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Do you even lift?


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For those who are interested in starting to get in shape: I'm a massage therapist, personal trainer, and going to school for exercise science & health.


Stop eating grains, dairy, and starchy (potatos, etc.) and sugary shit (including fruit). If you just do that you'll lose fat like crazy. Drink Green Tea daily to boost your metabolism. Replace those empty calories with good fats and proteins. Don't worry about cholesterol, as only 15% of your body's cholesterol is dietary, 85% of it is made within you, and practically 100% of the studies conducted show that people who replace carbs with fat actually lower their cholesterol, triglycerides, etc..


Okay, so now that you're losing fat you don't want to turn into a bean poll. Muscle looks good as long as it's placed right. And, since you're eating enough protein you can start building some muscle on your sexy ass. Here's how you build muscle faster than any other way that you'll ever find:


TL;DR summary: 80-120s time under pressure per exercise. As slow as possible without "stop/go motion" lifting speed. One set to max failure. >3 minutes between each exercise


Don't count reps (how many times you lift a weight up/down.) Count Time Under Pressure instead. There are four types of muscle fiber in ever muscle in ever person, the fourth kind is the fastest growing and has the potential to be the biggest muscle type. Unfortunately for most, they never develop it because it takes 80 seconds of time-under-pressure to even activate this fourth type of muscle fiber in that muscle group. So, 80 seconds is the minimum amount of time you want to do each exercise for. 120 seconds is the maximum because if you go over 120 seconds then your body won't have the hormonal response of "oh shit..." and you won't flush your glycogen stores, pump adrenaline, etc etc. that ultimately results in more HGH and muscle growth.


You want to do every exercise as slow as possible without getting "stop & go movement." This is because the slower you move the more control you need--your muscles will constantly be twitching to adjust the load balance, even when you don't notice it. The faster you go the less your body needs to do this. As long as you're moving there's no benefit of moving faster--just don't stop moving. As slow as possible is key, don't ever "hold" the peak either, that's dumb shit.


One set is all you need. People like to brag about doing like 6 sets of X x 16 reps in one day for 5 hours..well it's pointless. You trigger the exact same amount of HGH from 1 set as you will from 2, 3, 4, or 5000 sets. You can only grow so much in so much time, and 26 out of the 28 university level studies have shown that there's absolutely zero benefit to doing more than one rep max. Always max btw, not maxing is just a waste of your time. So what if you don't get as much of "the pump" that bodybuilders always talk about, this does nothing for you except make you feel like you got more of a workout. You want to know what that "pump" feeling is? It's pyruvate and lactic acid from your anaerobic ATP cycle... this doesn't benefit you at all.


Take at least 3 minutes between each exercise. This is the biggest mistake I see everyone doing. If you're over 170 lbs of lean muscle then you'll want to make it 3.5 minutes and add another 30 seconds for every 10 lbs after that. This is how long it takes your glycogen stores in your muscles to replenish (or your beta-hydroxybutyrate to replenish if you're on a ketone diet, which you should be for SO many reasons!) Glycogen (or, even better [your body even prefers to use this first] is beta-hydroxybutyrate) is what powers your muscle contractions, so if you start without a full supply you won't be able to fail as hard as if you just wait a bit for full energy stores.


Okay, so now that you know how to exercise, I'll tell you WHAT to exercise:


Some people are retarded, "You want nice abs? DO CRUNCHES!" is the WORST  advice you can give someone. Exercising makes your muscles bigger. I know plenty of power-lifters who don't have 6-packs, and I know plenty of skinny bitch boys who do. Muscle definition is how you define a muscle, and that's 100% based on body fat percentage. The only way to lower your body fat percent is by dieting. Cardio is a stupid waste of time, why spend an hour running and guaranteeing bad knees by 45 if you could burn the same amount of calories by sleeping for two hours? I could go on and on and on about how "cardio training" doesn't exist, because your lungs can only be as healthy as the rest of your body..they're not a freaking muscle, you morons, you can't train them!! Okay, well now I'm just ranting. Enough with the, "do not's". If you just forget everything you've previously been told, and do these specific exercises, you will get as close as you ever can to getting a "golden ratio body."


The best way to reach max failure is by isolating a muscle group as much as you can. These exercises target the specific muscle groups that you want to pop out for men's looks. This isn't about becoming a power lifter, this is about looking like a Demigod as fast as possible. 


