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Answering ESO Combat Questions

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Today’s update to ElderScrollsOnline.com includes an ‘Ask Us Anything’ focusing on the game’s combat. Keyboard controls, soft targeting, and whether or not dedicated tanks and healers are required for an raids are discussed.

Below is but a sampling of the extensive Q&A:

In the introduction video you say that you can start with PvP at an early level. Will you be able to level up through PvP? – By Jan Schuh

Yes, currently you can start leveling via PvP in Cyrodiil at level 10.

Visit ElderScrollsOnline.com to learn more.

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CBA to read, I want movies to show us how stuff works, not articles.


I'm usually the opposite. Can't stand when Yahoo/MSN post a news link that leads to a video without article text. Usually just instantly exit; if not, I spend 10mins trying to find and jump to the important part in a 3 minute video.


Moar articles.

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