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Signature Request - Paypal Offered


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Hello everyone,


I'm looking for a signature, and willing to pay for it via verified paypal account.


What I'm looking for:

  • [*]Elder Scrolls [*]Ebonheart pact [*]Nightblade / stealth / assassin type male character (red eyes) [*]Dark Elf male character [*]Text: Faustus [*]Color Scheme: Dark colors to match the assassin type character along with the ebonheart theme. [*]Dark Brotherhood

Other notes:

  • [*]Doesn't necessarily have to satisfy everything listed above. [*]If you create a dark elf one, it doesn't necessarily have to the Elder Scrolls version of Dark Elfs, aslong as they look somewhat similar. The Dunmer in the Elder Scrolls look pretty standard so it shouldn't be that much of a problem. Just want their eyes to be red. [*]Will choose the best one I like

Image Examples:



Note: These images are not mine, just an idea of somethings I like. The rules here state you may not be able to use these, but I don't plan on using the signature on this forum. I'm not sure if that affects anything. May need to discuss this via pms.



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I'd be happy to try and make something for you. I wouldn't ask for money for it though (I've never heard of anyone asking for money to do signatures, since its fairly simple).


Do you have an idea of what size and dimensions you want the signature to be? Since signature sizes and rules for them on forums can vary quite a bit. Also just to be clear, did you want someone to design a character for the signature (as opposed to using an existing image)?


This is the most recent signature that I've done, and I did that at least a month ago.

Posted Image

There's some more in my gallery on this site also feel free to check out my deviantART page to get an idea of the other stuff I've done.

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