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Tanking in ESO


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you are thinking too much about how tanking is in that other mmo...


unlike a lot of other mmos the thrash in eso will not stick on the tank.

unlike a lot of other mmos the tank does not generate more aoe threat than other roles.

unlike a lot of other mmos the tank does not have any aoe taunts.


the tank should probably focus on turning elites and bosses away from the others so they telegraph only on the tank.

I think it will be down right unwise for the tank to drag elites and bosses around just to run after and cc thrash.

....As thrash will most likely stick to the aoe dps and the healer anyway - not the tank.


i think it will be more important for the aoe dps character to have aoe cc.

a lot more so than for the boss tank.


some people might have an easier time grasping this concept when they start thinking of the aoe dps character as the "offtank".

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Okay so a few important things. Undaunted do have a taunt in its tree. It's inner fire. They sort of snuck it in last patch and no looked.


Serious when i said Lightning Form is OP it isn't as shallow as it being a strong oh snap button. Lightning Form can be sustained  with 100% up time in heavy armor and also cast one other very inexpensive spell like mage fury every once in a while (like 1 mage's to every 5 lightning form cast). In light armor you can cast lightning form and other abilities with ease. 


That's not all though. Mobs who have yet to been attacked will stick to you when you pop lightning form. Unlike spiked armor that requires you to be hit. Lightning Form is a pulsing aoe that make's you tons of friends. On top of conjured ward which is an aoe heal+shield you will be making friends. As for CC  I don't think i need to explain the levels of CC the sorc has access to. 


Anyway my point is. Lightning Form is really OP, and I'm not just saying that to defend sorc. I'm saying that as in it need some serious adjusting <.<. The combo of basically forcing your armor to go as high as it possible can, and the constant aoe damage to everything is really strong. I think maybe the cost should be a little higher so maybe it can't stay up constantly in heavy armor.

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if you refer to the cost in the doc. than let me tell you those are wrong.


The base cost of this skill is higher. At lvl 15 it was 132 which means it's base cost is 66 which than means this skill costs 528 magicka at lvl 50.

I'm not refering to the doc. it is at full up time at level 15. It might be possible that at level 50 maybe this isn't the case (depends on accesories, enchants, and stat alotment i'd assume). 


In light armor, its more than possible.  

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Here is some really important info that was disclosed in the Q&A with Paul Sage on Tamriel Foundry

Posted Image Originally Posted by Paul Sage
Posted Image Originally Posted by Haas-ta-Thisk
There has been some discussion on this site about Aggro versus Control tanking, and the apparent lack of taunts. Can you describe the ESO vision of tanking (it’s importance, basic mechanic)?
I may have covered this earlier. However, again, tanking involves more than just hitting a taunt over and over. We have a multiple enemy game. Good tanks have good target acquisition. They know what to take on, and what not to. DPS and healers should also know what to take on. A good tank can hold aggro pretty readily with a few mobs, but they aren’t meant to hold all of the mobs. As an example, a tank can take on the big heavy in an encounter and keep its attention pretty easily without a taunt. Now if someone makes a mistake, they might have to use an ability to get away, but the tank should be able to reacquire the target. The taunt, however, is very helpful in harder situations. As we’ve said, other abilities will certainly add more hate, and part of this early game is figuring those out.

So while nothing in the interface identifies a skill as a "bonus threat" one, they apparently do NOT expect us to spam a solo taunt on everything that moves.

Of course that means that, on top of us figuring it out, we need DPS to know which skills to specifically avoid if they have added threat on them.

On the other hand, it's not like spamming a taunt that has no cooldown and low cost is that much of a problem once there's few enemies remaining.

I think the most important part will be how big AoEs will work when you just pulled.

Other relevant info:


Posted Image Originally Posted by Paul Sage
Posted Image Originally Posted by Extremeties
Tanking roles – For those of us who enjoy being a “tank†type in these type of games, will there be a traditional tank in this game where you can manage threat of multiple mobs(unsure seeing how there only seems to be 1 taunt that we know of in the game) and also do you guys see yourselves implementing more skill lines for tank types? Theres some fantastic conversations here regarding this topic and some are saying no(which I hope is not the case because Im not looking forward to another Guild wars 2 dungeon mess dying 19821983 times) and some saying yes. Can you comment on this?
I think if you try to get too specific with regards to what works with other games, it might be confusing. For instance, ESO is much more situational than some other games, and more active. Roles can be changed on the fly with weapon swap, and we expect everyone to stay engaged in combat. That said, there is an ability which will better pull monsters off of other players, but players also have abilities which will enable them to stop being the target of certain monsters. An example situation might be:

A tank usually goes into the mix first, then DPS help focus fire or take on adds depending on the situation. Healers will still mix it up, but should only be taking one or two things at a time so they can pay attention to the health of their teammates. The fourth member of the group can be anything, but I generally like a tank with auxiliary heals or another heavy DPS with auxiliary heals.
Posted Image Originally Posted by Paul Sage
Posted Image Originally Posted by Witness
When playing as a tank in a dungeon encounter, if you use the “puncture†skill from the sword and board line will this give you the total attention of the dungeon boss, in that by using this skill when needed you can maintain the attention of the dungeon boss throughout an encounter even while your other party members are pouring on the damage?
It will certainly not last forever. But you should be able to maintain attention, unless someone just tried to actively grab it from you.
Posted Image Originally Posted by Paul Sage
Posted Image Originally Posted by Witness
In a dungeon encounter do stun, knockdowns and snares generate more agro than other types of attacks, and if so should these skills be used primarily by the tank character so that the tank can maintain as much agro as possible.
Actually, heals can generate a lot of attention from the enemy. But other skills certainly add to it. I’m not trying to be cagey, but some of this you need to find out when you play.
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