After four weeks of exercise your muscle gets used to those movements, so you need to switch it up. In this routine you're always working the right muscles in a perfect cycle of good isolation movements after you've done target compound exercises to get them ready for failure, which is only necessary to strengthen the stabilizers for the muscle so that it can get bigger with no holdbacks. You also want to do lighter weights once in a while so that when you do heavy weights again you re-trigger more HGH.


One more thing before I give you the routine: Two day splits are the best if you actually want to get somewhere. Taking 2-3 days off after every heavy exercise day is pretty much a requirement for anyone over 150lbs, it just takes that long to recover. We all know working a specific group is best just once a week because it takes > a week to recover, but most of you doing 3-5 day splits are just being meat heads. Wake up in the morning and squeeze your hands into fists, if you feel weak then you need to take the day off-it's that simple. Take at least 2 days off between each set. I just lift on Monday (arms/chest) & Thursday (legs/back/shoulders.)


There are so many more things that came into creating this routine, but I'm not going to type it all out so just shut up and do it. A lot of you will say, "Oy..dat exercise don't work dat muscle?!" Well, there are a lot of ways to do an exercise. Do it so you target the muscle I say it targets. *Ahem*:


Week 1, Set 1:

Chest/Arms Day-

Incline Dumbbell Fly - Pec Minor. Perform a dumbbell fly on an incline bench.

Decline Dumbbell Fly - Pec Major. Perform a dumbbell fly on a decline bench.

Dumbbell Elevator Curls - Biceps. Normal curls but you lean forward and bring the weight up to your armpit instead of in front of you, to minimize deltoid engagement.

Dumbbell Pullovers - Triceps and Lats (Yeah, I know lats are on your back..now gtfo.) Lay on decline bench and pull two dumbbells, further than shoulder with apart, from above your arms straight above your head to your arms straight above your head.


Legs/Back/Delts Day-

Standing Medial Calves - These calf exercises are the only ones that you'll do quickly, you want to explode onto your tip-toes each rep. Do as many reps as you can like this; touch your heel to the ground, explode to the tip of your toes. Keep your toes engaged the whole time.

Standing Lateral Calves - Do these leaning/pushing with your hands on a wall in front of you. For medial calf you want your feet wide and pointed out, big toe pushing to the ground. For lateral calf you want your feet closer together and pointed together with your little toes pushing to the ground. I do these without shoes on, really burns in places you didn't know exists.

Dumbbell Bent Row - Straddle over an incline bench with your chest pressed to the bench, let your hands act like hooks with your biceps/triceps completely relaxed and pull your elbow back. Keep your elbow out about 45* from your waist.

Lateral Dumbbell Raises - Grab some lighter dumbbells in each hand and raise them to your side, parallel to the floor.


Remember to do everything as slow as possible!!


Week 2, Set 1 while using Fat Gripz when available.


Week 3, Set 2:

Chest/Arms Day-

Incline Barbell Bench - You know what to do.

Decline Barbell Bench - "                                "

Barbell Elevator Curls - Barbell instead of dumbbell. A lot more weight than what you used with dumbbells.

Barbell Overhead Press - "                                "


Legs/Back/Delts Day-

One Legged Squat - Look up how to start doing this. Chances are you'll fail royally at first, but you'll get it in a couple weeks.

Opposite Leg Squat - Once you can do it just hold the light dumbbells out in front of you (really helps with balance at first.) Raise the weight of the dumbbells until you can go longer on your legs than your arms, then start holding a heavier barbell closer to your chest for exercise weight.

Barbell Bent Row - Same as dumbbell bent row, but with a lot heavier barbell.

Anterior Barbell Raises - Instead of lifting dumbbells to your sides, lift a barbell directly in front of you with a heavier weight.


Week 4 do Set 2 while using Fat Gripz on applicable exercises.


Week 5 and 6 do Set 2 followed by Set 1 (Set 2 arms/chest, then set 1 arms/chest on your arms/chest day, etc.), no Fat Gripz on any of these days.


Then just keep repeating until you have the body you want. Notice that there's no abs or cardio? No need for that shi..

