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Guest Redmark


Guest Redmark

Ok , I'm having a problem related to attack fromGibbering Lunatic and another of the sort . Each time I get attacked by these idiots , they either become a wolf or a bear (lycanthrope form of course) .The thing is , I'm suspecting a mod of doing the nasty to my game . In this case , I would think that the wolf mod that I added may have altered the number of encounter .But before I point an accusatory finger to the guilty mod , I would like to know if it's a normal behavior in the game or if it's a possibility that a mod screw up this .What is wrong ?The gibbering Lunatic - they spawn everywhere . One at a time of course , but it is still annoying like hell . They even spawn inside a Dungeon ! and after I kill it , usually 2 Vigilant warriors come running to kill it (kinda late) and they follow me for a time . And no I'm not a werewolf !This so far I can live with , but the reason why I need to figure out is when they start killing NPC .I do have mods like run for your lives (for dragons attack and Vampires) . But these lunatics attack happen anywhere and any time of the day . It's very random !The mod I think that *may* have done something is : Moonlight TalesThank you .

P.S: I have all DLC installed .

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