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Mechanics Questions


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1. Yes the cooldown on potions is 30 sec


2. Yes food has a longer duration than potion and yes you can use them both, but I think you can only have 1 food and 1 pot active at ones.


3. It just adds up so if you have 5 pieces with 10 stamina reg than you gain 50 extra stamina per sec.

If you ask if the passive stamina reg will effect entchantments than I have to tell you that I don't know that one but most likely it won't.

Thank you all the information provided really helps , and I do understand that the game is still in beta and subject to change before released.


one more question if you remember, Are there any enchantments or jewelry that give % base results?

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Thank you all the information provided really helps , and I do understand that the game is still in beta and subject to change before released.


one more question if you remember, Are there any enchantments or jewelry that give % base results?

Yes power is a % based entchant but stamina is either a fix amount of points or a fix amount of reg

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Yes power is a % based entchant but stamina is either a fix amount of points or a fix amount of reg

This great news (why I asked the questions) , I was planning on being a NB and hoping to wear full medium armor ....

What I am planning now is to have 3 sets of medium armor (maybe different lore types/maybe not) . 


The differances between the sets will be the enchantments. 


Example: one full medium set could have as much power % as I can apply, while another full medium set would have 50 or 70 extra magicka reg per sec.


While the last full medium set would have 50 to 70 health reg per sec, which should allow me to use DW/Bow or Bow/2h (on boss fights) without having to worry using a resto staff.

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Another mechanic question: Does anyone know how combat regeneration is calculated, exactly? 

Is the percentage based on the default stat pool you have or will enchantments which raise the stat also be taken into account?


For instance, if you max out a stat (1080 (default) + 490 (skill points)) to 1570, will this be the number which all regeneration is based on? Or can you buff you stat to e.g. 1800 through enchantments and have the regen base its values on this number?


Further, will the regeneration decrease as you deplete your resource proportionally with the number it is at any given time?


Edit: If the regen number is based on the stat's default max at all times, I can really see some light-armored stormcaller sorcerers and dawn's wrath templars with some extreme magicka regen.


For example, a full light-armored sorcerer with all dumped into magicka would get (15.7 (stat) * 3(default) + 28(7 light) +10(capacitator)) = 643,7 magicka/sec, which is pretty much more than he can burn per second even if he wanted to.

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(There are indications you can only spend Max 30 attribute points per attribute)My guess is that regen %is based on your current attribute rating. No matter if it is from character level,attribute points, enchants ore temporary buffs.I have no evidence to back this up. Just a wild guess.

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Aha, so if I have 1500 magica (45 regen/sec) and I pick the capacitator passive, I get 49,5 regen/sec (0.45*10=4.5)Then if I go full light (28% regen) on top of that, I would get 62.1 regen/sec, right? (0.45*28+4.5 (from capacitator).Is that how it works?

Yes and most likely if you have magicka reg (10magicka/s) as an enchantment on your gear it just adds to it and won't be improved by your magicka reg.

(There are indications you can only spend Max 30 attribute points per attribute)

Just saw that you can spend more than 30 points per attribute
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To determine the value of regen we still need to know the global cooldown on ability use--for instance, how many Mage's Fury spells can a Sorcerer fire off in a 60 second period, assuming he has infinite Magicka?  How many light attacks can he fire off in the same 60 second period?


Is it one attack per second, so Magicka regen per second matches up exactly with casting cost, or is it one Mage's Fury every 0.75 seconds or some other value?  This will tell us the true value of Magicka regen since it's rated in a per second quantity.


Hopefully someone in the beta will just stand and fire off a spell as fast as possible with a stopwatch running and then see if it's exactly one per second or not, and test that with different spells in case they have different casting animation speeds.  Same for light and heavy attacks, to determine their worth as compared to activated abilities that cost Magicka.  The same calculations naturally apply to Stamina-burning abilities and their light/heavy variations.

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odds are all instant cast (not channel or cast) abilities take the same time until you can initiate a new ability.

- In WoW it was 1.0 seconds or 1.5 seconds (depending on what class you played). 


Swing speed (and rate of fire for bow and staff standard attacks) for normal and power attacks will probably depend on the weapon. 

- One hand daggers being faster and more "twitchy" while two hand mace being slower.

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odds are all instant cast (not channel or cast) abilities take the same time until you can initiate a new ability.

- In WoW it was 1.0 seconds or 1.5 seconds (depending on what class you played). 


Swing speed (and rate of fire for bow and staff standard attacks) for normal and power attacks will probably depend on the weapon. 

- One hand daggers being faster and more "twitchy" while two hand mace being slower.

I agree that they global cooldown seems to be 1s.

It seems that the normal attack speed is of dual wield and 2handed is the same (just re watched a video). With the difference that dual wield can follow up quickly with a hit from the offhand while the 2handed weapon has a longer cooldown.

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I thought Dual Wield alternated normal attacks from left and right hand each time you pressed the left mouse button and you can press the left mouse button faster when dual wielding than if you wield a 2h weapon?

Doesn't look like it. In on one of the beta leaks a guy is using both dual wield and 2 handed, sometimes he just hits with his right hand.