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Kudos for this. I have a book written by one of my TaeKwonDo instructors, goes on about a lot of the same stuff, although my friend is borrowing it nao. So, I'm assuming this all applies if you are just doing pushups/dips etc - I'm 15, so I'm just trying to avoid weights for a while.

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Kudos for this. I have a book written by one of my TaeKwonDo instructors, goes on about a lot of the same stuff, although my friend is borrowing it nao. So, I'm assuming this all applies if you are just doing pushups/dips etc - I'm 15, so I'm just trying to avoid weights for a while.


Yeah, the specific exercises aren't required by any means. Just applying the protocol to anything will get you the biggest results. This is the best for size (looks) but once you have the size you can get the strength so much easier it's worth doing even if you're only looking for strength oriented workouts like calisthenics.



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Kudos for this. I have a book written by one of my TaeKwonDo instructors, goes on about a lot of the same stuff, although my friend is borrowing it nao. So, I'm assuming this all applies if you are just doing pushups/dips etc - I'm 15, so I'm just trying to avoid weights for a while.


Haha, that's cool, my book only hits on muscles for about 30 pages. So far it's about 200 pages, without the pictures and spacing, all about healthy living.

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thanks man if its true this will realy help me out


Glad I could help! My friends and I are getting mad gains lately doing this.


A great app. if you have Android is the "A HIIT Interval Timer". I set my times to 15 seconds to get ready, 1:20 (80s) where I'm lifting -- so I know if I'm accidently failing too early, then 40s later (120s) -- so I know if I am doing too little resistance, and then a 3min 30s interval for resting. So each exercise ends up taking 5:45 for me, sometimes I rest a little longer though if I don't feel like I'm ready to max again. There are only 4 exercises per set, 8 exercises during weeks 5 & 6, so the routine takes either 23m or 46m + warm up + cooldown. I know it doesn't sound like enough to do anything but it seems to work incredibly well.


I have a really good warm up and cool down that I always do; it's designed to fix my tight calves/hams/hip flexers and in the process fix my back issues. I know a lot of people struggle with the same stuff, from sitting all day or just from keeping a poor posture in general, so I'll plan on posting it later in this thread.

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Pretty good read, i've still got a big ish belly, but fortunately my shoulders are big enough to make me passable to look at.


Guess thats life.


I'll probably try and trim it down at some point, but i just cant be bothered these days.


Hey man, well if you simply eliminate the foods I mentioned in OP and start drinking green tea in the mornings you'll start shedding weight like crazy no matter how much you eat!! :) That's awesome that you've got a good build already, that's what really takes a long time!


Good luck on the weight loss, it goes way faster than you expect once you start. I used to be about 40% body fat, it only took me around 3 months to get almost 6% and another month for 5%.

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Hey man, well if you simply eliminate the foods I mentioned in OP and start drinking green tea in the mornings you'll start shedding weight like crazy no matter how much you eat!!  :) That's awesome that you've got a good build already, that's what really takes a long time!


Good luck on the weight loss, it goes way faster than you expect once you start. I used to be about 40% body fat, it only took me around 3 months to get almost 6% and another month for 5%.


I jog on and off, can do a pretty solid 3 mile/5k time, but i get to work and its like, cereal or Bacon and Egg sarnie.  HMMMMM.


Im actually partly afraid that if i do shed the weight, i'll lose my "mass" as it were, i would miss my shoulders, its about all i have got going for me.   Haha.

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Can't help but hesitate your weight loss diet. I mean I'm certainly no dietitian but this sounds like one of those diets where you lose the weight fast but if you don't continue doing it you gain it all back. I've always heard these diets can be hazardous to your health due to lack of nutrients vitamins etc. from foods you've taken out of your diet. In all honesty i would rather go with cardio versus dieting. You say lungs are not exercisable which is probably very true, but your heart IS a muscle and it CAN be conditioned. honestly there are way too many benefits of cardio to list. It may not be the easiest way to lose weight that's for damn sure, but it's probably the healthiest way you can.


Sorry for ranting about your post I'm just throwing in my 2 cents. Your lifting routine looks great though no issues there :smile:

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Can't help but hesitate your weight loss diet. I mean I'm certainly no dietitian but this sounds like one of those diets where you lose the weight fast but if you don't continue doing it you gain it all back. I've always heard these diets can be hazardous to your health due to lack of nutrients vitamins etc. from foods you've taken out of your diet. In all honesty i would rather go with cardio versus dieting. You say lungs are not exercisable which is probably very true, but your heart IS a muscle and it CAN be conditioned. honestly there are way too many benefits of cardio to list. It may not be the easiest way to lose weight that's for damn sure, but it's probably the healthiest way you can.


