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The Elder Souls Halloween Party


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The Elder Souls Halloween Party

Happy Halloween!

In the spirit of commemorating this cherished holiday, I propose we all come together for an inexplicable bout of community merriment.

Here, you can...

 -Tell a Halloween story.

 -Post a Halloween picture.

 -Greet Huygens a happy birthday and hope he doesn't molest trick-or-treaters while dressed as Pedobear.

 -Or play a game. I assume we are all wearing Halloween costumes as we type, so... Game rules: you may...

  • [*]Guess what costume the person above you is wearing and/or state a scary truth about him/her. [*]Include anybody else in your list, except yourself. [*]Win when somebody breaks down and confesses that it is so, or when the majority decides it for him.


Since I must go first, here are my assumptions of the site's current most-recognizable fellas.

David. The Llamaborn is dressed as an alpaca. A sexy alpaca.
Musclemagic painted himself four extra abs.

Blake is a nudist.
DeathclawSlayer tripped over and killed himself. People think he is a prop.

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I wrote "Life" on a blank white t-shirt with a marker and handed out lemons on campus. No pictures. I apologize. To make up for it though, I saw a short round chick dress up as a Sailor Moon character and some dude wearing some black robe thing during the daytime. He may have been trying to look like something, but it totally looked like he was wearing a dress.


On a related topic, how much of the Halloween do you guys do? I occasionally may dress up during the day for classes and I usually do something with friends at night, but I don't usually dress up and walk about main street.

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I went to my college Latin class and my extremely enthusiastic Latin teacher showed up in, well...


Posted Image


The costume was great and more "authentic" and less cheap looking than that, but you get the idea. Apparently he had gone to all of his graduate classes, staff meetings, etc. for the day in it. It was hilarious because this guy was really into his subject and wouldn't drop character for anything. He eventually played some sort of suspenseful soundtrack (name is on the tip of my tongue) and delivered a speech.


Blake is a nudist.


This was hilarious because I typed the same thing before seeing that was your guess.


David. The Llamaborn is dressed as an alpaca. A sexy alpaca.


Sadly, I didn't do anything for Halloween this year. If only Deathirst was still around to design me a costume.

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I wrote "Life" on a blank white t-shirt with a marker and handed out lemons on campus. No pictures. I apologize.


Well, god damn. I've been trying to observe the adage "when life gives you lemons, punch it in the face and demand strawberries."

-- now I found out I literally can.




I went to my college Latin class and my extremely enthusiastic Latin teacher showed up in, well...




The costume was great and more "authentic" and less cheap looking than that, but you get the idea. Apparently he had gone to all of his graduate classes, staff meetings, etc. for the day in it. It was hilarious because this guy was really into his subject and wouldn't drop character for anything. He eventually played some sort of suspenseful soundtrack (name is on the tip of my tongue) and delivered a speech.



Sadly, I didn't do anything for Halloween this year. If only Deathirst was still around to design me a costume.


Here's my Halloween story:


I woke up in the middle of the afternoon, wiped the crust off my eyes and felt the Halloween magic entice me with its nostalgic song of a whimsical childhood. I ran out of bed and looked out my window. Lo, and behold... I saw nothing. Nothing at all. --because this is the Philippines. It then started raining.


I called up a friend, wanting to do something for Halloween. He wanted to hang out, so we ended up eating at McDonald's, where we planned to spend the night ghost hunting at a cemetery while dancing on peoples graves. I eventually cancelled, realizing that I couldn't stay up late, because I'd have to wake up early the next day to visit long-dead relatives, because, apparently, that's a thing here.


We then settled for an ominous night at my house discussing the same shit we usually do.


And that's how I spent my Halloween.

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