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As you may have noticed, there have been some changes to the board index.

Here's an example so everyone knows what I'm talking about.

Posted Image

Group Name Indicator

This allows guests/new members to see our ranking hierarchy. The ranks are listed in order from highest (Clan Leader) to lowest (Applicant / Clan Friend). "Special" ranks - such as Founder/Admin - are not listed in the hierarchy because they're not normal clan ranks, and therefore not attainable for most members. The colors/images for several of the ranks were also updated.

I'll also explain the new addition of Rebel - Established Rebel - Exemplary Rebel.

Rebel is the normal "Member" rank. It's what everyone starts out at. After 250 posts, you are automatically promoted to Established Rebel. However, Exemplary Rebel can only be attained by standing out to the Council OR donating a certain amount (yet to be determined, probably like $10 for 6 months or something).

Users Online

Pretty self-explanatory. Lists everyone that's been online in the last 24 hours. (hint: we want this to be really high)

Future Updates

Awards System. :o

Shoutbox? Probably not.

http://community.inv...ry/127-ipboard/ List of possible modifications.

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