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Parents Just Got a Miniature American Eskimo Dog


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Always been a fan of big dogs as opposed to yippy ankle biters, so I'm not sure what to think. It's pretty emasculating. They also told me I have to take care of it for 2 weeks alone since they're going on vacation, which is the hellish time of taking it outside every hour and letting it sleep by you.


The following pictures are of the breed, not the actual dog. Might add some actual later if there's any interest.


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I never really cared for dogs. In fact I used to have fobia against them. Not anymore though. I did see a large dog attack a little girl as a kid though. I still prefer large dogs over those puny little dogs. Cats are way better though. So intelligent and can take care of themselves. Doesn't demand much.

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dogs > cats any day


I own one of each. cats are completely oblivious to human emotion opposed to dogs which are much more sensitive in my opinion. I also don't see cats defending their houses from intruders... even a small ankle biter can wake you up if someone walks in. my dog gets excited and playful when i get home but the most i get out of my cat is a meow at best. 


this doesn't mean i hate cats, for example if i put my cat on my stomach she starts massaging me. playing with cats is also fun (when they actually play). 

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