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This game major success or major fail?

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When my friends first told me about this I thought it would completely fail now I have heard abit about it I really am not sure. Elder scrolls rpg turned into an online experience! There are countless ways this could go wrong. I hope zenimax have done a good job. What do u guys think? I am just not sure:/

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It should be successful. There's definitely people who are going to go into it expecting a TES 6 single player experience and end up disappointed, but what can you do? 


Guess it depends what you consider "failing." Is it going to be as successful as Skyrim? Probably not, but it's not going to completely tank and shut down either.

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By fail I meant people getting board of it quickly and running out of content. With skyrim I ran out of content within 100 hours of gameplay. Being honest its the dlc that keeps me playing it. I never had that problem with oblivion. And side quests were really boring in skyrim. I hope they focused more on the story lines this time. The quests ranged from spying for this mad wood elf whos convinced people are spying on him to helping a community of shops get back in buisness because they were being under cut. I was sucked in so much more oh and dont even get me started about guilds....quests in oblivion I was talking about btw

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It's hard to say at this point. It all depends on how the end game content is. 


It's a TES game - tons of people are going to buy and play it for the story if nothing else. Once they finish the main quests / story-lines, it becomes a matter of whether or not there's enough high-level content to keep people busy. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be GW2 / Diablo III where it's active for a few months and then just completely dies because there's no end-game.


Worst case for ESO, in my opinion, is that it can't keep people engaged long term.

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Couldn't have put it better myself! I guess its a hard one to tackle because with these open world rpg's u can do what u want whenever u want so if u do lots of side quests early and then finnish all of the main content u will be left with the quests that just are not that fun. This was skyrims biggest problem. Then I guess its a rare occasion when bethesda right good storylines. Those being fallout 3, oblivion and morrowind yet even oblivion wasnt amazing. I just hope zenimax do a good job

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err mer gerdIt just got 2 my head how much f*****g content this game will have! Not just one but 3 provinces at a time! And after u finnish there onto the next 3 and the next! I am such a dumbass. My estimation is 75 enjoyable hours of gameplay per province 75 times 9.....er off the top of my head 675 hours of enjoyable gameplay! I will be at this for ages my only concern now is if the storylines are goodyep just checked 675:D

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