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One Person can Become the Emperor of Tamriel in ESO

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If a faction conquerors the Imperial City, its top player is crowned the sole Emperor of Tamriel.




Featuring three-sided Player vs. Player (PvP) gameplay, The Elder Scrolls Online supports hundreds of players on screen at once in an open world fight for control of Cyrodiil. Seize, hold, and control the resources of massive strongholds. Utilize massive siege weapons to crumble fortress walls and smash through fortified gates.  Conquer the Imperial City, and your alliance’s top player could even be crowned Emperor!


The Emperor even acquires unique perks and bonuses apprently, though I'm not sure what they are.


Cool tidbit. I can't imagine what the competition is going to be like for that; it would be insanely cool to be the sole Emperor over all of the other players.

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I generally don't like this system. I'll reserve judgement until it plays out... but I'm skeptic of it as of now. Generally in most MMO's I've played, time invested often = top player. There are exceptions to this, such as arenas and matchmaking systems... but in this case, it's more like DAoC or classic WoW, where just because you were RR10 or Grand Marshal, did NOT mean you were deserving of such a title lol... it was simply time invested. 


That could be some jealousy talking, since I didn't have enough time to invest... but I don't know. We'll see.

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I generally don't like this system. I'll reserve judgement until it plays out... but I'm skeptic of it as of now. Generally in most MMO's I've played, time invested often = top player. There are exceptions to this, such as arenas and matchmaking systems... but in this case, it's more like DAoC or classic WoW, where just because you were RR10 or Grand Marshal, did NOT mean you were deserving of such a title lol... it was simply time invested. 


That could be some jealousy talking, since I didn't have enough time to invest... but I don't know. We'll see.


Yeah, that can be frustrating. There's really not much else they can do to determine who is the "most deserving," though. We'll see, they might surprise us. 


It's probably pretty safe to say that the turnover rate of the position will be so fast it most likely won't matter much. Of course that all comes back to how well they balance the faction v. faction system.

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Personally I'd like the system to be the player who was most active in the seige to become emperor. Or rather, the guy who has the most underlings active in the war, and that boosts him up. If you are to be crowned emperor in the seige, you would have had to be active in at least 4 battles in the past.


I don't think the thing has to do with arenas or badges, just how much effort you've put into the war.


One thing I wonder about is the whole guild-involvement. If a guild member has been the most active in the war, will he become his GM's superior, or will the guild kills add up and automatically crown the GM? And if the GM is crowned, will he be able to appoint his guildies positions in his court, and/or will they be able to recieve special perks as well (more than the other members of the alliance)?


I guess these questions will be answered when the game comes out.

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Someone is going to find out how to game the system and become emperor by something dumb and so minute it gets overlooked, like clicking on a workbench which "Makes bandages for troops, improves defense strength"


and then trains his 4 year old to right click that bench for hours and hours on end. "Kiddo, if I become emperor, you get to go to disneyland!"

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