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Character build ideas?

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I'm going to assume you can't just make one build and then be amazing at everything by the time you are a high level like in Skyrim - but anyway, any ideas on builds?


I'm thinking of some stealthy Khajit, because they are awesome, maybe just for exploring and storyline anyway. Although, for PvP or whatever, I think a High Elf mage would be awesome.


Pretty bored of just running around with a sword. :P

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No, what meant by running around with a sword, was a warrior Nord with a shield and heavy armour, or something to that effect. Unless you're planning to do the same with Khajiits, I was thinking of a light-armoured two-handed stealthy build. At least that's what I tried my last run through of Skyrim, worked out well for me, but sure if it was the best though.


I heard that the combat mechanics are supposed to actually be pretty balanced, but that could all be bullshit.

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I heard that the combat mechanics are supposed to actually be pretty balanced, but that could all be bullshit.


Where'd you hear that? There seems to be a lot of rumors out despite the game not even being in beta yet. For all we know it could be awful since Bethesda isn't even developing it.

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Where'd you hear that? There seems to be a lot of rumors out despite the game not even being in beta yet. For all we know it could be awful since Bethesda isn't even developing it.


I really can't remember. Probably on some YouTube video. Whether the combat mechanics will be balanced or not, I'm confident that Zenimax will provide a complicated system where teamwork is essential, strategic wise. Also, watched this vid of someone who got to play the Alpha version, supposed to be amazing.

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  • 1 year later...

My idea was a redguard in med armor with a res or des staff ,sorroccer and using the Stam reg to fuel the dark exchange thus booko spells fired but feel like this concept could use some tweeks

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Hello Everyone, I have been looking for a good site to discuss builds and see what others thought as well.  This last beta weekend I actually grouped up with a tank mage which was pretty dang good, and a nightblade healer.  I'm new to TESO and didn’t really play much Skyrim so this is all new to me.  I'm thinking about solo leveling a nightblade with some points in self-heal in hopes to sufficiently dish out enough damage.


I soloed a Templar healer which didn’t end that well due to my ignorance in distributing points through 3 trees instead of focusing on 1 maybe 2.  So for the quest where you have to kill the huge skeleton boss guy while he walks back and forth healing himself in the lava, that took me 45 min to solo only to find out I COULD BE IN A DANG PARTY lol so yea i felt pretty dumb after that.  I got to play around with the nightblade a little but not much and enjoyed it.  So my plan is to solo a nightblade and play as a healing Templar with a friend on the side.  I'm on the hunt for some good discussions: D


thank you for letting me type all of this out and look forward to some more discussions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Breton, Mage, duel wield dagger sword, secondary wepon lightning staff(for ranged attacks from keep walls in pvp), heavy armor, lightning spells, and few fighters guild perks for fighting werwolfs and vampires in pvp

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Altmer Vampire Nightblade Sniper. Having the magicka passives from Altmer and Vampire will mean I can put all my points into Stamina pretty much for even bigger SNIPE bow damage, and the fact if you dont feed for days you get stage 4 vampirism and all magicka abilities cost 60% LESS!!!! I plan on going MARK TARGET + SNIPE for awesome opener damage from far away. Once the 3 second charge time on snipe is done and fired then I will use shadow cloak if needed or sneak right away so I am invisible again and then I will use SNIPE again.  I have Essence drain for emergencies if people get close to me which stuns for 3 seconds and drains there resources and heals me for 150% of the damage done.  for my ULTIMATE I will use Bat swarm probably morphed into the one that sends bats everywhere around you doing good AOE damage and makes you invisible for 5 seconds. The other Morph of the vampire ult heals you for targets hit but I see it more as a tank version and since the other version makes you invisible you can just go right into Shadow cloak once the ultimate is almost done and then sneak away and SNIPE them again or w/e abilities you want to use.  One Vs One the SNIPER build is going to win pretty much all fights in my opinion.

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