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Nord vs. Argonian tanks


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Histskin - Health regen increased by 100 for 15 sec. Activated elite ability


[*]15% faster xp in resto skill line

[*]No reduction in combat stamina regen while in water

[*]+26 poison and disease resist

[*]7% increased healing received




Battle Cry - 7% AE damage increase anyone in area, activated


[*]2h skill again 15% faster

[*]Robust - 4% combat regen HP

[*]Resist Frost - 39 cold resist

[*]Rugged - Armor increased by 50


I know it might be a bit early to tell but I would like to hear your thoughts. I imagine that the 50+ armor isn't much to write home about, or it would cause balancing issues at low level.


My guess is that the Argonian tanks would outperform the Nord especially in a raid setting.

Even in a smaller group the Argonian might win out if the migration boost that the Nord gets is as small as I fear.

Or am I wrong?

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Well, the 7% inc heal is hard to step past. If you get stuck in water (especially in pvp) you're going to love the benefit of being argonian.You're probably right about the extra 50 armour perhaps not being a great deal of an increase to mitigation and the +4% health regen may not be much to brag about unless it fits in with a health regen build (if that is even a good option). But then again that depends on what the end-game heavy armour total rating is going to be. If it is somewhere around 500 - well 50 more might be a small but somewhat considerable boost.Hard to say so early on, but my personal choice off knowing what we do so far is to go with the incoming heal benefit and therefore the argonian. There are skills to boost mits at the moment (Immovable and Spiker Armour for example) but I don't think there are any that boost inc heal and in other mmos it would be my choice as well (not that other mmos may be anything to go by for this one).By the way, any chance you could link or post the racial passives/skills? I haven't seemed to be able to find them yet and would appreciate it. :-) 

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Well, the 7% inc heal is hard to step past. If you get stuck in water (especially in pvp) you're going to love the benefit of being argonian.You're probably right about the extra 50 armour perhaps not being a great deal of an increase to mitigation and the +4% health regen may not be much to brag about unless it fits in with a health regen build (if that is even a good option). But then again that depends on what the end-game heavy armour total rating is going to be. If it is somewhere around 500 - well 50 more might be a small but somewhat considerable boost.Hard to say so early on, but my personal choice off knowing what we do so far is to go with the incoming heal benefit and therefore the argonian. There are skills to boost mits at the moment (Immovable and Spiker Armour for example) but I don't think there are any that boost inc heal and in other mmos it would be my choice as well (not that other mmos may be anything to go by for this one).By the way, any chance you could link or post the racial passives/skills? I haven't seemed to be able to find them yet and would appreciate it. :-) 


The 4% hp regen is worse than it looks. (If I've understood it right) All races have 3% regen so nords only get 1% more than the rest.

I hope more races will get the %heal boost, though.

I haven't decided what faction I'm going to play yet. I'm hoping the Orcs or High Elfs will get something like that. I'd rather play in any those factions tbh.


Here's a link to the leaked racials http://eldersouls.com/topic/4373-ebonheart-racial-skill-list/ only the Ebonheart pact ones have been leaked so far.

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The 4% hp regen is worse than it looks. (If I've understood it right) All races have 3% regen so nords only get 1% more than the rest.

I hope more races will get the %heal boost, though.

I haven't decided what faction I'm going to play yet. I'm hoping the Orcs or High Elfs will get something like that. I'd rather play in any those factions tbh.


Here's a link to the leaked racials http://eldersouls.com/topic/4373-ebonheart-racial-skill-list/ only the Ebonheart pact ones have been leaked so far.

In that case, definitely the argonian out of the two of them. But yeah I hope we get to see the other racial traits/passives soon too - I'm not keen either on playing Ebonheart. Thanks for the link!

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It's hard to say what will be better because we don't know what + 7% heal is. If someone heals you for 100HP which would be huge than it would be +7HP. A tank you has 400 HP has a reg of 12HP/s a nord has 16HP/s.


A lvl 50 mage has about 550 armor so 50 extra armor isn't bad.


I expect that a Nord tank will be way better than a Argonian tank.

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It's hard to say what will be better because we don't know what + 7% heal is. If someone heals you for 100HP which would be huge than it would be +7HP. A tank you has 400 HP has a reg of 12HP/s a nord has 16HP/s.


A lvl 50 mage has about 550 armor so 50 extra armor isn't bad.


I expect that a Nord tank will be way better than a Argonian tank.


Good, someone who doesn't agree, interesting! I've never been any good at math so all I got to go on is my experience in other games and to me 7% increased healing received seems huge. I guess it will depend on how much healing is being received. Perhaps the Nord will outperform Argonians in a 4-man group with 1 healer, but in a raid with 2 or more healers + self heals, I believe the Argonians will do better. Will be interesting to see how it ends up.


