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Hi. My name's Francis.


It might've taken me too long to create this account, but here I am... Pleasure to meet everyone.


I've been clicking on my ElderSouls.com bookmark for two months now.


I come here for the religiously-fast posting of new info... And I haven't not noticed that this place has a cozy and appealing little community. Personally, I'm baffled why this place doesn't have more people...But that's okay, because I kinda like things this way.




So here's some self-introductory stuff:


I'm one of the new-generation Elder Scrolls fans. Started with just Skyrim, but I fell in love with the game and the lore, and I've read tomes upon tomes about life on Nirn, along with having hearty, long-running adventures in Skyrim with my sidekick, Serana (who I think is hot).


So, frankly, I've got it bad with the ESO-anticipation-syndrome.


ESO's coming out on the exact season my summer vacation starts (college student here).

And I'm not what you'd call a "gamer" as I don't play a lot of them, but, man, if you'd just give me the right game, I will get hooked.


I also fancy myself a writer who hasn't written much. But I have written some broken chapters that might be reminiscent of an Elder Scrolls world... Well, the general medieval-escapist setting, anyway. And I wanna turn it into a book someday.


That being said, I'll be in the game for the role-play as well as PVP milestoning.




And, here's the deal. By now, I feel like I know you people. Until recently, I had no idea what the heck TRR was when you guys brought it up. Then I found out that it meant "The Runescape Rebelz". What're the odds, I thought! I used to love that game, like, five years ago. Well, until I lost my membership, the game changed, and I sorta outgrew it. Shame too, was level 101, never had a guild.


But still, the moment I read that, I decided to create an account and finally talk to you people...


I've taken it as a sign of fate that I wandered here. And, uh, I wish to join your guild for ESO, if there be one... And if you'll have me.


I'm a Nord by heart, and I'll be fighting for the Ebonheart Pact. I hope that's not a problem.

I can be the guy who writes the tales of our adventures. Possibly, from the viewpoint of a guy who conspires cross-faction, because I assume most of you will be friggin' cats in the Dominion.

Still, I don't suppose there can be an Ebonheart sector, will there?

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Not sure if David is planning on making a proper ESO guild, probably depends on how many members we can roll in.


Good to see you have joined the site anyway! I believe everyone here has left RuneScape for the most part, Jagex just ruined it; but obviously we just hang out here now - you will probably be able to notice who was in TRR, generally by their high post count. Lol.



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If numbers is the problem, I've got four dicey recruits I could introduce here. I say "dicey" cause the price & subscription fees for ESO seems to have swayed them the wrong way. Three of 'em used to play Runescape too, if that says anything.


Then again, I don't see anything wrong with a small guild. Doing guerilla shenanigans in Cyrodiil, that sounds fun.

I say, you could always ally with other guilds for the big jobs.


Anyway, if I could do anything, somebody just ask.

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I'll probably play, im a little buggered by the monthly sub though - i don't think i'll play enough to warrant a sub on top of buying the game.


See, is that shit was like, 7 days free trial, then monthly subs of whatever, i'd have more of an inclination to actually play, because .. they aint raped me for the game itself in the first place.


Whatever, they the sellers, im just a humble possible buyer.

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Oh, thanks.

...So, uh, David, I joined that "tOfficial" [sic] Elder Souls guild page just now. That is what I'm supposed to do, right? Or was that just an example guild page? I'm not sure. Title says tOfficial, description says example...


It's both an example (for now) and the official guild page. I wanted to launch the guild database before ESO is released, but until it actually ships there isn't going to be much activity (on the guild page, anyway) in any official Elder Souls guild. So for now, it's just sitting there accumulating members and interest while serving as an example to people who want to make their own guilds here.

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