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Mechanics Questions


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Things Man Was Meant To Know, But Doesn't Yet:


  • [*]Can the 3 Accessory slots be enchanted just like the 7 Armor slots, giving us 10 total enchantments? [*]Does the Mage's Guild 
Equilibrium active skill scale up at level 50 to be (roughly) 400 health lost for 400 magicka gained? [*]Does the Sorcerer Dark Exchange active skill give +23% of your magicka and +23% of your health for -23% of your stamina, or does it take -23% of your stamina and then apply that fixed amount as a flat boost to your magicka and health (or is it split between magicka and health at 12%, 11% or some variation of that)? [*]At level 50 what is the base damage for a light attack with a Destruction staff (and thus, how important is it to try to achieve a spammable active damage ability versus just spamming a light attack at no cost)? [*]At level 50 what is the base damage for a heavy attack with a Destruction staff, and how long does it take to cast as compared to a Light Attack? [*]Is there a fixed global cooldown for all instant-cast abilities, or is it set by animation speed (ie 1 second global, so all abilities in the game can be fired off at a rate of 1/sec, or do some abilities take longer because of animation speeds--of course heavy attacks and cast-time abilities would take longer).  Thus, how many light attacks can you fire off in a minute versus how many Mage's Fury casts can you fire off in a minute--is it exactly the same? [*]How much mitigation does one receive from a full set of Heavy Armor before enchants or active/passive armor boosts to armor? [*]The same question for medium and light armor (how much mitigation), so we can start charting out the mitigation formula. [*]Can single target spells such as Mage's Fury be dodged by way of the Medium Armor Evasion active? [*]Can arrows be dodged by way of the Evasion active? [*]Does mitigation gained from Armor work against spells? [*]Does the Altmer racial passive Spellcharge scale up at level 50 or is it a fixed +7/second flat increase to Magicka even at level 50? [*]Does the Breton racial passive Magicka Mastery scale up at level 50 or is it a fixed cost reduction of 3 for all spells even at level 50? [*]What is the formula for damage mitigation gained from Spell Resistance? (this and the Armor mitigation formula will likely take a lot more data than we have currently) [*]How much Magicka/Health/Stamina regeneration can be gained from long duration foods? [*]If my character wears 1 Light Armor, 1 Medium Armor and 5 Heavy Armor pieces, does he have access to Light Armor's Annulment, Medium Armor's Evasion and Heavy Armor's Immovable active abilities? [*]Is there a cooldown on switching weapons or can you switch back and forth at will with no cooldown? [*]If you cast a long duration spell such as Daedric Mines or summon a Winged Twilight and then switch weapons (changing your active hotbar to not have those abilities slotted), do the Daedric Mines/Winged Twilight remain active or do they vanish?

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1. No more because you also have your weapons

2. Don't know how much points but yes it's a straight swap.

3. Dark Exchange gives you 23% Health & Magicka and costs 23% Stamina per sec.

6. Not really but there is an animation lock so if you use a 3 light hit combo you have to wait until you are finished.

9. Yes

10. Yes

12. Looks that way and it actually would be better than a 7% increase

17. There is no stamina cost at least in the last interview they said that isn't but it takes a bit until you have switched your weapons (animation lock again)

18. They should stay active

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1. No more because you also have your weapons

3. Dark Exchange gives you 23% Health & Magicka and costs 23% Stamina per sec.

12. Looks that way and it actually would be better than a 7% increase


1.  Can weapons be given +Magicka regeneration (the estimated 10/sec at level 50), or do the weapon enchants not include resource regeneration as an option?


3.  (-23% max Stamina) for (+23% max Magicka and +23% max Health)     Dark Exchange


(-400 Health) for (+400 Magicka)     Equilibrium (if it scales up at the usual ~20:1 ratio)


becomes an interesting choice depending on your build (a high natural health regen character might find Equilibrium very interesting), and of course you need to be a Sorcerer for Dark Exchange.


12.  We will definitely need to know if and how much that 7 scales up to at level 50 before choosing our race--it could be a very big deal since resource regeneration is so crucial.

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@rally what you wrote wasn't wrong. they said that it would cost stamina but in a later (or newer) interview they said that it wouldn't cost stamina.




Weapons have different entchantment options than armor


the 7 points could be at level 50


short example


let's say you have 1500 HP

than you gain 45HP/s (while in combat)

+7% would than be 48,15 = 48HP/s

and +7 would be 52 HP/s

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I am expecting that the 7% Health regeneration bonus from the Orc racial Robust is simply 3%/sec (base) * 1.07 (Robust) = 3.21%/sec


Just as you put in your note, 3.21% * 1500 max Health = 48.15 Health regen/sec


If the 7 from Altmer Spellcharge is a flat 7 that does not scale, it will be amazingly good at low levels, and while still useful at level 50 it won't be nearly as good as it was while leveling as the spell costs keep going up.