Sorry for ranting about your post I'm just throwing in my 2 cents. Your lifting routine looks great though no issues there :smile:


DIdnt read the lungs thing, your lungs can be trained - or at least i've suffered from asthma for many years.  I've gone from not being able to run half a mile, to being able to run 3-5 miles, and my lungs are the main part of my body that hurts.


Same for when i weight train, my lungs are my main issue.


Might just be because i suffer from asthma, but im not sure.

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DIdnt read the lungs thing, your lungs can be trained - or at least i've suffered from asthma for many years.  I've gone from not being able to run half a mile, to being able to run 3-5 miles, and my lungs are the main part of my body that hurts.


Same for when i weight train, my lungs are my main issue.


Might just be because i suffer from asthma, but im not sure.


If they're below a normal functioning level (a lot of people are) you can train them up to normal functioning levels even by getting a walk or two in every now and then, but they're not like a muscle that you can work harder and harder. You can only transfer so much O2.


Can't help but hesitate your weight loss diet. I mean I'm certainly no dietitian but this sounds like one of those diets where you lose the weight fast but if you don't continue doing it you gain it all back. I've always heard these diets can be hazardous to your health due to lack of nutrients vitamins etc. from foods you've taken out of your diet. In all honesty i would rather go with cardio versus dieting. You say lungs are not exercisable which is probably very true, but your heart IS a muscle and it CAN be conditioned. honestly there are way too many benefits of cardio to list. It may not be the easiest way to lose weight that's for damn sure, but it's probably the healthiest way you can.


Sorry for ranting about your post I'm just throwing in my 2 cents. Your lifting routine looks great though no issues there :smile:


NP mate, I love discussing diet more than anything. No matter how much cardio you do, weight loss is almost 100% based on your diet for many reasons: If you're eating a lot then cardio will actually make you gain weight, just like heavy lifting but slower gains. Your heart can definitely be conditioned, but it's been found over and over that it's healthiest to have moderate activity levels with fewer bursts of activity throughout the day. Your heat's pumping all the time, even when you sleep, and when you do heavy lifting you get more actual heart exercise during that time frame than from cardio. As well as having a huge metabolic boost from heavy lifting compared to only burning additional calories during workout from cardio.


My personal story is that my volleyball team placed 3rd in the world's largest outdoor volleyball tournament, at the time I was training vigorously in cardio for around 4 hours a day, 4 times a week, plus some jogging on top of that once in a while. During this time I had a pretty steady resting heart rate of at least 70 (really high for an athlete), with palpations, even though I was in awesome shape (I was running 5 miles in under 30 minutes at this time.) Now I'm about 230 lbs and I've gained a bit of fat because I'm eating a lot more to bulk, but my resting heart rate is about 45 bpm despite all that! I never get palpations that I used to get when I was doing a ton of cardio, I actually feel a lot healthier than I did back then, and I contribute it 100% to my diet change.


I've also taken people who don't exercise and helped them (from 20 year old men to 60 year old women) lose over 40 lbs per month: no exercise at all!


As far as nutrition is concerned, the only thing you could be deficient in while on this diet is phosphorous, but between some fish and a moderate amount of veggies you're taken care of as far as all vitamins/minerals. I actually prefer to go zero veggies too, because it releases a lot more serotonin and I am way happier all the time. All you need to do for a 100% meat diet is include some eggs or any organ meats at least once a week and you won't have any deficiencies at all, plenty of tribes in arctic areas rely 100% on meats for almost every month of the year.


If you're into counting macros then 80% fat 20% protein is about the ideal ratio. Man, I've tried everythinggg: vegan vegetarian pescetarian, paleo, raw food, south beach, atkins, etc. Honestly, I feel the best, look the best (took care of acne, toned me up, actually made my dick grow because I think I was testosterone deficient before! HAHA, awesome right!?) since I've been on a meat diet.


