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Gaming Wishlist for 2013


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I know E3 still has a few hours left as of posting, but anyway.


What games have you in mind to get this year, like at Christmas and such?


  • [*]
Battlefield 4 - Pretty awesome! [*]CoD: Ghosts - Yes I know, I know; but I'm only getting it after playing it if it's really worth it, new engine might actually mean something [*]Titanfall - It's supposedly coming to PC, so might get this one. [*]Watch Dogs - This just looks amazing. [*]Thief - Not sure, it looks like fun, so maybe if I have the money. [*]ESO - Bet you didn't expect that... [*]GTA V - #BeastMode [*]Drive Club - Maybe, IF I get PS4.

Definitely not getting them all, just some I've had my mind on. Some aren't even out until Spring of 2014 anyway. And I haven't even looked at everything.


Not getting PS4 either, unless my brother gets me one. 

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