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Skill Database - Development Thread

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Having said that. It I would personally be very interested if you have a spreadsheet or just random level 1 stats in a notepad. If you do then I would love to get a copy (even if the information is already out-dated). I already got stats (such as cast time, range, area, resource being used, resource cost, damage, duration etc) on most abilities by watching several hours of leaked in-game photo, freezing the picture and manually typing it down... but i still miss some.

So far I've just been using this document since it has a table-esque format as well - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AjzrYVUYy7dIdHhfMUZ0U09BS0RwRmNuOTJHOGJoMmc#gid=0From what I've seen it matches all of the skills that I posted here several months ago in ESO News, though I plan on going over it after the database is full and has completed its "first draft."
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Are you sure it's thrown? I thought it was planted.


That also raises the question of whether I should just be listing the effects of the skills (in a standardized format), or if it's more helpful (as stats will likely change) to have nothing but descriptions like Tamriel Foundry. I've been doing almost solely effects and pruning the more descriptive elements, such as "create a path of shadow" or "throw a standard."


Even though it's subject to change, please do include the current resource and damage numbers, even include the rank that it's known for. Otherwise we have no direction for the spells.


At least the information that's on the G-Sheet, the more the better please.

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There's another document that, according to the author "mestema," is more updated with current stats. There is also a notes tab that answers some questions I've seen on the forums in the past few days. Can anyone check the two and verify which one is more accurate? This is what the author mentioned for the changes...


I've got all of the Soul Magic line as of mid-late August, updated Armor lines, some renamed passives all over the board, and a bunch of minor changes in the order of skills within lines.


So it'd be great if someone has some extra time and can catch some of the more major differences. I've already noticed a few percentage differences here and there; whether they're accurate I'm not sure, but I plan to use that doc moving forward.


Also, would it be helpful to color-code the database with colors based on stamina, magicka, and ultimate like the docs?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately right after I promised that this will "move faster," exams rolled around and I was swamped... But anyways, I'm posting to let everyone know that this IS still moving forward. Eventually. I updated most of the Sorcerer skills tonight and will continue to add some each day.

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Hey, look, it's my spreadsheet!


The information in it should be more up to date than Rage's sheet, which was based off of the widely distributed forum beta leaks (which I first saw on the old Betacake site). If I recall correctly, those were leaked around May/June. Some of the stuff I've updated is from a few videos leaked from the Ebonheart Pact stress test, which I think was around the end of August. That's mostly the dragonknight and nightblade skills. I updated a bunch of other skills based on the Ophelia Core private server (that has since been lawyered), which was based on the Cyrodiil PvP stress test - around mid-September? That'll be the sorcerer, weapons, armor, guild, and alliance war skill lines.


Other than a few bits here and there, the racial lines are from unconfirmed forum leak sources, to my knowledge.


Skill cost and damage scale by character level, so those values are not going to be very comparable to each other. If a leak happens to show a skill for the first time at level 3, and a different skill for the first time at level 4... not much I can do but record what I see.


There have been at least 2 major multi-GB patches since the PvP stress test, and I have no information from those patches. Hopefully with the new wave of invites going out today we'll see more beta leakers coming forward!

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Hey, look, it's my spreadsheet!


The information in it should be more up to date than Rage's sheet, which was based off of the widely distributed forum beta leaks (which I first saw on the old Betacake site). If I recall correctly, those were leaked around May/June. Some of the stuff I've updated is from a few videos leaked from the Ebonheart Pact stress test, which I think was around the end of August. That's mostly the dragonknight and nightblade skills. I updated a bunch of other skills based on the Ophelia Core private server (that has since been lawyered), which was based on the Cyrodiil PvP stress test - around mid-September? That'll be the sorcerer, weapons, armor, guild, and alliance war skill lines.


Other than a few bits here and there, the racial lines are from unconfirmed forum leak sources, to my knowledge.


Skill cost and damage scale by character level, so those values are not going to be very comparable to each other. If a leak happens to show a skill for the first time at level 3, and a different skill for the first time at level 4... not much I can do but record what I see.


There have been at least 2 major multi-GB patches since the PvP stress test, and I have no information from those patches. Hopefully with the new wave of invites going out today we'll see more beta leakers coming forward!


I'm glad I finally have someone to thank for putting all of that together. :)


Whatever happened to Betacake, anyway? I certainly wasn't ever a regular or anything but I noticed that their Facebook, Twitter, etc. were all shut down one day.

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