I doubt the Argonian ultimate will be used at all in raids, where mitigation almost always beats self healing, but in 4-man dungeons it might be sweet in many situations.

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Good, someone who doesn't agree, interesting! I've never been any good at math so all I got to go on is my experience in other games and to me 7% increased healing received seems huge. I guess it will depend on how much healing is being received. Perhaps the Nord will outperform Argonians in a 4-man group with 1 healer, but in a raid with 2 or more healers + self heals, I believe the Argonians will do better. Will be interesting to see how it ends up. I doubt the Argonian ultimate will be used at all in raids, where mitigation almost always beats self healing, but in 4-man dungeons it might be sweet in many situations.

The thing with raids is that it sounds like that they want to go a route where your 24 man raid will have to split up i small groups. So depending on the mechanics you might will have only one healer on you at all times.Like I said it's hard to say who will be the better tank.The reason why I believe that Nords will be better tanks than Argonian is simply because I think that Zenimax designed the Nord as "the tanky" race for the EP.
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By the way when it comes to the calculation what is better you have also consider over which time the healing is done.For example a healing spell which heals for 100 heals with the passiv for 107a spell which heals for 50 + 5/s for 10 s heals for (53.5) = 53 + (5.35) = 5x 10 = 103if you compare that to the increased reg (400 HP)for the first spell 107 + 12 = 119 vs 116 second spell 103 + 12 x10 = 223 vs 260

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Well, I don't know for certain but if other games are anything to go by and just logic - I think quite a few people are taking the +4% regen to mean something different to that intended.+4% regen can only equate to a raw extra +4hp/s if, and only if, your base regen is 100hp/s. Otherwise it is just 4% larger than whatever your base regen rate is and I very much doubt the base regen with no equipment is anywhere even remotely close to 100hp/s.So, I'm a bit confused as to why we're all assuming that if every character gets 12hp/s, that a nord somehow gets 16hp/s when in reality given it is 4% increase they would only then get 12.48 hp/s compared to others at base value.Perhaps I've misinterpreted the data myself but would like someone to point out where I've gone astray if my assumption on the mathematics here is incorrect.So if that is the case - the inc heal increase does beat the regen, however, I don't think anyone knows what mitigation percentage 50 armour equals at level cap so no certainties on which is the better tank still.

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Well, I don't know for certain but if other games are anything to go by and just logic - I think quite a few people are taking the +4% regen to mean something different to that intended.+4% regen can only equate to a raw extra +4hp/s if, and only if, your base regen is 100hp/s. Otherwise it is just 4% larger than whatever your base regen rate is and I very much doubt the base regen with no equipment is anywhere even remotely close to 100hp/s.So, I'm a bit confused as to why we're all assuming that if every character gets 12hp/s, that a nord somehow gets 16hp/s when in reality given it is 4% increase they would only then get 12.48 hp/s compared to others at base value.Perhaps I've misinterpreted the data myself but would like someone to point out where I've gone astray if my assumption on the mathematics here is incorrect.So if that is the case - the inc heal increase does beat the regen, however, I don't think anyone knows what mitigation percentage 50 armour equals at level cap so no certainties on which is the better tank still.

You read it wrong it's not +4% HP reg it's 4% HP combat reg (instead of 3%).
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My plan was to go with a Highelf DK Tank/DPS and the racials support that really well.Because:The boost 1 of the 3 weapon sets which I plan to useMost of my abilities will be magicka basedand most of my damage will be fire dmg.

After seeing the racials I've now decided on Orc. I guess you could pick any of the AD races. There doesn't seem to be a clear winner for tanking in AD, it would depend on playstyle, as you said.

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After seeing the racials I've now decided on Orc. I guess you could pick any of the AD races. There doesn't seem to be a clear winner for tanking in AD, it would depend on playstyle, as you said.

I really like the ultimate of the orcs and the other racials are also really nice for a tank but I don't like the look of orcs.
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If you plan on playing a PvE tank and like to feel a bit unique and important; then you should *seriously* consider rolling in the Aldmeri Dominion. My guess is that they will have a serious lack of tanks. A vast majority of all Altmers will be light armor casters, the majority of all bosmer will go archery and the majority of all khajiit will be sneaky melee dps. On the PvE side you don't compete with races from the other factions anyway. Dungeons will be locked and tuned to one faction only...


The Ebonheart Pact have two tank options (Argonian and Nord) and Daggerfall have one (Orsimer). 


All three factions will probably have healers (Altmer, Argonians and Brenton) - although Argonians does not really make better healers once restoration staff is maxed out (still, the XP bonus to restoration staff will bring healers to the faction). Argonians might actually make great templars (as they have mostly 12m pbaoe heals and buffs) since they on average will be closer to the action and might need to self heal now and then (taking advantage of that healing received buff).

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