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I Have Become One with the Internet


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The reason that I can't say that I'm truly a man of the interwebs, is that I don't like 4chan. Also, I think a lot in English. Sometimes, I think in German. But I fail, since I can't really speak German.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure a lot of people aren't huge fans of 4chan. I wasn't trying to link this to 4chan through the gif (If that's what you were talking about) anyway, I just think it's hilarious and perfectly captures my attitude on most things.


Do you actively try to think in English, or do you just catch yourself doing it? It's probably hard for a lot of Americans like myself to understand since learning 2nd languages in uncommon, and I can't really think in mine since it's dead (Latin).

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Being unable to use the internet for tasks as simple as bloody using a blog, puzzles me. Lol. Seriously though, how can you get to that age and not have a decent understanding of computers/internet.  :pinch:


Also, can't ever imagine thinking in another language, even Irish for me. Lol. I would say I'm become fluent with the internet, although that sounds a bit weird, but I don't really use the internet 24/7 anymore like I used to. Now I post on some forums, Facebook and just Google shit I need I guess.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure a lot of people aren't huge fans of 4chan. I wasn't trying to link this to 4chan through the gif (If that's what you were talking about) anyway, I just think it's hilarious and perfectly captures my attitude on most things.


Do you actively try to think in English, or do you just catch yourself doing it? It's probably hard for a lot of Americans like myself to understand since learning 2nd languages in uncommon, and I can't really think in mine since it's dead (Latin).

No, I didn't think you tried to link it to 4chan. I have seen the .gif before, and most other things like that which have been famous at some point. But 4chan confuse me, and I don't really see the fun it, except possibly occasionally see something funny. 


Yes, I randomly start thinking in English. And German. But as I said before, I quit thinking in German immediately, since I can't really speak it. I can keep thinking in English for quite some time though. When I'm on the English interwebs, I sorta go over to thinking in English, although when I don't know the English word, I start thinking in Norwegian, and everything is ruined.

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nah 4chan is great you just have to know the right boards. /sp/, /mu/, and /r9k/ are the funniest and /b/ is probably the worst

/b/ is basically the only one I've ever looked at, mainly because of its reputation. I'm always pretty disappointed; it's just flat-out not that funny most of the time. It's not like they've really churned out memes recently either.


I was surprised when I saw you pop-in, by the way. Welcome back.


Our Admin, ladies and gentlemen.


Roommate had a similar experience. He already graduated from NCSU and is going to Wake Tech to pick up some classes he needs for something or another. Anyway, it took a whole class period to get people to set up a school email.


Sigh. Yeah. Sadly the only attractive girl in the class produced about 75% of my hilarious quotes, so now I have nothing to use as a distraction unless I can get over what I'm assuming is a mild learning disability.


Actually, what am I saying? Does anyone actually go for intelligence?

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Sigh. Yeah. Sadly the only attractive girl in the class produced about 75% of my hilarious quotes, so now I have nothing to use as a distraction unless I can get over what I'm assuming is a mild learning disability.


Actually, what am I saying? Does anyone actually go for intelligence?


Fuck no LOL


Posted Image


What gets me is when i download add ons for a program or something that i thinks easy to do, my friends go oh how did you do that, I send them the guide I used and they cant make heads or tails of it...

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/b/ is basically the only one I've ever looked at, mainly because of its reputation. I'm always pretty disappointed; it's just flat-out not that funny most of the time. It's not like they've really churned out memes recently either.


I was surprised when I saw you pop-in, by the way. Welcome back.



Sigh. Yeah. Sadly the only attractive girl in the class produced about 75% of my hilarious quotes, so now I have nothing to use as a distraction unless I can get over what I'm assuming is a mild learning disability.


Actually, what am I saying? Does anyone actually go for intelligence?


i go for bangs

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