However, the way we are viewing the Orc Robust ability does not translate well to the Dunmer Dynamic racial passive.  If Dynamic increases the base 3% to become 3 * 1.03 = 3.09, it's a terrible passive.  If it raises the base 3% to become 6%, it's more in line with the 7/sec flat bonus, but this would be a very different method of calculation from Robust.  The tooltips need a lot of work.

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Another question:

How do we built ultimate, does it degen after a while?

I know we will get some for hitting aa and skills, but what about heals/prot/buffs?Can i just spam molten weapons / obs shield in base and wait for max ultimate?

Btw what is max? Capped for the current active ulti?

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Things Man Was Meant To Know, But Doesn't Yet:


[*]Does mitigation gained from Armor work against spells?


This is a really good question which I unfortunately don't have the answer to but will effect the results of fights and builds heavily.

From what I can see, there are three types of mitigation:


1. Mitigation to all damage provided by passives and actives (e.g. heavy armour passive -4% inc damage; 30% reduction to all damage from Spiked armour, etc

2. Armour rating

3. Spell resistance

What is really unclear to me so far is whether or not Armour rating provides any mitigation against magic damage at all or whether it exclusively protects against physical damage. Spell resistance will almost definitely solely provide mitigation for magic damage but if no mitigation is derived from armour rating toward reducing magic damage then a Heavy armour tank may have less mitigation vs. magic than a light armour mage as at least light armour provides a passive for additional spell resistance.

I would hope that armour value contributes some percentage toward mitigation vs magic otherwise magic damage in PvP may be a little OP because there are not many ways (if any) to derive extra spell resistance without either a racial passive or light armour passive. then again perhaps spell resistance will be acquired through enchantments...

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This is a really good question which I unfortunately don't have the answer to but will effect the results of fights and builds heavily.From what I can see, there are three types of mitigation: 

1. Mitigation to all damage provided by passives and actives (e.g. heavy armour passive -4% inc damage; 30% reduction to all damage from Spiked armour, etc

2. Armour rating

3. Spell resistanceWhat is really unclear to me so far is whether or not Armour rating provides any mitigation against magic damage at all or whether it exclusively protects against physical damage. Spell resistance will almost definitely solely provide mitigation for magic damage but if no mitigation is derived from armour rating toward reducing magic damage then a Heavy armour tank may have less mitigation vs. magic than a light armour mage as at least light armour provides a passive for additional spell resistance.I would hope that armour value contributes some percentage toward mitigation vs magic otherwise magic damage in PvP may be a little OP because there are not many ways (if any) to derive extra spell resistance without either a racial passive or light armour passive. then again perhaps spell resistance will be acquired through enchantments...


It could be that Armor and Mitigation are all damage while Dodge is melee only and Resistances is only Magic/Ranged? Melee(-5m abilities) can only miss while ranged can only be actively dodged?


I hope the opposite, I hope that Armor doesn't reduce magic damage taken. This would be amazing for creating a skill gap between people who specced well and people who didn't..which I like. You'd need to work a lot harder in order to be decent at all.

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Armor reduces all sort of Dmg. Resistances are just more effective at reducing a special sort of dmg.

You can dodge range attacks.

The active which gives you dodge will work on all single target attacks and I guess even on AoE.


Magic attacks allready have a huge advantage in that game, the aren't block able.

You can only block protectiles.

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Armor reduces all sort of Dmg. Resistances are just more effective at reducing a special sort of dmg.

You can dodge range attacks.

The active which gives you dodge will work on all single target attacks and I guess even on AoE.


Magic attacks allready have a huge advantage in that game, the aren't block able.

You can only block protectiles.

Yeah fair enough. Some magic does count as "projectile" in form but you're right; it does seem as if magic has a distinct advantage. Makes me think that most bow users will be fairly poor dps except for a few exceptional people who make it work. "cough" Marked Target before using bow skills "cough" 

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Yeah fair enough. Some magic does count as "projectile" in form but you're right; it does seem as if magic has a distinct advantage. Makes me think that most bow users will be fairly poor dps except for a few exceptional people who make it work. "cough" Marked Target before using bow skills "cough"



How effective would Mark Target be if only a few of your abilities are magic damage? I feel like if you were fighting a sorc or DK then it'd just screw you more than help you.


Thinking about Mark Target... This might be the answer to fighting mages as a Heavy Armor user compared to Light Armor. Their resistances won't mean squat, and yours aren't much to begin with so your total mitigation will outweigh theirs immensely!



Armor reduces all sort of Dmg. Resistances are just more effective at reducing a special sort of dmg.

You can dodge range attacks.

The active which gives you dodge will work on all single target attacks and I guess even on AoE.


Magic attacks allready have a huge advantage in that game, the aren't block able.

You can only block protectiles.



Thanks! So that gives magic an even bigger advantage over heavy users if they're using S&S too.

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How effective would Mark Target be if only a few of your abilities are magic damage? I feel like if you were fighting a sorc or DK then it'd just screw you more than help you.


