebread bars...where you would either enchant with all + Weapon Power or all + Spell Power to increase the damage of either one of those bars. If you did this then the other bar would suck. If you balanced Weapon/Spell Power then both bars would be weak.


Your bow bar would work nicely, because your 1 MP ability is re-usable in sticky situations, but a lot of the time you won't need to use any MP for this bar (like when you're sniping.) So you should probably at least take something like Molten Weapons and Obsidian Shield on your secondary bar to have as an MP dump.


Also, I'd definitely go Redguard instead of Altmer for a high Stam cost DK.


I get the feeling that you like Range more than Close combat, so I'll make a main bar with Bow and secondary bar with DW. So, I'll ad more survival to your Range bar and then add more utility to your second bar.


Redguard DK - Medium/Heavy

Bow- Main Bar



Poison Arrow

Dark Talons

Reflective Scale

1H&Shield- Secondary Bar

Molten Weapons

Obsidian Shield



Defensive Posture


For your bow bar you can just DPS (either AOE or single-target) and then depending on if you're fighting melees you would use Dark Talons or if you're fighting casters you would use Reflective Scale to use Magicka Points (MP) while you are DPSing with your Stamina(St).


When things get too heavy you can switch to your S&S bar to take less damage and be able to spam Obsidian Shield for absorption (which should synergize nicely with your increased mitigation.) Molten Weapons is just really nice, since it will also increase your weapon damage on your main bar if you keep it active before fights and such.


Less weapon swapping is more damage, better resource management is better everything, having an AOE attack is definitely important, survival and group support is important.


But, here's the underlying problem; Even though I think that it's possible to be decent with this, I think that it would be better to be a Nightblade with the exact same build-idea. NB is just designed a bit better for your build-type I think.


In the end, it's whatever you want, but hopefully some of the ideas behind my suggestions (even if you don't like the suggestions themselves) end up helping you with your decisions.


:) Welcome to the forums BTW!



Edit: Definitely check out this thread, http://eldersouls.com/topic/4622-building-your-character-elitist-builds/

The 1st post is a pretty decent guide to character design IMO. XD

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lol, I guess so. I thought that watzzup meant that he was going to play Altmer because Shoddycast recommended Altmer for DK or something... Not that he was going to actually try to play with them.


Not that it was a major part of my post though.  XD

Yeah right, I haven't got the time or let's be honest I just didn't wanted to take a closer look are your or his post :wink:

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What irons said is spot on.


Personally, all of my DPS builds are 7/7 light armor and destruction staff users for one reason: -42% enemy magic resistance. (The problem is that some builds just don't work with this setup, like this one.)


Yes, medium armor gets +crit/+attack speed, but -42% enemy magic resistance is huge. I think that even against heavy/light targets the magic damage from light armor wearers will still be decent while a melee user will be but a minor hindrance for heavy armor users.


I think that a light armor / Destro staff is a good choice if you play it right. Do I think that a medium/heavy armor + Destro staff is a good choice though? Not at all.


As a DK you'd want to mix at least a couple pieces of medium or heavy into your light armor still, not just because you'll have a terrible time against melee but also because you want to have Stamina cost abilities.


I'd ask why you don't want to be a Sorc? Sorc or even Templar is better than DK for light/destro. If you want to be a DK your best bet is tanking (or at least wearing heavy+melee with low-cost skills) if you're trying to min/max.


I think something like this is reasonable but due to the range on fire abilities it's still only half sexy. You still end up having to "tank" almost because that's just the nature of DK. There's not even room on the bars for the fire spells because it just messes up any destro staff user's playstyle too much.


5 light 1 heavy 1 medium, destro/resto, spell-power DK (Dark Elf would be best, but if that's not an option Altmer's good.)


Weakness to Elements (incrs weapon dmg)

Spiked Armor (since you need +armor as a light armor wearer)

Dragon Blood



Resto for the passive heals - or - 1H&S for the armor and blocking

Molten Weapons

Obsidian Shield

Spiked Armor




Ult - DK Standard


With this exact build, you could go all weapon damage without much spell repercussions. Your Destro Staff would do quite a bit with Weakness up, your Resto Staff would heal for quite a bit passively.


idk, it's a really really hard build-idea to make work very well... at least in my eyes.

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Dont be discouraged, it is possible to get a perfect balance. I thought about  it and here is what i came u with,but i havent thought about armor you will have to do that.


Destruction Staff

-Force shock:inturupt

-obsidian shield :increase survival

-ash field:increase survival

-immovable: survival/before you swith bars

-weakness to elements:for obvious reasons

Dual wield 

-Fiery Grip: so they cant run

-Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy

-Flurry:fiery grip has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40%/so also use after fiery grip

-Dragon blood or reflective scale:as irons put it depends on who your targeting

-This one really depends on what armor you choose these are all possible(Hidden Blade,Annulment,sparks,entrophy,imovable,or spiked armor.


