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Teach me stuff pls

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Im getting a new computer, or at least i SHOULD be getting a much better one soon, one that can run this piece of shit game.


Tell me the things i need to know, like when its out, who else is playing, and any other fun stuff you believe i need to know.


i cant be arsed to go searching other topcs, or research this stuff for myself.

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Guest More-Oh-Wind

I would recommend setting your characters age to under 18. It provides rediculous levels of broken invincibility. Literally no negative spell will even register on you. Of course you can't equip items... or cast spells... or fist fight... but still! Just run around the world collecting sky shards, and then take you and a wall of other kid characters and tie yourselves up in a giant weave, like a net. And catch enemies in your invincible "kid-net", or better yet, load up a whole buncha kids into a canon, and fling yourselves over the wall, obscuring vision, procing aoe and arrow effects, while your soldiers run in.


Or better yet; team up with a Dragon knight, have him use the chain special move on you, then use your immortal (until age 18) body at people, or even fire atronochs. Tying a kid to a chain sure saves on repair bills let me tell you. And using kid armor? It sure as heck weighs less than that deadric your sporting, and guess what? No repair bills.


Yes, defiantly remember to make a kid character. 

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I would recommend setting your characters age to under 18. It provides rediculous levels of broken invincibility. Literally no negative spell will even register on you. Of course you can't equip items... or cast spells... or fist fight... but still! Just run around the world collecting sky shards, and then take you and a wall of other kid characters and tie yourselves up in a giant weave, like a net. And catch enemies in your invincible "kid-net", or better yet, load up a whole buncha kids into a canon, and fling yourselves over the wall, obscuring vision, procing aoe and arrow effects, while your soldiers run in.


Or better yet; team up with a Dragon knight, have him use the chain special move on you, then use your immortal (until age 18) body at people, or even fire atronochs. Tying a kid to a chain sure saves on repair bills let me tell you. And using kid armor? It sure as heck weighs less than that deadric your sporting, and guess what? No repair bills.


Yes, defiantly remember to make a kid character. 


I see, this seems like a good idea for the clan.  We can also lure in un-suspecting older members of the community into believing they can have sex with us - but what they dont know is that we have the skyrim redguard police on our side, and they will arrest them for being a pedo.


seems like a good strat man, we do dis

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