Consult your doctors before trying anything crazy, but if you just follow the rules from the OP then you'll cut weight for sure. And no, you won't regain it. Honestly if you just drink a cup or two of green tea in the morning you will lose fat, so no worries about bouncing back as long as you can drink some tea, haha

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I think we Irish drink moar Tynisa. ;)


Is green tea really that good? I have a pretty terrible diet, because I don't gain any weight/size from shitty food (genetic, all of my family are like me), I'm like a stick but without a doubt the biggest eater out of my friends. This leads to not the best fitness when you consider that I do quite a lot of training.


Anyway, this 80-120 second time under pressure method seems pretty solid, really feeling a lot more of a "burn" than just doing a shit-load in sets as fast as possible, lol. :P

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I think we Irish drink moar Tynisa. ;)


Is green tea really that good? I have a pretty terrible diet, because I don't gain any weight/size from shitty food (genetic, all of my family are like me), I'm like a stick but without a doubt the biggest eater out of my friends. This leads to not the best fitness when you consider that I do quite a lot of training.


Anyway, this 80-120 second time under pressure method seems pretty solid, really feeling a lot more of a "burn" than just doing a shit-load in sets as fast as possible, lol. :P


I'm 1/4 Irish and 1/4 English, so I'll be the mediator: I only drink Japanese green tea because it has less lead in it. Bahaha!!




Yeah man, if you need to lose fat then green tea is where it's at. Revs your metabolism like mad, if I drink more than one tea-bag I'm always sweating within 15 minutes of drinking it, haha.


I totally feel you bro; I love to eat junk and I eat a lot. I mean, I hate that I do it but I love it while I'm doing it, haha! The very best thing you can do for overall health is fasting, I've fasted a bunch of times for longer than 7 days and I've found that the most benefit is around day 3 of water-only. But, this is hard for a lot of people if they're not conditioned to burn their own fats for fuel (plus if you're bulking it's not a good idea because you'll be amino-starved and lose lean mass on top of fat.) The reason fasting's so beneficial for people like us, who eat shitty, is because after about 18 hours of no food our bodies go into a catabolic state that you clean yourself up during. During this time your body is scrounging around looking for things within itself to consume for fuel, you end up locating toxins that are isolated (on top of a thousand other benefits.)


If you're not really able to go 3 days, every month or so, without eating then there is another way that I've come to really love while I'm not bulking: Intermittent Fasting. Eating all my daily food within about 4 hours and then not eating for 18-20 hours during the rest of the day.


During IF I feel like I end up getting about the same cleanliness feeling within about a week as I do from fasting completely for 3 days. You don't get all the benefits, like entering a really heavy ketone state, but you can at least clean the toxins from your body this way. If you eat beef during your eat period you won't get as hungry, because there's about a 20 hour absorption time on beef protein-- if you're trying to bulk then make sure you get enough beef proteins so you don't amino starve (a protein shake that's beef-based is a good option if you're into shakes, but do water the rest of the time.)


If you do go the full-fasting route and take a 3+ day, then I'd highly recommend breaking the fast with a big ass salad. The insoluble fiber will push all the toxins out that have been moving into your colon. It's pretty crazy, if you wait like 5-9 days you'll end up getting these pure black shits of toxic goop, you'll feel sick right before you poop it out and then it's like, "Woah..I feel fucking awesome all of a sudden." and that's the moment that you fast for, which you can speed up by eating the salad to push it out. Even if you don't eat a salad-- Do not eat any nuts, bananas, oranges, or anything too sugary either when you get off the fast: You want to avoid the soluble fiber because that will put the gel like fiber all over your intestines and lock in/reabsorb the toxins you want to get out. And nothing sugary because your ketones will be at a good level so if you give yourself a rush of glucose your body kinda feels like it's been hit with a truck afterwards.


I doubt any of you want to start fasting, but if you do then let me know how it goes! It has all the benefits of being a vegetarian (catabolic state) without everyone thinking you're a douchebag, HAHA! Gah, I was a vegetarian for quite a while.. I never hark on something if I don't try it.. biggest mistake ever.. I felt great for the first month or two and then I realized my sex drive was basically non existent.. plus I just wasn't gaining muscle or losing fat, I was doing it right and eating the right proteins and such... I really did enjoy the clean feeling, but through fasting or IF I get that feeling (and a lot more of that feeling) while also reaping the benefits that you can get from other diets.

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