I leave you to do the manipulating,so yaa good luck with that tell me what you come up with.The great thing about eso is you can do what ever you want  :P .

It's a nice build but the "problem" with is that you are forced to fight close range and that you would want to go with mainly if not full light armor. The first bar offers you great survivability but very little dmg, so you basically will use your survival skills and than switch to Dual Wield. Flurry doesn't offer a morpg which lowers the armor but that's good because it wouldn't help you much, because you would want to focus on spell dmg.

You should focus more on Dps with your second bar.


With a build like that you would want to focus on taking down rogues and ones people release what's your build is about the will focus on others.

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The job of a Bruiser is to set the opponent under pressure. He is basically a mix out of a Tank and a pure Dps.Bruiser can be used on Battlefields in different ways.For example he can run around the battlefield and protect weaker allies like casters, so if someone starts to attack your healer the Bruiser jumps in.Or you can play the opposite role where you attack enimies in order to force them to deal with you.My DK PvP build is more or less a Bruiser build the only thing you would have to chance is that you would want more dmg. Which could be reached through dropping some of the Hp reg for stamina reg. You could also go with medium armor instead of heavy armor for more dmg.But that's more or less fine tuning ones the game launches.

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It's a nice build but the "problem" with is that you are forced to fight close range and that you would want to go with mainly if not full light armor. The first bar offers you great survivability but very little dmg, so you basically will use your survival skills and than switch to Dual Wield. Flurry doesn't offer a morpg which lowers the armor but that's good because it wouldn't help you much, because you would want to focus on spell dmg.

You should focus more on Dps with your second bar.


With a build like that you would want to focus on taking down rogues and ones people release what's your build is about the will focus on others.

Your right,the morph that decreases their armor is fiery grip,then when their close unleash your flurry & searing strike,because it will have bonus damage due to weakness to elements. I see what your doing their ghost thx alot i couldnt have asked for a better christmas present.

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Thanks mate, I know resources are major problem with DK. Its really difficult to setup something in balance except tanking. I tried and tried a lot of variations and still am stuck with pvp balance which is determined with PVE setup as my priority. I have some idea as well and it goes in direction of your build but still i am totally unsure can that work regarding resources:

Dunmer ( + 6% max stam and magic ), point distribution 25 magic;10 health;14 stamina and armor will be 1L,5M,1H ( if neccesary ill drop one light and take 6th M. Ill go enchanting and probably will get 2 enchants per piece of armor and in pvp i distribute ench between resources, melee power and life steel. Mundus stone if i have something like stamina/health would be great

Shield and sword

Shield charge



Fiery breath

Obsidian shield

Magma armor

2 Hander




Fiery breath

Ash cloud

Dragon standard

I plan to produce most damage with 2H white hits after ( puncture + momentum) and slow them down with fiery breath ( actually i will use most cost efficient spell there with dot to slow them down and eat up all health regeneration they may have ). Regarding defence i will have obsidian shield all time up ( to compensate for medium armor )  if it is feasible regarding resources.  All other resources spending will be reactive.


Edit :

I am not sure about survivability if i am between several enemies coz regen and armor so i didn’t want to bother with aoe (all aoe i have is short range). 

And if this is ok in practice it means that i will work very hard to get 3 lines in armor and weapons ( pve + pvp ). 

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For a Buriser it really depends how you wanna balance Dps and survibility.


You could go with 2h and DW, or you can use 1h&S you could even use a bow, but you should stay with physical weapons.



I would go with 2H and 5M armor pieces. That way you have a much higher Stamina reg and more dmg than in full heavy but you still keep some survibility.

For race I would go with Redguard, because they have the best stamina reg of all races.

Stats I would go with 30 stamina and the rest into HP.

Enchantments HP reg and where possible increased weapon dmg plus if needed stamina reg (takes away from HP reg)

2h some heavy dmg enchantment

1h&S some more defensive enchantments like Life Steal & Shield.


Skill wise it really depends on what you want, you will need a few survival abilities but the rest is your choise.


For Example:



Critical Charge

Reverse Slash


Obsidian Shield




Fiery Grip


Ash Cloud

Dark Talons

Molten Weapons


Your main weapon set would be the 2H but you will use Molten Weapons to boost your weapon dmg and puncture to reduce the armor of your target, Ash cloud gives you more survibility.


Basically that's the same build i posted for my Dk the only difference is that here you would use 5m and 2H instead of 7H.

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