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To all you naysayers...

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First, let me ask you something.


Question 1---


Does this:


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Really look like this?


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No It doesn't. So stfu. Stop saying its cartoony and looks like World of Warcraft.


Question 2---


Do you think ESO will crash the Elder Scroll series?


If you said yes, you were sadly mistaken.


ESO is not being made by Bethesda, which can mean two things:


A ) It possibly wont be a buggy pile of horse-crap


B ) It has no relevance to the main series, and will not effect future titles.


- - - - - - - -


On a side note, what I've seen of ESO isn't lorebreaking whatsoever. The team has worked in-depth with the creators, and using all lore sources from the games to bring about a lore-friendly, cool game world.


So please, If you have something negative to say about this game, keep it to yourself.


You're just going to buy it anyway.

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ESO is not being made by Bethesda, which can mean two things:


A ) It possibly wont be a buggy pile of horse-crap


I don't know why Bethesda gets so much hate, especially for having "buggy" games. With all of the freedom and different options your character can take, there is an absolutely insane magnitude of things that can clash, contradict, and lead to bugs.


They're the only developer that even attempts sandbox games of the TES magnitude. For all of the complexity involved they're definitely a triple-A developer just for getting it to work at all. Anyone can make a linear FPS or scripted plat-former bug free.


tl;dr Bethesda is the best developer I know of and shouldn't get as much hate as they do.


As far as the graphics it's too early for my to judge either way.

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Well I felt that I had to get that off my chest.


I hardly ever get ticked off but when I look at any ESO video, I see so much hate generated.


I normally feel compelled to say:


"Ikr. A game that is beautiful, detailed, and has earned so many near perfect scores must be a terrible game.




They shouldn't even be judging it in the first place, especially since they haven't played it.

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They're the only developer that even attempts sandbox games of the TES magnitude.

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As you were saying?


Anyway, while I don't hate Bethesda, I can see where the hate is coming from. They have already released their last Skyrim patch, and there are STILL several glitches left unfixed, namely getting multiple Drain Vitality shouts, and the fact that Brand Shai NEVER gets out of prison. Nonetheless, I look forward to what they have in store in the future.

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As you were saying?


Anyway, while I don't hate Bethesda, I can see where the hate is coming from. They have already released their last Skyrim patch, and there are STILL several glitches left unfixed, namely getting multiple Drain Vitality shouts, and the fact that Brand Shai NEVER gets out of prison. Nonetheless, I look forward to what they have in store in the future.


I'm not saying those aren't good/great games, but none of them are even as complex as Oblivion. It's not about being an open-world necessarily, it's about all of the interconnecting things you can affect. A small example being how you can change the roles/schedules/factions of hundreds of NPCs that in turn alter a great deal of quests, dialogue options, etc.

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