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What gear will you be using?

What Gear Will You Use In ESO?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Primary? (plan to use the most)

  2. 2. Secondary?

    • 2H
    • 1H + Shield
    • 1H + 1H
    • Bow
    • Destruction Staff
    • Restoration Staff
    • I only plan on using my primary selection
  3. 3. Armor Type (Mostly*--I'm sure we'll all mix a little bit once in a while.)

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You stole my answers. 


I'm pretty sure that with their targeting system and everything I've seen it'll be the best PvP option by quite a bit.



For some reason, MMOs always draws me to Medium Armor wearing bow types.


And since I can't hand to hand, I'll go with that. Maybe a little dual wielding for close engages.


I really would like to use a 2H and Bow on a medium armor class, but I can't make it work how I want it to while balancing stam/magicka between both weapons.. So it would cause me to have an EHP loss due to unbalanced resource management between the weapon swaps... Sucky nipples. =(

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The problem here is that I'll be having at least 4 characters and they're all too varied!


So for the poll I went with my stealthy healer nightblade with the resto staff and bow for the ranged CC (helpful for PvP I reckon).


B-but I also want a dual-wielding and sword and board tank/DPS Nightblade. And also a sword and board/two-hander Dragon Knight tank.

And also a Templar... something... that heals. And a sneaky, medium-wearing sorcerer with destro staff. And... and... a sorcerer with heavy armor and tanking... and.... and....


*waves real life goodbye*

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The problem here is that I'll be having at least 4 characters and they're all too varied!


So for the poll I went with my stealthy healer nightblade with the resto staff and bow for the ranged CC (helpful for PvP I reckon).


B-but I also want a dual-wielding and sword and board tank/DPS Nightblade. And also a sword and board/two-hander Dragon Knight tank.

And also a Templar... something... that heals. And a sneaky, medium-wearing sorcerer with destro staff. And... and... a sorcerer with heavy armor and tanking... and.... and....


*waves real life goodbye*


Gosh man, I am in the exact same boat right now! I just can't decide what I want to play. One thing for me though, is that FOR SURE I need to stick with one character. If I can unlock emperor/vampire/lycan skills and there is a lot of end-game content then I'd much rather play one character than keep bouncing around (like I normally do >.<.)


It's between bow, 2h, 1h/sword, and resto staff for what I like the most. I just really want to wear medium armor, but the only things with that is being magicka starved and not having the bonus defensives from light or heavy.


I would really like medium armor because I love mobility more than anything, but I like combat mobility most, so idk if it would even make that huge of a difference.


I get the feeling that as you get more gear everyone will be more focused on just one role--like if you've got +healing gear on you won't be very effective at DPSing, +melee damage you wouldn't be good with bow or staff. +ranged you would only be good with bow/destro staff.. but who knows what the items will effect? Maybe it will be like +X to lightning or fire damage which would be awesome for mages/dks, or +X to DOT effects.. I mean..it might get super detailed with the gearing, but since it's Elder Scrolls and not a typical MMO then I don't really know what to expect from gear? XD

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*jumps on Nightblade wagon*

Ninja it up with a dagger and secondary 1h weapon with a bow for long ranged snipe added with medium armor for the running. (pretty selfish build) I'll explore it all and then run other characters like a tanky 1h shield heavy armor templar. Gah too many options. Factions, races, weapons skills, guilds!!! I want them all!

*que pokemon music*

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