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How much does this fuck shit up?



So i am like level 10, and at level 3, cos im a fucking badass, i clear out the um .. vanaraara something cliffs, castle, some shit like that.


I do it with a bow and arrow, cos im a mother fucking genious, and it means i only had to tackle the big badass guy on his own - instead of fighting him i lured him to the top of the building, and knocked him off.  Im 99% sure it was a fluke, or a fuck up in the AI - he charged me and just went flying off the edge to his doom.


Anyway, whatever, thats not the problem.


I went to join the Companions guild, because even though i will probably never need most of the shit they give me, i think i might need the one handed trainer at some points - and hey, quests are fun!


First quest from .. um .. Vasomething guy, tells me to go kill the bandit leader - but the dumb shit tells me to kill the bandit leader i have already slain, WITHOUT the quest.  Idk, their news must be way old or some shit,


So i fast travel, to see the gay little arrow above the dead leaders head, and me getting no quest completed, i even take all his clothes off so he is now a dead butt naked guy in the river, but alas, still no quest complete.


Anyway, i fast travel back to whiterun, leg it back to the guild and get another quest - does it even matter that i dont think the other quest completed, or at least i never picked up any reward?




this is actually real, despite my bad way of telling it.

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I've heard of that happening. You can check to see if it was completed by looking under Quests in the start menu. As long as you were able to get another quest from the Companions it shouldn't be an issue... The problem is that sometimes the same thing happens when a quest is required and you aren't able to advance after it.

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Its in the "under" section of the quests bit, so if that means it counted as complete, then thats very nice.


I managed to carry on, so lets say i got lucky.


Are there any places i shouldn't just go and clear for fun, that can end up being important?


I've just killed my first dragon, if that gives you an idea of how far into the game i am - oh, i lie, i just did a quest to kill a skull staff thing, that was making people have bad dreams.

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Are there any places i shouldn't just go and clear for fun, that can end up being important?


You shouldn't worry about it. Starting quests generally triggers things related to the quest to appear, so going to an area prior to that won't cause any issues. There are probably a few exceptions but it's really not worth worrying about.


With that said, sometimes you will happen upon quest items in caves and such for quests you haven't started. If that happens and you take the item you'll just have it in an obscure section of your inventory until you go through its quest. So again, there's not really any reason to worry about it.


All in all the bugginess of the game is fairly overrated. You should have a few saves that you rotate through when saving, but chances are you won't have any (or at least many) serious issues. I personally haven't ever ran into something that broke a quest line (knock on wood) and I've done all of them.

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