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TES Really Unbalanced in Races

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Is it me, or are the different races of TES rather... Unbalanced, for lack of a better word.


3 elf races.

    [*]Altmer [*]Bosmer [*]Dunmer

4 human races, 3 of which look pretty much identical (in appearance).

    [*]Breton [*]Imperial [*]Nord [*]Redguard

3 randoms.

    [*]Orc [*]Argonian [*]Khajiit

Why are there 3 elf and 4 human races? Race-specific powers and abilities have generally overlapped in TES games and made one specific race noticeably better at it's role than those of other race groups (i.e. Altmer master mage race in Oblivion, Breton = useless).


Most casual players can't tell the difference between the three elves or the 4 human groups. Yeah, TES isn't made for casual players, but still. On one side you have three races (Orc, Argonian, Khajiit) that are so extremely different they almost look out of place in a fantasy game. Meanwhile, the other 7 are almost identical to others in their wider group.




I'm not really complaining about the universe so much as questioning why things are the way they are. Yeah, it's all sacred, untouchable lore now, but when this was all being thought-up in the beginning... Why?


This topic is only half serious, but yeah.

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Dwarves went extict, don't you know the lore? Many speculate that they tried to become gods and were destroyed by the Daedric Princes.


As for differences between races, you seriously think it's hard to tell the difference between Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer? As for the human races, I can see why people would get Breton and Imperial males confused, but the females have a noticeable height difference, and Redguards and Nords look COMPLETELY different.


I like the different races, personally. They easily outclass the human/elf/dwarf layout of most fantasy. In fact, they've inspired me to make my own races in my D&D world Cicigia. So, far, I've created three.


Humans. They have different skin colors depending on the region. Pretty typical.


The Birdlinx Race is, as you would expect, a mix between man and bird. They are asexual, but they resemble human males in appearance. They have high pitched voices, aerodynamic bones, and are good with elemental magic. In fact, their society runs almost completely off of magic, consisting of platforms on top of towering pillars.


The Jacrionic Race is a bit closer to humans. Mating is polygamic, with 1 male for every 5 females. Their body structure is also very different. The females are, on average, 5'3'', and are very muscular. They are stronger than the males. The males are, on average, 6'6'', and are tall and thin. The males are among the most intelligent of any race on Cicigia. The culture is on a continent away from the other races, and they therefore do not know about the magical arts that the Humans and Birdlinx have discovered. Instead, they have discovered a method of magic that involves runestones. The brainpower needed is so great that only the Jacrionic males can pull this type of magic off. Not even the Birdlinx can use runestone magic.


In case you're wondering, the traditional magic system in Cicigia involves males using elemental magic and the females using necromancy. I came up with this by studying the differences between the male and female anatomy. Elemental magic requires thick bones to channel energy, and men have thicker bones. Necromancy requires a strong connection with the sides of the brain, and women have stronger connections between the left and right sides. (The male brain is a bit more structured, focusing its energy on one side at a time.)

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Dwarves went extict, don't you know the lore? Many speculate that they tried to become gods and were destroyed by the Daedric Princes.


I said in the OP that this is meant to ignore lore. For example, why would the original designers who created the TES universe have done this in the first place? I realize why they don't change things like this in-between games now that it's been established; but why was it established as such originally?


As for differences between races, you seriously think it's hard to tell the difference between Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer? As for the human races, I can see why people would get Breton and Imperial males confused, but the females have a noticeable height difference, and Redguards and Nords look COMPLETELY different.

Like I said, people that have only played one TES game as a Nord character aren't going to think about the differences when they casually stroll by a lone elf. They're going to be like, "Hey, look, an elf."


It's not that the differences are unrecognizable, I'm asking why have three "elf" groups at all. Argonians actually vary in appearance much more than most elves of different races, yet there is only one Argonian race.


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It's not that the differences are unrecognizable, I'm asking why have three "elf" groups at all. Argonians actually vary in appearance much more than most elves of different races, yet there is only one Argonian race.

What I find interesting about Argonians is that they are the only race in which I find the males to be "hotter" than the females, so to speak. The males have smooth voices and calmer, more prominent facial features, while the females are just hideous all around.

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What I find interesting about Argonians is that they are the only race in which I find the males to be "hotter" than the females, so to speak. The males have smooth voices and calmer, more prominent facial features, while the females are just hideous all around.


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What I find interesting about Argonians is that they are the only race in which I find the males to be "hotter" than the females, so to speak. The males have smooth voices and calmer, more prominent facial features, while the females are just hideous all around.

What is this I don't even

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Admit it, you find the female argonians hideous as well. At least the males look somewhat attractive.

vocal wise i have to agree, the female argonians sound like chain smokers...


As for the races there are pretty much only 4 playble races: human, Mer, argonian, khajiit (although some say that the Khajiit were origanlly a form of mer to begin with). if you go into the human race for ex. you see: Nord, Breton, Imperiel, and redguard. these would be sub-races, or diferent cultures of the humans. Nords get resist cold, and make good warriors because the geology and cultrure favors those traits.... the same could be for the mer.


when it comes to dwarfs, I too was kind of diapointed when i found out they where not the short bearded people, when i first played TES (morrowind) I guess it was bethesda thinking outside the box?

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As for the races there are pretty much only 4 playble races: human, Mer, argonian, khajiit (although some say that the Khajiit were origanlly a form of mer to begin with).

It's actually three, if you look at it that way.

Man-Nord, Redguard, Breton, Imperial

Mer-High Elves, Orcs, Dark Elves, Wood Elves

Beast-Khajiit, Argonian


I have also never heard of this Khajiit theory. I had always heard that Man developed on Atmora (except for Redguards, who developed in a western continent,) while Mer developed in a southern continent. The Argonians and Khajiits were the only original inhabitants of Tamriel.

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It's actually three, if you look at it that way.

Man-Nord, Redguard, Breton, Imperial

Mer-High Elves, Orcs, Dark Elves, Wood Elves

Beast-Khajiit, Argonian


I have also never heard of this Khajiit theory. I had always heard that Man developed on Atmora (except for Redguards, who developed in a western continent,) while Mer developed in a southern continent. The Argonians and Khajiits were the only original inhabitants of Tamriel.


Technically speaking the argonians and Khajiit are not the same race.

As for the Khajiit being a form of Mer, was just a romar/ theory (In Arena the Khajiit were more elf looking. It had somthing to do with the moons that changed how cat like they looked)

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