Thinking about Mark Target... This might be the answer to fighting mages as a Heavy Armor user compared to Light Armor. Their resistances won't mean squat, and yours aren't much to begin with so your total mitigation will outweigh theirs immensely!


This is my pure speculation, but given the apparent high cost of Mark Target, I wouldn't be surprised if it also ignored % damage resistances from things like Spiked Armor (wording appears to be: "resist 30% damage").

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This is my pure speculation, but given the apparent high cost of Mark Target, I wouldn't be surprised if it also ignored % damage resistances from things like Spiked Armor (wording appears to be: "resist 30% damage").

That would really suprise me.

It clearly says resistances. Spiked Armor is the only dmg reduction skill which says resist XX% dmg all others say reduces incomming dmg or absorbs XX dmg.

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I don't think Mark Target would overcome mitigations from active abilities, but I wonder if it overcomes armor even? If it doesn't, then using it on a heavy armor would be good. If it does overcomes armor as well as resistances, then it would be best used on a Medium Armor build that relies on dodges and stealth rather than what I call "easy mitigation".

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I don't think Mark Target would overcome mitigations from active abilities, but I wonder if it overcomes armor even? If it doesn't, then using it on a heavy armor would be good. If it does overcomes armor as well as resistances, then it would be best used on a Medium Armor build that relies on dodges and stealth rather than what I call "easy mitigation".

Regarding this, I guess that resistance does the same thing like armor but only to 1 source of dmg.Meaning that if a 100 armor reduces the dmg by 5% a 100 fire resistance reduces fire dmg by 5%.The balance comes in that you get way more points of resistance than armor.I looked up that a lvl 50 light armor char has around 550 armor but a nord gets as a racial for example 750 frost resistance alone.
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I had assumed that Marked Target not only meant you bypassed spell resistance and frost/fire/etc resistances but that it also meant you ignored Active skill damage reductions/resistances and also bypassed Armour rating. After all, not only does it have such a high cost but it does come with the hefty disadvantage of allowing the opponent to bypass your own "resistances" which is why I assumed it bypasses everything... But pure speculation to be honest and, since ESO developers have been adamant that there is always a counter to everything - I thought this was the only viable counter to heavy armour characters who spam skills like Immovable and Spiked armour. :P

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I had assumed that Marked Target not only meant you bypassed spell resistance and frost/fire/etc resistances but that it also meant you ignored Active skill damage reductions/resistances and also bypassed Armour rating. After all, not only does it have such a high cost but it does come with the hefty disadvantage of allowing the opponent to bypass your own "resistances" which is why I assumed it bypasses everything... But pure speculation to be honest and, since ESO developers have been adamant that there is always a counter to everything - I thought this was the only viable counter to heavy armour characters who spam skills like Immovable and Spiked armour. :P

The thing is a pure DPS most likely wouldn't have any resistances and therefore you wouldn't lose anything.
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Does anyone here know whether "restoring aura" has to be slottet on your active action bar in order to take effect or can you "hide" it away on your secondary action bar and still benefit from it? Also, does anyone know whether "entropy" stacks with itself and thus is spammable?

It has to be on your active bar.All abilities which doesn't have a cooldown get deactivated ones you swtich your hotbar.For example if you summon a winged twilight and than switch to your other hotbar it disappears.Most likely you can't stack abilities in Eso.
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Thanks everyone for providing your comments, discussions and yes calm debates.

Your opinions give everyone that reads this site a superior starting point (once we can all get into beta) over being

a reader of the other Elders Scrolls Online per-launch sites.


I do have a few questions:


1)  Can someone explain how the potions work in ESO, will there be a 10, 20 or 30 sec cool down before being able to take another potions ?


2)  I am assuming that consuming food will have a longer effect than most potions, but do the effects stack?


3) Can someone give me the numbers on how the same type  enchantment on gear will stack?  Example -   If I am wearing 5 pieces of medium armor and have stamina reg on all of them?

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Thanks everyone for providing your comments, discussions and yes calm debates.

Your opinions give everyone that reads this site a superior starting point (once we can all get into beta) over being

a reader of the other Elders Scrolls Online per-launch sites.


I do have a few questions:


1)  Can someone explain how the potions work in ESO, will there be a 10, 20 or 30 sec cool down before being able to take another potions ?


2)  I am assuming that consuming food will have a longer effect than most potions, but do the effects stack?


3) Can someone give me the numbers on how the same type  enchantment on gear will stack?  Example -   If I am wearing 5 pieces of medium armor and have stamina reg on all of them?

1. Yes the cooldown on potions is 30 sec


2. Yes food has a longer duration than potion and yes you can use them both, but I think you can only have 1 food and 1 pot active at ones.


3. It just adds up so if you have 5 pieces with 10 stamina reg than you gain 50 extra stamina per sec.

If you ask if the passive stamina reg will effect entchantments than I have to tell you that I don't know that one but most likely it won't.

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