Which makes sense because you are captured in the animation, you can press the left mouse button with the same speed.

The thing is if you click the left mouse twice you will attack twice and you can't to anything else until that chain is finnished.

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are you seriously telling me that in eso a two handed mace have the same swing speed as dual daggers.....?

No I'm telling you that a 2handed axe has the same swing speed as a 1handed axe which makes sense.When dual wielding 2 axes your swing speed is the same as with a 2handed one but the cooldown in between your light attacks is lower.
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i think we might be talking about two different things here.


I think you might be talking about how long (or many frames) the actual swing animation is...?


i am not talking about how long the animation is. 

I am talking about how fast you can attack.

when i say swing [or attack] speed for melee (or rate of fire for bow and staff) i mean the number of swings you can do (or number of arrows or fireballs you can fire) within a set time-frame (like one minute). traditionally two handed weapons (and heavy crossbows) have a slower swing speed (or slower rate of fire) and one hand weapons (and bows) have a faster swing speed (or rate of fire).


But even if we are talking animation length, no - it does not make sense that a one hand axe should have an equally long swing animation as a two handed axe. it should have a shorter and more rapid animation that take less time to play. it is a lighter weapon. easier to control.


Traditionally daggers have the shortest animations (and highest swing speed), followed by one handed swords, one handed axe, one handed mace, two handed blades, two handed axe and last two handed mace (with the longest animations and slowest swing or attack speed)



In the time it take to make 30 swings with a slow two handed mace you would [should] have done at least 60 swings while dual wielding a couple of fast daggers.

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watching a video now...


...and in this it sure look like he take one swing with the right hand weapon followed by a swing by the left hand weapon (clicking left mouse button automatically alternate which hand you attack with). power swings (holding left mouse button) is a backhand swing attack that take longer time to execute and holding right mouse button bring up both weapons to block incoming attacks...

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You can swing a 2h with two arms just as fast as a 1h with one arm, this has always bothered me in video games where 2h's are slower for no reason.


But, I agree that while dual wielding you should be able to fire off attacks at twice the speed because you're attacking with both hands.


I haven't really been looking at this yet... Can anyone time a few attacks and post the times so we can use it to calculate things like Siphoning Strikes, Force Siphon, or Lifesteal weapons?

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You can swing a 2h with two arms just as fast as a 1h with one arm, this has always bothered me in video games where 2h's are slower for no reason.


But, I agree that while dual wielding you should be able to fire off attacks at twice the speed because you're attacking with both hands.


I haven't really been looking at this yet... Can anyone time a few attacks and post the times so we can use it to calculate things like Siphoning Strikes, Force Siphon, or Lifesteal weapons?

Just wanted to write this :-)

Just try it your self you will see that you swinging an axe with 1 hand or an axe with 2 hands is the same speed.


I don't think that you are really attack twices as fast maybe 50% faster or so.


The normal attack speed is 1sec. (abilities and light attack) light attacks on some weapons have a shorter global cooldown.

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A question if anyone can answer please?


One of the medium armor passive is:


Improved Sneak
  • [*]-5% sneak detection area per piece of equipped Medium Armor.

What does that do exactly?  Example:  If I have sneak skill maxed and I am wearing (7 piece) medium set can I walk up to a mob and back-stab without being detected if they don't use "mage light"?

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A question if anyone can answer please?


One of the medium armor passive is:


Improved Sneak

[*]-5% sneak detection area per piece of equipped Medium Armor.

What does that do exactly?  Example:  If I have sneak skill maxed and I am wearing (7 piece) medium set can I walk up to a mob and back-stab without being detected if they don't use "mage light"?


It just works based on cLvl rather than having a sneak level of it's own. If you're sneaking up against something a few levels above you it probably increases the radius where they can detect you. For example, a level 15 monster when you're level 12 might detect you while you're still 20 yards away.


In PvP where we're all considered level 50 everyone will probably have like a 10m detection radius. Each piece of medium armor will reduce it by 5%, max of 35%, so you can get within 6.5m radius rather than 10m before you're even detectable.


If they're using Magelight then it's up to 12m radius and includes when you're invisible.


I don't think you'll be able to melee attack anything while sneaking without them being a much lower level than you..unless they're incapacitated or already in combat. In PvP I think it'll be easier to get a sneak attack melee move off.


This is all guesswork though.

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there is no "sneak skill".

everyone have the same sneak.

everyone can sneak up and sneak attack someone.

you will never be spotted as long as you stay behind your target.


what this passive ability does is that it reduce the distance from where you can be spotted if they turn to face you...




what do you mean muscle, of course you can sneak attack same level mobs. you just have to... you know... sneak up on them first (you can also sneak attack them with a bow from long range). Nobody will spot you as long as nobody is looking in your general direction....

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Kind of of Topic:dont know where to ask because its literal mechanics.


They said you can have a max of 5 accounts,but can you download it on more than one PC


For example-i have a brother who wants eso to would it be possible for both of us to play if we buy one disc.

Where did you get that from?


It's highly unlikely that you can play together.

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