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PVP video leak

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I play a lot of GW2, you do all this +Utility Skills, in 100vs100 battles... get the wrong boons at the wrong time and you'll be tossed around like a ragdoll in a dryer... like I said I'll see, it just very rigid and boring from that video, to me anyways

ESO is more skillbased than gw2.
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you havent played ESO yet. and I can't say whether you've played gw2 at a high level in raids.


so that sir is a very poor assumption.

I have played ESO and I have played gw2. I played WvW I ran all dungeons and I played with my team lot's of paid tournaments.

So I can say that ESO is more skillbased than gw2.

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Why to you think gw2 is more skillbased than ESO because you saw a video?



Just think about it:


In ESO you have to target more than in gw2.

You can block in both games (at least a few classes can) but unlike the block in gw2 you have to face your attacker.

You have the keep a keen eye on your ressources.

In gw2 it was quite easy to know what kind of build your opponent was running. just from looking at his class and weapons. In ESO you will have no clue until the fight starts.

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Why to you think gw2 is more skillbased than ESO because you saw a video?



Just think about it:


In ESO you have to target more than in gw2.

You can block in both games (at least a few classes can) but unlike the block in gw2 you have to face your attacker.

You have the keep a keen eye on your ressources.

In gw2 it was quite easy to know what kind of build your opponent was running. just from looking at his class and weapons. In ESO you will have no clue until the fight starts.


Sounds like Tera now.


please find the bit I said i thought it was more skill based -.-' I was just saying from the video it looks very point and click FROM MY POINT OF VIEW.


your defending this like its your unborn child?

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While I disagree with Brad in the sense that I think ESO will have a bigger skill curve than most games..

I do agree with him that we can't know until it's live and people have end-game characters. In every game there is a skill curve though....so if you're good you'll still be better than the not-so-good players unless they can quantity > quality on you with items.


The only real thing that will ruin this game for me, personally, is the siege weapons. Tanks/war-mount type things....such an IDIOTIC thing to put into a game that's 100% based on your character development...


But, anyway, all that matters is if the game is F U N or not! If it requires a buttload of skill, that would just be a contribution to the fun factor. This game'll be cool, I know it'll have my attention for at least a few months. :)

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One of the best things I was anticipating about the game are the siege weapons. How in the name of Talos could they be idiotic if you wanna storm a fortified keep? They force you to play akin to real warfare tactics, allowing the real military masterminds to rise above the common high-level everyman that invests merely time.


Most top players in other games are obsessive lifeless ones, but are they truly worthy? With patience always comes skill, but wit is another thing. Our emperor shall be the cleverest of us.


(But, by the way, don't take this the wrong way though, it's all good, Muscle. Looking forward to guerrilla fights without siege weapons too.)

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Sounds like Tera now. please find the bit I said i thought it was more skill based -.-' I was just saying from the video it looks very point and click FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. your defending this like its your unborn child?

You said it's a poor assumption of my side that ESO is more skillbased than gw2.And you keep saying that combat looks boring and so on.I followed gw2 like now follow ESO and the combat of gw2 looked boring as well and many in the community where upset about it.I don't know how many videos you have wached of ESO, but it seems to me that you keep ignoring the core mechanics behind it.Like I said I have played ESO and while the difficulty level might be relativ low at the beginning ones you start to pull about 3 opponents which have a higher level as you, you will see the beauty of the combat system. At that point I started to use block, dodging moving around and it was a challeging and fun experience.We don't know how rewarding skill will be in endgame.In some games a skilled player can win 1vs3 in some 1vs5. (PvP)But what we know is that skill will play a big role in ESO.It might seems that I'm defending the game really hard.and while I have big hopes for it, that's not the reason for my responses.I can't stand people who watch a short video where you couldn't really see anything and than start mocking a game, ignoring every other information we have about that game.
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I can't stand people who watch a short video where you couldn't really see anything and than start mocking a game, ignoring every other information we have about that game.


I wasn't mocking. I was expressing my opinion. If I knew you were going to climb on your high chair about it, I would have stayed quiet like I have for the past few months.

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One of the best things I was anticipating about the game are the siege weapons. How in the name of Talos could they be idiotic if you wanna storm a fortified keep? They force you to play akin to real warfare tactics, allowing the real military masterminds to rise above the common high-level everyman that invests merely time.


Most top players in other games are obsessive lifeless ones, but are they truly worthy? With patience always comes skill, but wit is another thing. Our emperor shall be the cleverest of us.


