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Theoretical new level cap

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While our Wonderful Eldersoulers continue to Legendary their skills, doing a small chunk of research has lead me to learn that while there being no set cap, the player officially will acquire EVERY perk in the game at level 251.If they did not patch the Restoration glitch, this could theoretically be reached in a single day if you are so inclined. Even with Legendary, this may ruin the game. I will later comment how many Legendary reca


EDIT: I will later comment how many Legendary "recaps" it'll take to hit this massively daunting number. My guess will be that it will take a rather long time but i'll sacrifice one of my 81's to power level him to 251. Wish me luck!

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lol my bad, umm well with the Restoration glitch (or even if you quickly unpatched) you could make an enchantment for a ring that increases your Alchemy potentcy and Smithing strength to go from directly 15 to 100 in one temperment/potion. you could simply do a rotation and with an enchanting potion and would be able to continuously reset it over and over again after the rotation. This is just my theory.


so broken down, looks like this:

  • [*]use alchemy to craft a ridiculous enchanting potion (Such as +1,000,000%) and make two. (in case of mess ups) [*]go to your enchanting table and make an Alchemy & Smithing Ring. [*]Reset your Smithing first, to make sure it works, then if it does, make a set of alchemy armor to keep your alchemy % up. then reset that after it's made.

*Note*: Now no matter what your alchemy and Smithing will be extremely high.

  • [*]Rinse and repeat and you'll be able to reset at least your Alchemy and Smithing about every minute or so, depending how much materials you have, along with how fast you can manuver.

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  On 4/9/2013 at 7:19 PM, Unknown ProbLem said:



Yeah, I heard of that glitch, my bad. I forgot that you could level up the same skill over and over again, and was wondering how that would help to increase skills besides smithing and alchemy. Of course, I just realized you could just focus on smithing and alchemy for level ups.

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  On 4/9/2013 at 11:18 PM, Unknown ProbLem said:

Started at 3:00Pm CST, as of 6:17pm CST, I am level 230 with Legendary 100 Smithing at level 1003 hours and 55 minutes later, I have reached level 251.Total stats are Legendary 20 Alchemy, Legendary 125 Smithing. Lol

Sounds like I have a busy Sunday when I get back from vacation.

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