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Explain Tamriel to me please!


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OK ok,

I know this might be a very difficult and long topic but I just want to gain a better understanding of the state in which Tamriel finds itself after the signing of the White-Gold Concordat. So the things that I know are the following: Talos worship is banned; Hammerfell  is independent and has driven back the Altmer; Civil war has broken out in Skyrim; Elsweyr is now divided into two kingdoms who serve as client states of the Aldmeri Dominion; Valenwood is part of the Aldmeri Dominion; High Rock is part of the Empire of Tamriel. Please, correct me if I'm wrong on any of these. Now come the questions: Is Morrowind still part of the Empire or did it too become independent? Is Black Marsh part of the Empire (I thought it was but then I read that the deepest parts of the region are accessible only to Argonians which would rule out the possibility of garrisoning imperial troops)? And my last question, did the Aldmeri Dominion gain control of parts of Cyrodil as a result of the White-Gold Concordat because I read that during the war much of southern Cyrodil was occupied by Aldmeri troops?


Sorry it had to be so long and I really hope someone can provide me with some answers.

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Morrowind is a semi-impoverished wreck due to eruptions and Argonians, but I'd assume, yes, they're with the empire. The Nords gave them Solstheim, after all.


Tiber Septim sort of only got the Argonians via treaty. Nobody actually invaded inner Blackmarsh nor garrisoned anything strategic. They withdrew from the empire, and weakened it by sacking the Dunmer before the White-Gold Concordat even happened.


Cyrodiil... Not much of an idea. Probably not.


Oh, and I found this:



Go nuts, curious one.

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