(But, by the way, don't take this the wrong way though, it's all good, Muscle. Looking forward to guerrilla fights without siege weapons too.)


Word! I get that it's more realistic, and it's good for balancing PVP... but what if they did that in PVE? You level up your character, get awesome gear, make the perfect build for a fight..then every end-game dungeon is just playing chess? XD


I agree, top players are always no-lifers, but the very top (emperor status) have got to be good on top of that.


(I don't really get heated on the internet. We're good! lol)

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I have seen many players which played 80+ hours a week but still where noobs on the other hand their are Top players who only play a few hours a week.To say that Top players are allways no-lifer is a bit harsh.


Depends on the game, if there's a lot of grinding then no-life is a requirement. Look at something like Runescape..(Unless you bot).


EDIT: It also must be a gear-based game like WoW. Sure, some top players can overcome things but in most situations an overgeared player wins. There's not THAT much skill in any modern game until very high level of play. They have to make it so that everyone can play. XD

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Word! I get that it's more realistic, and it's good for balancing PVP... but what if they did that in PVE? You level up your character, get awesome gear, make the perfect build for a fight..then every end-game dungeon is just playing chess? XD


I agree, top players are always no-lifers, but the very top (emperor status) have got to be good on top of that.


(I don't really get heated on the internet. We're good! lol)


Thanks. And, nah, you've seen the Quakecon video. What you need is fighting skill and strong teamwork. And maybe maxed-out builds and perfect timing on master dungeons.


I think it'd be safe to assume that chess-tactics would only matter in Cyrodiil where investing in siege weapons and keep upgrades, rallying hundreds, predicting enemy responses, temporary alliance cooperation and betrayal would come into play.


we should make an ebon heart pact guild francis.


Yeah, I've been thinking, but I haven't got a clear idea in mind. The plan so far is to happily tread through my adventures in ESO, eventually crossing paths with other individual wanderers and colorful characters with whom I could form a merry band with, and, eventually, a guild.


But before I got to that conclusion, I have tried other means. Lem'me explain:


Two months ago, I was considering using Tamriel Foundry as a base of operations, but then I found that I liked Elder Souls better, and I realized I wanted a more secluded ESO community site than the most popular one. (Plus, unlike those pussies, you guys had beta leaks.) So, here I am.


About whether I want to join a guild or make one is something I haven't decided on. I mean, I thought I'd just join the Elder Souls Official Guild with a fuzzy idea of what to expect since it was labeled alliance-unclassified, but I've since realized that David, along with Blake, the other leader, would most probably play as damn dirty felines. Which means they'll be in the dominion.

Which means I still need a guild to call my own...


Now, do I want to join a guild, start one, or do I do the traveling thing I mentioned?

If more people would be willing to make a guild with us, I might consider making one.

But if not, I'll do it the old-fashioned way-- with imaginary traveling and fateful encounters.

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Two months ago, I was considering using Tamriel Foundry as a base of operations, but then I found that I liked Elder Souls better, and I realized I wanted a more secluded ESO community site than the most popular one. (Plus, unlike those pussies, you guys had beta leaks.) So, here I am.
+1It's not just the beta leaks, its more general knowledge of mmo when it comes to theorycrafting I like about this forum.
On the Topic of no-lifer: Most top players i encountered in several AAA mmos were actually university students with a lot of time to spare. Or IT folk who were working from home.I rarely met unemployed people who invested much time and could play well at the same time.
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+1It's not just the beta leaks, its more general knowledge of mmo when it comes to theorycrafting I like about this forum.
On the Topic of no-lifer: Most top players i encountered in several AAA mmos were actually university students with a lot of time to spare. Or IT folk who were working from home.I rarely met unemployed people who invested much time and could play well at the same time.



Ahh, okay.. we're almost talking about two different things right now. There's a big difference between no-lifers (people with no social life besides through the internet--my view) and people who are idiots who don't even try to contribute to society at the same time as playing games. :P  Some people are game-dumb and can't be fixed no matter how much they try. But, if the university students and IT folk are using their spare time to play games, even though they're functional members of society, they still don't really have a life by non-gamer standards! Haha


I mean average gamers who want to be good need to invest time, game-dumb people can't ever be good, game-smart people will always be good.. Yeah, definitely, but the top dogs are still always the game-smart people who also invest huge amounts of time to the game they are competing in.

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