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What happened to all of the Theorycrafting?


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give us unworthy some content to theory craft about please :)


I would, though sadly the skill database already has everything I know. :(


I guess a lot of NA people are busy playing the beta? That and I've posted my build, I don't think I'll be doing another one till release, might do adjustments if I see more info from the game, though *cough*morphs*cough*.


Oh, that's still going on? I thought that was Friday.

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I'm not sure theorycrafting really applies to this game. Aside from the racials, pretty much anyone can do anything. I played a templar on beta this weekend and was amazed at the versatility of the system.


So, while I'm certainly a theory crafter at heart, it doesn't really work here in the same sense of min/max that you can apply to other games. My advice, pick a concept for your character and go with that. There will be skills to support whatever you want to do, no matter what class you choose to play.




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I'm not sure theorycrafting really applies to this game. Aside from the racials, pretty much anyone can do anything. I played a templar on beta this weekend and was amazed at the versatility of the system.


So, while I'm certainly a theory crafter at heart, it doesn't really work here in the same sense of min/max that you can apply to other games. My advice, pick a concept for your character and go with that. There will be skills to support whatever you want to do, no matter what class you choose to play.





The fact that everyone can play anything means that build design is more important than ever because there will be larger gaps between good and bad builds. Including the freedom of choice between resources/health, morphs, enchantments, etc. the difference between good and bad builds will be huge.


The reason I haven't been posting is because 1) the PS4 came out, so I've been livestreaming Resogun and COD. 2) we pretty much made the best possible builds with the current knowledge-at least in my opinion-so until the updated skills are available, there's nothing else to really figure out.

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Allright guys! Let the theorycrafting commence! The biggest source of ESO skill information has just been updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArII4nGY0Yf3dGlrY2IzSzlFZXhrZ3V5MDRwb2lmMEE&usp=sharing#gid=0).

- Most numbers of skills have been tweaked (adjusted to lv 1 value)

- Several morphs have been added

- All passives have 2 ranks, and racial passives 3 ranks

- Emperor skill lane added (only passives)

- Undaunted skill lane added


So lots of new information to keep us theorycrafters happy!

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Allright guys! Let the theorycrafting commence! The biggest source of ESO skill information has just been updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArII4nGY0Yf3dGlrY2IzSzlFZXhrZ3V5MDRwb2lmMEE&usp=sharing#gid=0).

- Most numbers of skills have been tweaked (adjusted to lv 1 value)

- Several morphs have been added

- All passives have 2 ranks, and racial passives 3 ranks

- Emperor skill lane added (only passives)

- Undaunted skill lane added


So lots of new information to keep us theorycrafters happy!


fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap


*reads emperor skill line*


*shits self* Oh god, I'm shitting all over myself! Aughhh so embarrassing D:


*reads Undaunted skill line*


*vomits profusely* Huuuughhhhlllll sooooo goooood!!! Huuurrrrrllllllrrrlrlrlggggghhh


*reads new morphs*


Ohh god,, I'm cumming, raarrrrllllrarrllll, it won't stop spraying!!!


*trys to point away from monitor*




*finished cumming, then goes back to toilet to continue shitting and vomiting*

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yerion not all of this looks right is the night-blades teleport strike really opp and you have alot of zero's where they shouldn't be lol.

I think it does look right. I do not think the teleport strike is op. All the damage numbers of the abilities are lv 1 damage numbers, but remember that the morphs most likely are not. Those morph damage numbers are based on the level of the character at the moment he had the max level of that ability and morphed it. That is why those damage numbers seem so high.

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just look up the spreadsheet w/o the recent changes and u will have a close the accurate value, if u consider the new tiers scaling for passivs (0/3...)With the recent changes they left out the base percentage dmg mitegration and put in base armor or spellresist stats.Which brings me to the skill Blessing Protection. If u compare it to the recently changed skills like Immovable, Spiked Armor and Lightning Form, it would be close to 25% dmg reduction for 8s. And in a rather large area of effect 20x4m for 49magicka on lvl1Seems pretty nice to me.

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yerion are the random zeros just info that will likely change? For example the Dark elfs Flame talent is 0%

That number is updated -> 10 flame resistance per rank. Which is the same amount as the nords cold resistance. 


Repulse seemed strong. Maybe they removed it to prevend the mage from having to much aoe (cc) abilities.

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